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Topic: to close (Read 34562 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: to close

Reply #25
I was trying to look up some CD information from a CD I had ripped and the CD wasn't registered. I didn't know that freedb had shut its services.  While attempting to find an alternative. I did find that while the main site was completely taken over by Magix, their FTP site is still up, though for how long I don't know.
The site is located at
The database file appears to be there, I can't imagine what else takes up 957 MB.  Anyways, my thanks to those on this site who were able to find out about all of this. I would have been searching forever after because of it.  Consequently, the Freedb server software is there as well though, again for how much longer?

Re: to close

Reply #26
I was trying to look up some CD information from a CD I had ripped and the CD wasn't registered. I didn't know that freedb had shut its services.  While attempting to find an alternative. I did find that while the main site was completely taken over by Magix, their FTP site is still up, though for how long I don't know.
The site is located at
The database file appears to be there, I can't imagine what else takes up 957 MB.  Anyways, my thanks to those on this site who were able to find out about all of this. I would have been searching forever after because of it.  Consequently, the Freedb server software is there as well though, again for how much longer?

Annnnnnnd, It's gone...

Time to set up a hosts file redirect for * to the dbpoweramp freedb server so that when my Fairstars CD Ripper or any other app on my system(s) try to look up any of the * sites, they get a successful name resolution...

Re: to close

Reply #27
That may not work, if the server is HTTP based, and relies on the hostname.

Re: to close

Reply #28
This post by @korth is not a solution?

Re: to close

Reply #29
It is. But it's an HTTP server, so whatever client you are configuring must know the correct hostname, unless the server internally accepts requests asking for "" and not ""

HTTP protocol defines a "HOST" header, which specifies the hostname and port the request is asking for, which is used by many servers to allow multiple domains on the same IP address.

Re: to close

Reply #30
Thank you Spoon for doing this. I've been using EAC since...  last century maybe, at least 2004. It's part of my workflow and old habits die hard. To "fix" EAC, I simply changed the freedb database address to:

I'm using EAC V0.99 prebeta 5 from 4 May 2009. The exact location in EAC for this version is:
EAC > freedb / Database Options > Freedb server:

Thanks again Spoon for breathing new life into EAC, I'll have to check out dbPowerAmp, it looks like you've done a good thing.

My current dedicated rig for ripping music is an old Windows 7 machine built in 2010. I'm in the process of converting over to Linux. When I can create a workflow on Linux, that gives me similar results, I'll be done with Windows. If anyone has suggestions on Linux tools/process I'd appreciate it. My current workflow is:
  • EAC to populate meta data, ripping and converting to mp3 using lame encoder with various setting based on content
  • MP3Gain with no undo to only adjust gain down to remove clipping
  • Mp3tag to add album artwork to each mp3 file
  • Mp3-Tag Studio 3 to adjust tags in batch mode. Even when the meta data is good, I'll add my codec settings, if I've used MP3Gain, and change Genre if I overlooked it at rip time. Also this tool is great for adjusting compilations and Audio books so they play nice on mp3 players.
  • CopyTrans Manager for loading mp3s onto iOS devices without using iTunes

Re: to close

Reply #31
There is a copy of freedb at

I haven't tried it.  (Somebody posted the link on another forum.)  

Re: to close

Reply #32
I'm using EAC V0.99 prebeta 5 from 4 May 2009. The exact location in EAC for this version is:
EAC > freedb / Database Options > Freedb server:

Thanks so much you're a life saver!

I too have been using 0.99 for years, and I thought I was forced to use the current version to be able to use the other databases.

I keep all my ripped CDs as WAV with Cue-sheet, and I always want the album artist to be the artist for every single song. Maybe I didn't find out how to change this in settings, however EAC 1.5 always split up Track artist and title, which would have meant a huge amount of work copy-pasting compilations and features into the old format, or doing some complicated Regex stuff.
Edit: What I am in fact looking for is the format of the cue sheet when you uncheck the box 'Various Artist', so tracks are named ARTIST / TITLE. I find it hard to believe this wouldn't exist in 1.5, but I couldn't find it.

So glad to be back to 0.99 and FreeDB :-) And so lucky to have found your post which you wrote just 3 days ago.

Re: to close

Reply #33
If anyone wants to get new freedb servers working with old software, it’s simple, just redirect your computer via your hosts file

That’s assuming the same protocols are running on the new server which is elementary so I’m sure plenty of people will be happy to do so

Re: to close

Reply #34
Thanks Spoon for the hosting  :D

Re: to close

Reply #35
There is a copy of freedb at  I haven't tried it.  (Somebody posted the link on another forum.) 

I have.  I recommend it, if for no reason other than it lets you use https.


Re: to close

Reply #36
So how can someone change the source of freedb within foobar 2000 v1.6.11? Can we add more sources? Can we refresh the existing tags?

After ripping a very old game CD, I was told the tags may have been incorrect from freedb. Can everyone edit freedb or whatever its successor is? Does freedb have newer songs/music? Thanks.


Re: to close

Reply #37
So how can someone change the source of freedb within foobar 2000 v1.6.11? Can we add more sources?
Yes.  Go to Preferences/Tools/Tagging/freedb Tagger;  note the buttons on the right side: