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Topic: metamp3 - command line tool (Read 221950 times) previous topic - next topic
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metamp3 - command line tool

Reply #100
I just did some testing and found that metamp3 seems to be extremely »intelligent« on updating replay gain values:

I used a command like
metamp3.exe --2 --replay-gain "file1.mp3" "file2.mp3" "file3.mp3" …
on the tracks of an album that had replaygain tags before, except that I deleted them from one file, to see what it would do.

Apparently it »detected« that one file from the album had no replaygain tags and so it would have to recalculate all files in order to find an appropriate album gain. (Which it did.)

When using exact the same command again, it would just say »Updating ID3…« and be finished much faster (without re-calculating all the gains again).

Can this really be true? Did anyone verify this?

If that is really how it works – KUDOS again to Tycho!!!

Yes, this is how it was supposed to work, but I seem to recall that this logic was basically taken from the mp3gain code, so we should give kudos to the author of mp3gain as well.

I guess I could start with making a new id3lib based beta with some of the suggestions that has been made here as they are quite minor. I will in any case have to start out with the current metamp3 code base.


metamp3 - command line tool

Reply #101
I guess I could start with making a new id3lib based beta with some of the suggestions that has been made here as they are quite minor. I will in any case have to start out with the current metamp3 code base.

That’d be fantastic since it seems it’s the most versatile command line tool around, and it can so readily be integrated into other workflows (I mostly use it in conjunction with Mp3tag and automated batch file processes). Just the thing to save a lot of valuable time.

Thanks for considering some updates of your tool after all that time!
And yes, kudos to Glen Sawyer and Dave Lasker.

metamp3 - command line tool

Reply #102
Found a bug in metamp3 (tested with versions: 0.91 and 0.92 beta 5).

If the filename ends in ..mp3 (or with any multiples of 2 consecutive period chars) (e.g. 01 Theme From M.A.S.H..mp3 or 02 My Only Friend, The End....mp3), metamp3 fails to parse these filenames correctly, in example when running --apply-gain or --replay-gain functions with *.mp3 (e.g. metamp3.exe --replay-gain *.mp3). In order to get also these "special" files to count in these function calculations, you need to execute the command with all the filenames wrapped in quotes ( " ) (e.g. metamp3.exe --replay-gain "01 Theme From M.A.S.H..mp3" "02 My Only Friend, The End....mp3").

metamp3 - command line tool

Reply #103

Perhaps you have already addressed this, but do you have plans to make the source available?


metamp3 - command line tool

Reply #104
Another possible, minor bug.  I'm trying to add the tag to tell iTunes it's part of a gapless album. 

--frame "COMM[iTunPGAP]{eng}:1"

*should* work, but the resulting file is slightly different than what iTunes outputs.  Comparing the binary files, metamp3 puts 0x0e 00 00 00 + "engiTunPGAP" where iTunes has 0x10 00 00 00 + "engiTunPGAP"

metamp3 - command line tool

Reply #105
1. Next version will support the prevent clipping option, along with other mp3gain options (equals).

2. It does both when specifying multiple input files, e.g. *.mp3, just like mp3gain. Only track gain when specifying one input file.

edit: also, the executable will be linked statically with the VC8 runtime libraries.


does anyone know if these functions found their way into the latest metamp3 (v0.92b5)?
According to the date of the post of the author tycho (02-Apr-2007) and the creation date of the metamp3.exe (29-Mar-2007) I am afraid that this was not the case. 

On the other hand tycho stated in his post, that "the [new] executable [including those features] will be linked statically with the VC8 runtime libraries."
Well, the latest available beta 5 says it "is now linked with the VC8 runtime libs"... Hmmm. 

So maybe these features did indeed find their way into that last version tycho has published. 

Can anyone shed some light onto that topic?

Thanks in advance,


metamp3 - command line tool

Reply #106
I have a list of MP3s with the lyrics saved in Minilyrics.
there is a software to extract all the lyrics in single file. txt?
for example alfa.mp3 -> alfa.txt

metamp3 - command line tool

Reply #107
hi tycho,
thanks a lot for your excellent tool. you said post feature requests as a reply, so here is one: is it possible to add the tag "Album-Interpret" to the list of supported tags? or is that already supported and i'm overseeing something? i'm using v092b5.
best regards, mkm

metamp3 - command line tool

Reply #108
Any chance of open sourcing this excellent tool?

metamp3 - command line tool

Reply #109
I think we can put a fork in it, it's done. I was hoping that Tycho would make the source available to those of us that might carry it forward.

Re: metamp3 - command line tool

Reply #110
Yep. If you should ever read this, Tycho, thanks a million nevertheless! I’ve been using your metamp3 until mid-2019, the last 5 years on Linux (using Wine).

Nowadays, I’ve moved to FLAC, mainly, and made my own "ReplayGainer" tool (Open Source, for Linux):

(This is strictly a ReplayGain tool and will never do all the things metamp3 could. Waving goodbye to a great tool …)

Re: metamp3 - command line tool

Reply #111
So, this app is not working as it should anymore. It gives  unconsistent results, sometimes it tags properly, sometimes it just embeds the artwork but not the rest of the tags and a weird thing I noticed is that windows Xcopy, copy and robocopy commands delete the tags added by this app when copying. Only powershell "copy-item" retained the tags (this doesn't happen for files tagged with other software like foobar)

Can anybody tell me if there is a windows exe that I can use in a common bat file that can tag and embed images as a replacement? I need to tag files automatically from a windows CLI.