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Topic: Zero-length WAVE (and a couple other bugs/wishes) (Read 976 times) previous topic - next topic
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Zero-length WAVE (and a couple other bugs/wishes)

Since the 2.2 preview change log now promises "Report zero-length WAV files as broken", I tested a few such.
I think fb2k still don't handle them well? fb2k handles zero-length AIFF (and FLAC and ogg container), but not these.
If I try to tag them, a few samples' length are reported. And I don't think they actually get anything that should be considered audio?
Problem files attached - both .wav and .w64 . And let fb2k try bitcompare them ...

And while I'm at it:

* WMV files not found by %__video_codec% PRESENT .  And of course no video codec listed either.

* I have probably wished for it before, but: an %__streams_count% or whatever, and grey out the streams selector when there is only one.
But now I see that for files that have more than one audio stream, the bitcompare functionality only reads one. Quite annoying when I have selected this or that but not in the backup :-o
Perhaps: compare all audio streams?


Re: Zero-length WAVE (and a couple other bugs/wishes)

Reply #1

What you see is a result of workaround for some obscure case where WAV file has data chunk header indicating 0 bytes, but actual data follows anyway, till EOF.
I can't recall which program wrote such, workaround has been present for at least 10 years (that's how far my git logs go), I'll just remove it and see if anything breaks.
Quick look at source code of competing programs doesn't reveal support for such either, so it must be some isolated odd case from the 2000s.

WMV and stream count, noted.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: Zero-length WAVE (and a couple other bugs/wishes)

Reply #2
Tested today's version, with files I had nagged&tagged with text, with megabytes pictures and without:

AIFF file "Decoded with minor problems" and returns this:
Code: [Select]
MD5: D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E
CRC32: 00000000
Warning: No length reported
Warning: Decoded length: 0:00.000000

WAVE and W64 "Failed: File contains no audio (zero length)." and:
Code: [Select]
MD5: D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E
CRC32: 00000000
Warning: No length reported
Warning: Decoded length: 0:00.000000
Error: File contains no audio (zero length).

Whether there should be all these three lines of Warning & Warning & Error, I have no idea - and it is beyond me to know which of these containers actually require audio. But anyway, tested and does not claim to have audio, so ... repair successful.

Also, bitcompare ... this is expected I think:
Code: [Select]
Comparing failed: Neither track could be opened for decoding (Decoder produced no data, Decoder produced no data)

Re: Zero-length WAVE (and a couple other bugs/wishes)

Reply #3
WMV was one thing. Minor glitch with AVC? Video codec spelled out in Properties, but not in a General tab:

Re: Zero-length WAVE (and a couple other bugs/wishes)

Reply #4
There is no "AVC Coding" anywhere in my sources. Looks like some decoder component is responsible?
Pretty sure my stuff isn't setting null sample rate & channels either, would rather fail reading info or omit instead of returning nonsense.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: Zero-length WAVE (and a couple other bugs/wishes)

Reply #5
Attaching an example file. Attached as artwork a screenshot from a fresh out-of-the-box fb2k.

I find AVC info using MediaInfo.

Re: Zero-length WAVE (and a couple other bugs/wishes)

Reply #6
Thanks, problem addressed properly for the next build, turns out I was reading the video codec name field of MP4 wrong.
Also 0 Hz & 0 channels are my doing after all, fixed for the next build.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.