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Topic: Foobar 2 is crashing immediatly with some mp3 files (Read 722 times) previous topic - next topic
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Foobar 2 is crashing immediatly with some mp3 files

Hello Guys,

I downloaded today Foobar2000 2, thank you all for your continous support! I was still using a 1.6.13 version.

Now I have several MP3 files which are playing fine with 1.6.13, and with Windows Media Player, but Foobar 2 is instantly crashing when I open one of these files for playing.

I tried to disable all additional components. I used all the "Utilities" functions like "Optimize file layout", "rebuild mp3 stream"....

The online tool says "No known problematic components found."

This happens not with one or two MP3s. I've discovered just within two hours 15 mp3 files. I looked into the tags and cannot find a pattern.

Can anyone help to investigate?

Kind regards,


Re: Foobar 2 is crashing immediatly with some mp3 files

Reply #1
Do you get a crash report that you can submit and possibly share here too?

You said you tried to disable all additional components - did you succeed in doing so? Easiest method is to install a portable version in another directory and try with that.

Re: Foobar 2 is crashing immediatly with some mp3 files

Reply #2
I am sorry for the mess. I thought I have disabled all plugins, but there was still that "Lyric Show Panel 3" (foo_uie_lyrics3)
In the meantime I installed the "nightly build" and had no problems at all, then installed one plugin after the other, and with that Lyric plugin, Foobar2000 crashed when opening some files. Interestingly some songs are played correctly although they have a lyrics tag.
I will close this thread. Thank you for reading!

Re: Foobar 2 is crashing immediatly with some mp3 files

Reply #3
Use openlyrics instead. unlike lyrics3 it doesnt crash and it can actually find localy saved lrcs.