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Topic: ReFacets: Clicking on "Missing tag" entry crashes foobar2000 (Read 3117 times) previous topic - next topic
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ReFacets: Clicking on "Missing tag" entry crashes foobar2000

There's an entry "Missing tag" in ReFacet's album column. And when I click on it, foobar2000 crashes.


Problem report from after crash attached to this post.

Used version: foobar2000 for Mac, v2.7 preview 2024-07-08

Re: ReFacets: Clicking on "Missing tag" entry crashes foobar2000

Reply #1
Thanks for the bug report.
Can you please try again with todays build (2024-08-29) and post a new crash report?
I think it's not ReFacets but Selection Properties crashing on this specific content. There's not enough info in the above report to go on, all I know is it's a C++ exception somewhere in user interface code. I just made changes to make this type of issues produce more useful reports, so I should be able to locate the exact problem if you can crash it again and post a new report.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: ReFacets: Clicking on "Missing tag" entry crashes foobar2000

Reply #2
The "Missing tag" entry is gone with the latest build. The behaviour when clicking on certain album in ReFacets is exactly the same like described in my other post regarding the album list. Attached another crash log produced when clicking such an album in ReFacets.

Re: ReFacets: Clicking on "Missing tag" entry crashes foobar2000

Reply #3
Thanks (for both logs), problem being looked into.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: ReFacets: Clicking on "Missing tag" entry crashes foobar2000

Reply #4
Should be fixed in today's build, thanks again.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.


Re: ReFacets: Clicking on "Missing tag" entry crashes foobar2000

Reply #5
Works. Thank you.