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Topic: how click on a song, it is added to the default playlist and played (Read 2212 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: how click on a song, it is added to the default playlist and played

Reply #25
Well we would not be modifying the Playlist Organizer script itself exactly, just using the existing callback (a "trigger") to start playback. That way you would not have to add a new panel to your layout just for this...

If you right-click in Playlist Organizer panel > Settings > Configure... this opens the script editor. Scroll down to where you find this line (around line 44) -

Code: [Select]
function on_playlist_items_added(playlistIndex) {

And change it to look like this -

Code: [Select]
function on_playlist_items_added(playlistIndex) {
if (!fb.IsPlaying) {

Just a simple play command. See if that works for you. If it goes completely haywire, you can undo the change easy enough.

Other settings to check -

Make sure Playback menu > 'Playback Follows Cursor' is on.

In Preferences > Shell Integration, make sure 'Set enqueue as the default action' is on. You can switch off 'Always send new files to playlist' if you want to add tracks to the current playlist. (So you can switch to correct playlist first and then add tracks to that from Explorer)

Re: how click on a song, it is added to the default playlist and played

Reply #26
thanks but isn't what I m looking for :(
Your other option is to install another player that will do this--AIMP can be set up this way--and just use it in those cases.

It's a wet dream of mine too to get this feature to foobar2000...
I don't know how many times over the years I've "mistakenly" deleted painstakingly put together foobar playlists...
...So I'm hoping and dreaming!
What is the opposite of music? ~ Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.

Re: how click on a song, it is added to the default playlist and played

Reply #27
Well we would not be modifying the Playlist Organizer script itself exactly, just using the existing callback (a "trigger") to start playback. That way you would not have to add a new panel to your layout just for this...

If you right-click in Playlist Organizer panel > Settings > Configure... this opens the script editor. Scroll down to where you find this line (around line 44) -

Code: [Select]
function on_playlist_items_added(playlistIndex) {

And change it to look like this -

Code: [Select]
function on_playlist_items_added(playlistIndex) {
if (!fb.IsPlaying) {

Just a simple play command. See if that works for you. If it goes completely haywire, you can undo the change easy enough.

Other settings to check -

Make sure Playback menu > 'Playback Follows Cursor' is on.

In Preferences > Shell Integration, make sure 'Set enqueue as the default action' is on. You can switch off 'Always send new files to playlist' if you want to add tracks to the current playlist. (So you can switch to correct playlist first and then add tracks to that from Explorer)

thank you, I followed the whole procedure and I think I did everything right but it doesn't work :(

here my settings image

Re: how click on a song, it is added to the default playlist and played

Reply #28
thanks but isn't what I m looking for :(
Your other option is to install another player that will do this--AIMP can be set up this way--and just use it in those cases.

It's a wet dream of mine too to get this feature to foobar2000...
I don't know how many times over the years I've "mistakenly" deleted painstakingly put together foobar playlists...
...So I'm hoping and dreaming!

Thanks for the help, I'm glad to see I'm not the only one dreaming about this feature :)

Re: how click on a song, it is added to the default playlist and played

Reply #29
Well, I can only say it works perfectly for me. I should note it only plays the added track when foobar is stopped, if already playing it just queues the track.

You did add the code correctly so that is really a mystery. I got no other ideas, sorry.


Re: how click on a song, it is added to the default playlist and played

Reply #30
Well, I can only say it works perfectly for me. I should note it only plays the added track when foobar is stopped, if already playing it just queues the track.

You did add the code correctly so that is really a mystery. I got no other ideas, sorry.

thanks for trying :)

it doesn't start the song for me even if foobar2000 is stopped, I don't understand.

anyway it wouldn't work anyway because the usefulness is precisely that of adding songs one after the other being able to listen to them.

I ask you a favor, you or someone who speaks good English, can you make this request to those who develop foobar? I see that I'm not the only one to request this feature