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MP3 - Tech / Re: Current status of MP3 encoders
Last post by darkalex -
Pardon, but aren't these those killer, hard-to-encode samples, and not real life music?
These were indeed hard-to-encode samples and at the same time they are real life music. Nos synthetic frequency sweeps.  Still, these were killer samples for MP3 (at least for V2) but not so for AAC.   ;)
Still I agree with you that "aac easily beats mp3" at 256 kbps is exageration.  It's well accepted here that LAME V2 (192 kbps) produces transparent results for wide public.  So it's ok if some  well trained listeners like Kamedo2, IgorC, Guruboolez can perform blind tests at higher bitrates. 

Yet there is strong evidence that AAC 96 kbps outperforms MP3 128 kbps
Kamedo2 tests also confirm that AAC 192 is better than LAME MP3 192 kbps, but again he is extremely trained listener.

It might be time for organizing public ABX testing, we do have some new codecs.
I can see only two xHE-AAC encoders (exhale and Poikosoft/FhG) and their popularity is still low.
  • MP3 - Lame/Helix. No quality changes since last public tests
  • AAC - Apple is still the best AAC encoder already for 20 years
  • Aotuv Vorbis, Musepack - no change
  • Opus - no change, except speech quality at very low bitrate, I don't think  here folks will be too excited to test it at that low bitrate.

I'm not the kind to pick up my daw and start ABX'ing rn because I'm a bit too occupied to do that all for proving my point, but I can assure you, that a few years ago when I had not much idea about AAC/MP3 encoding or what I preferred (back then it was all about compatiblity and not necessarily "choice")

I always went with AAC except in situations where AAC won't run on the device... in my hifi system as well, my chain is transparent class AB, feeding from my foobar straight to the DAC exclusively, AAC always sounds better... just like the public tests confirm...

Apple AAC - the best

The point being, it's been 20 years since that encoder came, and more like 15 years since it has had no updates... and I find it very hard to believe that it can't be improved further with the tech we have today... it's just not reasonable yk?

PCM is decades old yes I know, but it's not a model, it's uncompressed... this is compression and psychoacoustic modelling... and it's kinda hard to believe that AAC or MP3 can't be improved further...

We may be 98% there, but there's still a 2% chance I believe in, especially for MP3... don't quote me on the 2% etc numbers, they're pulled out of air just to express my point, but ykwim..

We have AoTuV for Ogg... maybe something like this for LAME?
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JScript Panel
Last post by sveakul -
Since 3.7.0, images are left untouched because the script only loads one image in memory at once (strictly speaking 2 - the other being the same image cloned and blurred for the background).

Previous versions loaded all images in a given folder at once which is quite inefficient although mostly harmless for's mostly low quality images. It could be problematic on higher quality custom images.
Thanks for the explanation, good change.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Biography Discussion
Last post by sveakul -
You link to a Russian site that I have no idea about?!
Is the component for WilB's Biography?
Rather show a link to the component found here on
It's a substitute java "base" plugin that can run plugins using either SMP or Javascript 3 components even though their java types differ (,116669.msg1051776.html#msg1051776).  The link is in Russia because that's where the developer lives.  If you like you can download from the links on the Japanese Foobar Wiki site:
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Spider Monkey Panel (foo_spider_monkey_panel)
Last post by regor -
So far I have only found one minor incompatibility with RegExps since the new JSplitter SMP version uses ES2021, not ES2019. That means it even allows more modern code than before.

I'm updating my scripts with a minor polyfill for that incompatibility and it should work fine on any SMP/JSplitter version.
General - (fb2k) / Re: output/outgoing sample rate
Last post by papavlos -
As far as I can tell,  %samplerate%  provides the track/source/file sample rate.
Checked - yes, you are right. So my previous post doesn't actually respond to your need.

Anything that comes to my mind is a piece of software attached to the actual sound device.
If using a DAC driven by Thesycon USB Audio 2.0 Class Driver for Windows then you can always open the driver window and find current sampling rate the of the stream incoming to the device.
General - (fb2k) / Re: Foobar2000 player setup
Last post by palheta -
...What should I do?
Give some more information about you setup, as there are many things you can do, depending of your setup.

What else do you need to know? I am not sure what to say.

Foobar is installed in Windows 10, and lately I have tried to make Foobar to work in Ethernet network to another Foobar installed in my Nvidia Shield Pro TV Android box.