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Topic: AAC (ADTS/ADIF) suggestions (Read 5274 times) previous topic - next topic
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AAC (ADTS/ADIF) suggestions


There are a couple of things which would be really great to have in foobar2000:

1. The ability to convert AAC files between ADTS and ADIF formats. As far as I know, no freely-available software can do that. (Someone tell me if I'm wrong!) Apparently ADTS "wastes" 2-3kbps compared to MP4, probably more compared to ADIF.

ADIF format files are smaller than ADTS ones, and every KB saved helps for flash-based personal audio players. My player works with both ADTS and ADIF AAC files, so I want to convert the tracks I have ripped from ADTS to ADIF format, while preserving ID3v2 tag data. (My player doesn't work with MP4 files, at least not with the ones I tried.)

For some info on the differences between ADTS and ADIF, see and

2. The ability to write ID3 tags to AAC files. My audio player supports ID3 v2 tags (maybe v1 too) in AAC files, but fb2k only writes APE tags, removing any ID3v2 tag which might be present. There's an option in Playback->Inputs->Standard Inputs to select the tag type(s) to write to MP3 files, but that doesn't apply to AAC files.

-- M