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Topic: foo_osd (by kode54) updated for foobar2000v2/x64 (version 1.74.2) (Read 3957 times) previous topic - next topic
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foo_osd (by kode54) updated for foobar2000v2/x64 (version 1.74.2)

foo_osd (by kode54) updated for foobar2000 v2.0+ (compatible from 1.6.16+),
with very minimal modifications to recompile for x64 and add dark mode support for it's preferences dialog pane.
otherwise the functionality is unchanged.

tested with foobar2000 v2.1 preview 2023-08-01

version: 1.74.2
this release is based on 1.74, the last (latest?) version i had the sources for, with an appended minor/patch number for the aforementioned reasons.

original discussion topic:,43044.200.html