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Topic: [Not my release] Biography view (Read 522383 times) previous topic - next topic
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[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #350

Another problem: I have the problem that foobar2000 "hangs" for a second when the biography view is about to switch images. The music doesn't hang, but the navigation. Browsing through tabs, clicking through playlists - a short time of about 1 second foobar2000 is totally unresponsive. Happens every time a new picture is drawn even when the biography view has its own tab that is not focused. Is this bug known? I use Windows 7.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #351
Hello. I would like to make a custom script request if possible. Would someone be able to create a script that fetches the full list of releases for an artist from and (yes I am a drum and bass enthusiast!)

Many thanks in advance!

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #353
Feature Resquest
Switch artist/album mode by TF or exist data.

If artist text not found, switch album mode.
if TF return 1, then, switch album mode.([%album_mode%], $if($strcmp(%artist%,various artist),1,) etc.)

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #355

Can you think of an automated way to create a playlist which would contain one song for each album and each artist? That way it would be easy to mass fetch artwork for your whole library by playing the whole playlist in the background or at night.

The playlist would have to include one song from each album in order to get all the album artwork and each song from a multi-artist compilation in order to get all artist artwork.

Or can you think of another as easy method to mass fetch album and artist artwork for the whole library?

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #356

Can you think of an automated way to create a playlist which would contain one song for each album and each artist?

Oh man... This turned out to be so simple it's embarrassing .

For album covers: Just make a playlist of your "all music" and sort them with TRACKNUMBER column in NGplaylist for example
For artist artwork: Make a playlist out of your ALBUM ARTIST=VARIOUS ARTISTS songs (assuming that's how you've set your meta data) and sort the playlist with ARTIST column

Hopefully this will help someone in a similar braindead state of mind as I apparently were in

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #357

i've recently discovered and enjoyed foobar a lot. biography view seems to be amazing plugin to use with it. still i am lost in how do you show up the plugin? in foobar i don't have any biography view panel and don't understand the way to enable it...

foobar 1.1
Biography View
i don't have foo_dockable_panels installed

thanks for help

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #358
This is a tremendous component! I'd love to be able to have *two* biography panels, one with source and one with external script source (

Hence (feature request): Do you think it would be possible to make the server preferences "per-panel", rather than global in the main preferences? This way, you could have several instances and configure both the layout and the server preferences individually for each panel. Would make the component more flexible and powerful.

Thanks for considering this!

Keep up the great work,

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #359
Thanks for a great plugin, this has helped me drop songbird and start learning how to make Foobar2k work just the way I want it.

Can someone help me to be able to save the %last fm...... information to the tags of the song and not save as a .lfml file?
I've looked and looked but just can not see it, just a pointer in the right direction would be great.

Many thanks 

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #361
Just thought I'd share this string for idiots like me.
This saves the info or cover art to the same folder as the file and removes any illegal characters which would stop the file being created.
Leaving a file named the same as the artist with the prefix 'Artist info - '
Took me an age to work out but that's learning. 

$replace(%path%,%filename_ext%,)$replace(Artist info - %Artist%,'/','-',':','-','*','-','?','-','"','-','<','-','>','-','|','-')

Still love to be able to save the Last FM comment  to the files tag.  Anyone?

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #362
let me ask 2 questions
1. i use latest  version of plugin but foobar freezes for 2-5seconds when playing starts (even swich tracks)... is it common problem, anyy way to solve it?
2. is it possible to make whis plugin automaticly save albumart in album playing folder?

thank you for great plugin

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #363
2. is it possible to make whis plugin automaticly save albumart in album playing folder?

I can answer this bit for you.
Go to >Preferences, Tools, Biography Server,,  then the Album tab
then in the image: space put this

That will remove the file name form the full path and add 'albumart' to the name it will save with.

And for the first problem you might try unticking 'Provide titleformet fields...' in the Misc tab of >Preferences, Tools, Biography

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #364
1. i use latest  version of plugin but foobar freezes for 2-5seconds when playing starts (even swich tracks)... is it common problem, anyy way to solve it?
thank you for great plugin

I have freezes too, but try uncheck
"Provide artwork to other artwork viewers (unsupported, experimental option)"
in Preferences -> Tools -> Biography Server  ----- "Misc" Tab

now work without freezes

And for the first problem you might try unticking 'Provide titleformet fields...' in the Misc tab of >Preferences, Tools, Biography

not fix problem to me

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #365
I have rebuilt after a disk crash and oops my config backups were not saved beside my music.  Art is not downloading .. I'm using

$replace(%path%,%filename_ext%,)%artist% in image field in section of biography view  cache is enabled and

file path is set to $replace(%path%,%filename_ext%,)

I'm missing something stupid i'm sure but can't get what ... Cheers

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #366
Guess you mean the file path in the save image option page.  Have you set a File name on that page? Have you tried resetting page? Doseit work if you use foobar folder etc.  Bit more infor would help as it all looks right...

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #367
Yes to file path in save image option. File name is set to [%artist%] for artist and [%artist% - ][%album%] for album. Will  try other suggestions later and  reply cant power on my NAS at the moment.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #368
Tried resetting page and using Foobar folder nothing at all ..Very strange

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #369
Deleted cfg completely and redefined from scratch as pr previous posts and now okay.  Don't know what was amiss ..

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #370
Is it just me or are the amg scripts no longer working?

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #371
Hello. I would like to make a custom script request if possible. Would someone be able to create a script that fetches the full list of releases for an artist from and (yes I am a drum and bass enthusiast!)

Many thanks in advance!


[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #372
i have just started using this component and it's pretty good. i really like it's use.
but i have certain general issues with this component.

> firstly, the bio change rate is very slow.
> secondly, when playback is changed, the bio should become empty and wait to load the bio for the current artist playing. And when playback is stopped, the bio should disappear and become empty. (like Lyrics Show Panel 2 or the official scrobble application)

are these issues resolvable?