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Topic: pfc::crashHook(void)" already defined... (Read 2065 times) previous topic - next topic
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pfc::crashHook(void)" already defined...

I have updated SDK in a component.

Errors Encountered:
Severity   Code   Description   Project   File   Line   Deletion Status   Details
Error   LNK2005   "int __cdecl pfc::winFormatSystemErrorMessageHook(class pfc::string_base &,unsigned long)" already defined in pfc.lib(pfc-fb2k-hooks.obj)   foo_run_group   C:\Tmp\org\foobar2000\foo_run_group\foobar2000_SDK.lib(utility.obj)   1      
Error   LNK2005   "void __cdecl pfc::crashHook(void)" already defined in pfc.lib(pfc-fb2k-hooks.obj)   foo_run_group   C:\Tmp\org\foobar2000\foo_run_group\foobar2000_SDK.lib(utility.obj)   1      
Error   LNK1169   One or more symbols defined multiple times   foo_run_group   C:\Tmp\org\foobar2000\foo_run_group\x64\Release\foo_run_group.dll   1      

I am encountering linker errors in my project. Specifically, I am seeing LNK2005 errors indicating that certain functions are already defined in both pfc.lib and foobar2000_SDK.lib. Additionally, I get an LNK1169 error indicating that one or more symbols are defined multiple times.

I would appreciate any guidance on how to resolve these errors. Thank you!

Re: pfc::crashHook(void)" already defined...

Reply #1
Check the configuration for pfc is like this screenshot:

Re: pfc::crashHook(void)" already defined...

Reply #2
It solve, ty.


Re: pfc::crashHook(void)" already defined...

Reply #3
Do it is difficult to add dark mode to this?