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Topic: Foobar2000 Wrapped (Read 7018 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Foobar2000 Wrapped

Reply #77
Just updated it:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Re: Foobar2000 Wrapped

Reply #78
Completed BPM, moods and key integration in the report.

Will change colors later to have more appealing themes.

Re: Foobar2000 Wrapped

Reply #83
Illegal chars. Should be fixed now.

Updated the colors, the key wheel uses the usual color convention and also tweaked the bg colors for the other pages (not shown).


Re: Foobar2000 Wrapped

Reply #87
Yep, it was more for me than anyone else hahahahah testing the same thing 30 times....

EDIT: And updated it again with some minor adjustments to chart's colors and opacity, along minor layout positioning (which should bring latex warnings messags to zero when manually compiling it).

I think this is mostly done now; maybe I will finetune characters or add a few more, and add some mood/BPM suggested playlist. But I don't see anything more to add or tweak.

Re: Foobar2000 Wrapped

Reply #88
I have added stats for the entire listening history, not only an specific year. The plugin in facts accepts any type of date range, but since the PDF formatting requires specific work, I only allow single years or all

As a bonus, it works without the enhanced statistics component, so it should work for most people using only the standard stats plugin (or in case it was added at a later point). The downside, there is no "date" specific stats though.

Attached an example file. Note some time-specific sections available at the year report are missing on the entire report, obviously.