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Topic: How to convert a whole directory with various formats to OGG through ffmpeg. (Read 3378 times) previous topic - next topic
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How to convert a whole directory with various formats to OGG through ffmpeg.

How to convert a whole directory with various formats to OGG 192kbps through ffmpeg? I tried all solutions in internet but they didnt worked for me or i dont understand them. I would like to make a batch file for that. Any suggestions? For any help i'll be grateful.

Re: How to convert a whole directory with various formats to OGG through ffmpeg.

Reply #1
for /r %a in (*.*) do ffmpeg -i "%a" -acodec libvorbis -q:a 6 -f oga "%~pna.ogg"

Use '%%a' instead of '%a' in batch file.
Add '-y' switch if you want to overwrite existing ogg files.
Add '& del "%a"' if you want to delete original files.
gold plated toslink fan

Re: How to convert a whole directory with various formats to OGG through ffmpeg.

Reply #2
I created a batch file with as explained above but it doesn't seem to work when i click on it. Where i have to place that batch file? That's what exist in that file: for /r %%a in (*.*) do ffmpeg -i "%%a" -acodec libvorbis -q:a 6 -f oga "%~pna.ogg"

Re: How to convert a whole directory with various formats to OGG through ffmpeg.

Reply #4
plus ffmpeg will need to be in your path, otherwise you'll need to set it's location in the batch script and reference it accordingly.

Re: How to convert a whole directory with various formats to OGG through ffmpeg.

Reply #5
OMG Thanks it helped.

Re: How to convert a whole directory with various formats to OGG through ffmpeg.

Reply #6
But i got another question, how to convert using CBR and bitrate 192kbps?

Re: How to convert a whole directory with various formats to OGG through ffmpeg.

Reply #8
I want constant 192kbps this method it gives various bitrate.

Re: How to convert a whole directory with various formats to OGG through ffmpeg.

Reply #9
A constant bitrate with Vorbis is not possible.

"Vorbis is a free-form variable bit rate (VBR) codec and packets have no minimum size, maximum size, or fixed/expected size." source: Vorbis specification