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Topic: Scheduled Hydrogenaudio server maintenance (Read 7415 times) previous topic - next topic
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Scheduled Hydrogenaudio server maintenance

Hello everyone,
I'll be doing Hydrogenaudio web server maintenance early next week. Expect momentary downtime of the forum and wiki around Monday (6th June).
That said, I'll do my best to minimize the downtime and resume normal operation as soon as possible.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: Scheduled Hydrogenaudio server maintenance

Reply #1
...and it looks like we're back!  Thanks, Peter.  :)

Re: Scheduled Hydrogenaudio server maintenance

Reply #2
The hydrogenaudio svg logo has shrunk to unreadable. I guess most of us still know where we are.

Re: Scheduled Hydrogenaudio server maintenance

Reply #3
Sorry about the downtime, there were some unexpected glitches with HTTPS configuration, I have it all under control now.

Logo restored, please report if anything else doesn't look right - apparently some customizations got lost in ElkArte upgrade.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: Scheduled Hydrogenaudio server maintenance

Reply #4
Hi, thank you for your hard work!
I had a hard time finding HA from the bookmark because the favicon has changed to a green Elk Arte icon.

Re: Scheduled Hydrogenaudio server maintenance

Reply #5
Wrong favicon was there only for a short period of time, clearing cache (or re-adding bookmark) should fix it.

All should be working normally by now, some glitches related to search, new user registration (reCaptcha) and issues with outgoing confirmation emails were addressed today.

I'll be moving HA wiki to the new host tomorrow, but since I set up the server it runs on now it should go smoothly.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: Scheduled Hydrogenaudio server maintenance

Reply #6
No more (HA wiki / Wayback Machine)

Re: Scheduled Hydrogenaudio server maintenance

Reply #7
Wrong favicon was there only for a short period of time, clearing cache (or re-adding bookmark) should fix it.
Confirmed on Firefox 101.0.1 on Windows 10.  Thanks a lot.

Re: Scheduled Hydrogenaudio server maintenance

Reply #8
No more (HA wiki / Wayback Machine)
Just restored old content of:

DNS records were still pointing at a dead IP of some old server instance so it might take a while before you can access them.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: Scheduled Hydrogenaudio server maintenance

Reply #9
Thank you Peter!

Re: Scheduled Hydrogenaudio server maintenance

Reply #10
Don't know if it is intentional or not, but since the update I cannot upload anything apart from pictures.

Re: Scheduled Hydrogenaudio server maintenance

Reply #11
I noticed the 16 per post Restrictions yesterday also........ forgot to post about it.


Re: Scheduled Hydrogenaudio server maintenance

Reply #12
IIRC "16 per post" was there before the update, the main issue is I cannot upload anything apart from pictures. When uploading flac and 7z files it always says "maximum attachment size allowed is 0 KB."