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Topic: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs (Read 30225 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #50
New "Edit Layout …" item also has an unnecessary space before the ellipsis.

Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #51
I agree that it should be consistent, but the space isn't a bug -- just look at the menu of apple's mail app. I also think it looks better with a space before the ellipsis (though that's subjective).

Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #52
I have a bug to report.

Consider the following layout:
Code: [Select]
splitter horizontal style=thin
 splitter horizontal style=thin
  splitter vertical style=thin
  tabs position=top
   refacets tab-name="A"
   refacets tab-name="B"
Now if foobar2000 is opened, and I tweak refacets A and B, add different filters and so on everything is fine. Once I close foobar2000, refacets A = refacets B This means that all the filters that are in A, are also in B. I think it picks the refacet it was last modified as the context of the change.

Tested on the latest Macos preview version v2.7 07-07-2024

Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #53
I agree that it should be consistent, but the space isn't a bug -- just look at the menu of apple's mail app. I also think it looks better with a space before the ellipsis (though that's subjective).

Looked through all the menus of Apple Mail. Spaces are nowhere to be seen. And foobar2000 itself doesn't have them in most cases, I only pointed out three exceptions that are probaly just errors.

Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #56
Bug: v2.7 2024-07-08 crashes when selecting any of the options from File Operations (Library element) other than Delete files

Files stored on NAS. Don't think this happened on the previous preview version

Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #57
Thanks for the bug report.

File Operations crash should be fixed in today's build.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #58
foobar2000 still uses proportional figures when showing elapsed/remaining time and because of that they jiggle slightly now and then (which is not good, imo).

Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #59
I found a bug in v2.7 2024-09-11 but i think I encountered this bug in older versions too. Playlist Search won’t open again after double clicking a file in the search window.

Steps to reproduce:
  • Open Playlist Search
  • Type search term
  • Double click a result
  • Close Playlist Search
  • Try to open Playlist Search again

Also, is there a keyboard shortcut for the playlist or library search?
According to the Apples guidelines it should be Option-Command-F but a lot of apps also use Option-F as the search shortcut. Even official apps from Apple like Music, Mail, Calendar, Contacts,... use Command-F for searching.

Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #60
I noticed this behaviour: if I filter in the album list the tree is correctly filtered according to the query. In the screenshot four tracks have been selected by the filter. I now would expect that double-clicking on "All Music (4)" would only transfer the tracks selected by the filter to the playlist. But what happens is that in addition all other tracks in the library are transferred to the playlist.

Sorry for bumping my own post, but is this a bug or normal behaviour?

Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #61
Thanks for the bug reports.

New build is in the making, issues from last 3 posts have been addressed.

Keyboard shortcuts are still a work-in-progress subject, I'll look into it later.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #62
found another super small bug in the latest release. if you select a larger amount of files in a playlist you might see that the blue selection background color is interrupted by 1 pixel gaps. i can't find a pattern if and when those gaps appear. in a playlist with about 2300 tracks i counted 18 gaps. if you scroll up and down the playlist some gaps move when they are out of view, but some stay in the same place. none of the gaps move places while they are visible. if you restart foobar the gaps appear between different tracks.

this bug appears in the 2024-10-11 and also the 2024-10-04 release.

Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #63
Today’s preview shows me Playlists sidebar every time when I launch the app (even if I hid it before the relaunch). Previously foobar2000 remembered its hidden/unhidden state.

Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #64

Add blank NSSplitViewItem.canCollapse argument to splitter *items*, not splitter itself, to control which can be collapsed.

Will add this to the documentation shortly.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #65
Capitalization in the menu is pretty inconsistent at the moment. For example:

Check For New Versions / Use Selection for Find
Check Grammar With Spelling / Visualize with Audio Unit

I guess there's no need to capitalize "for" and "with".

Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #66
A couple of new bugs in today’s preview:

1. Now playing symbol (a small triangle) no longer changes its size when you change the width of the Playing column. When its width is reduced to a minimum, this can look awkward.

2. Line spacing in different windows is now wildly, er, different.

This all happens on macOS 12 (Monterey).

Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #67
@Peter, have you by any chance thought about moving volume control to the right to free up more space for artist name / track title?

And another unrelated question: why are foobar2000 icons different for macOS/iOS versions?

Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #68
It seems that the line spacing was (noticeably) increased only in the main window (where it was fine before and now is too big), so the overall difference only became bigger? I think the balance was right before these changes were introduced. And anyhow shouldn't it be the same in all windows? I think something tighter than what the main window has now and more loose than what Album List and ReFacets windows have now would be ideal.

Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #69
Another (new) bug: when you double-click on a column separator, nothing happens. This worked fine (i.e. autosized the column) before.

Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #70
With v2.24 preview 2024-09-18 & 21, I've noticed that hovering the cursor over playlist window doesn't show up full texts.
macOS version: Sequoia 15.0.1

Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #71
Thanks for the reports. Tooltips and column sizing have been addressed.
Regarding row spacing, I've been tweaking it per my preferences, I'll probably end adding an option for it.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #72
Thanks a lot for the moved volume control. Though I thought, don’t know why, that it will be moved to far right, where playing order selector once was. Currently, i.e. next to rewind/play/forward buttons, it looks rather unbalanced/cramped, I think.

Also: Playlist Manager window doesn’t remember its size.

Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #73
Moved volume control looks good, but I'm not happy again ) The problem is with technical info (bitrate, etc.) that is now shown between volume control and Play etc. buttons. If I wanted to see it (and I don't), I would have turned it on in the top panel where you can turn it on/off at will. But you can't turn it off in the bottom panel. Or is there an option for that?

Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #74
The latest layout of playback controls bar looks ideal for me.  ;)