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Topic: XLD Hangs After Detecting Pregap (Read 1929 times) previous topic - next topic
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XLD Hangs After Detecting Pregap

Are there any XLD experts still on this board?

When I insert a disc, XLD's "Detecting Pregap" window comes up, the progress bar goes across for about 10-30 seconds... and then, with the progress bar complete, it hangs with that window open (beachball cursor and all) for about 16-17 minutes until the XLD track list window appears -- and that length of time seems to have been gradually increasing the more rips I do.

Other info:

* Using version 20230417 (156.0), although this behavior was the same with previous versions.
* 2021 iMac, 16 GB RAM, using the latest MacOS (Ventura 13.4).
* Deleting and reinstalling XLD (including its preferences files) does not fix the issue.
* Changing the "don't detect pregap, ISRC and MCN" setting in XLD's preferences appears to have no effect.
* I have three different USB slimline drives (LG, Optiarc, and Matshita), and this behavior is the same with all three.
* The length and number of tracks on a disc don't seem to affect the length of the hang.
* A MacBook Air which has only ever ripped a couple of discs (for testing purposes) does not have this behavior.
* When I upgraded to MacOS Catalina on my previous iMac back in March 2020, I filed a SourceForge ticket about this, and ended up fixing it by doing a completely clean install of the OS rather than an upgrade. (I can't remember now what the behavior was before that OS upgrade. At any rate, subsequent OS upgrades do not appear to have made the situation any worse, or better.)
* Occasionally, the hang will be much shorter if not nonexistent -- this appears to be the case with discs that happen to have the same title and number of tracks as something I've previously ripped (for example, a 12-track disc titled "Greatest Hits"), and in this event, XLD's track list will open with the artist and track titles from the previous disc already filled in.
* That last point makes me think it might have something to do with a local cache of track lists or other info -- so I've tried deleting the /Library/Caches/jp.tmkk.XLD folder, but that doesn't change the behavior.

This is not something I've seen many other XLD users complaining about, so I'm wondering -- are there other things I can try? Is it possible that this is related to the number of discs I've ripped (it's in the thousands)?

I know, the quick fix is to rip using the MacBook Air, but for reasons related to my workflow and physical setup, I'd much rather stick to ripping on the iMac.

Re: XLD Hangs After Detecting Pregap

Reply #1
I did discuss this with another XLD user elsewhere and got a couple other things to try, so I can update as follows:

* This is continuing with XLD version 20230627 (156.1) and MacOS 13.4.1.
* Running XLD without network access has no effect.
* Changing system settings to have XLD (rather than "take control" and open a disc when inserted has no effect.

I filed a new bug ticket on SourceForge:
It includes an attachment of a Force Quit from about 10 minutes into a hang.

Re: XLD Hangs After Detecting Pregap

Reply #2
At long last, an update: this was caused by the CD Info.cidb file (in ~/Library/Preferences) -- which I didn't know existed until the release notes for the 20240511 version of XLD.

Installing the new XLD version didn't fix this issue for me, but deleting the CD Info.cidb file did -- now that I know it exists, I'll just delete it occasionally, whenever I notice XLD starting to hang again.