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Topic: Site reorganisation / move (Read 72339 times) previous topic - next topic
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Site reorganisation / move

Hi all,

I will be reorganizing HA and related sites such as the wiki soon. Expect some temporary outages during that time. We will likely also move the main site address from to (done!). I'll post a note when the move is over.

This should make it a bit easier to update parts of the site separately from each other.

Site reorganisation / move

Reply #1
Thanks! Does the site has a Twitter where we can check for the status once you start modifying stuff? :-)

Site reorganisation / move

Reply #2
We will likely also move the main site address from to (won't work yet).

Nice shiny new address!

Site reorganisation / move

Reply #3
Thanks! Does the site has a Twitter where we can check for the status once you start modifying stuff? :-)

If the homepage says it's down, it's down. If it says it's up, it'll be up

Site reorganisation / move

Reply #4
Was that really so silly?  Never mind

Site reorganisation / move

Reply #5
What is a dot 'io' URL?
Kevin Graf :: aka Speedskater

Site reorganisation / move

Reply #6
Come on, Google it.

Site reorganisation / move

Reply #8
The wiki has been moved.

Site reorganisation / move

Reply #9
If I could figure out how to Google something like 'io' without getting ten million responses, I would.
Make that 171,000,000 responses.
Kevin Graf :: aka Speedskater

Site reorganisation / move

Reply #10
If I could figure out how to Google something like 'io' without getting ten million responses, I would.

Sometimes Wikipedia is your friend, rather than good ol' Google.

Anyway, very good news. Thrilled to see work towards the future of this - at least for me - beloved site. Thanks Garf and anyone else involved.

Site reorganisation / move

Reply #12
We will likely also move the main site address from to (won't work yet).


Site reorganisation / move

Reply #14
Well, I would like to see newer CMS, which would support mobile devices. Other than that, cheers for domain name, I like it.

Site reorganisation / move

Reply #15
We will likely also move the main site address from to (won't work yet).


Are you asking why it won't work yet or why the domain will move?

It won't work yet because I haven't moved the HA forums part of the site.

We're moving to .io because the .org domain is still owned by Dibrom and he's increasingly hard to get hold off, and I need to be able to change our DNS configuration. If I can't reach him in a month or two the .org domain will stop functioning.

Site reorganisation / move

Reply #16
Well, I would like to see newer CMS, which would support mobile devices. Other than that, cheers for domain name, I like it.

I won't make too many promises but at least that should now be a lot easier and realistic.

Site reorganisation / move

Reply #17
Main HA site moved. works, not. Will fix.

Site reorganisation / move

Reply #18
Hi Garf!

Smooth migration so far: compliments!

Have you considered issuing 301 HTTP response codes for old URLs so that Google can maintain indexes, page rank and everything else?

Are you under Apache? This can be done quite easily with some .htaccess magik...

M-Audio Delta AP + Revox B150 + (JBL 4301B | Sennheiser Amperior | Sennheiser HD598)

Site reorganisation / move

Reply #19
Have you considered issuing 301 HTTP response codes for old URLs so that Google can maintain indexes, page rank and everything else?

They should all already be doing that.

Site reorganisation / move

Reply #20
I had the impression that the redirects did come with a 200 OK response, but I may be wrong... I will check better...
M-Audio Delta AP + Revox B150 + (JBL 4301B | Sennheiser Amperior | Sennheiser HD598)

Site reorganisation / move

Reply #21
Sorry, I was wrong: the redirect responses have a 301 response code, which is absolutely correct!
M-Audio Delta AP + Revox B150 + (JBL 4301B | Sennheiser Amperior | Sennheiser HD598)

Site reorganisation / move

Reply #22
Sorry, I was wrong: the redirect responses have a 301 response code, which is absolutely correct!

You might have been looking at the wiki. I only just fixed that.

Site reorganisation / move

Reply #23
No I was looking at the site, but with Firebug and the redirect responses just flickered for a moment before disappearing (Firebug clears the NET panel when you change domain). With IE I was able to check in a more reliable way and everything was OK! Just a mistake from me, sorry.

Do you plan to redirect again to later on? That would be cool, IMHO... I always found the "www" totally useless and I tend to get rid of it in my domains...
M-Audio Delta AP + Revox B150 + (JBL 4301B | Sennheiser Amperior | Sennheiser HD598)

Site reorganisation / move

Reply #24
No I was looking at the site, but with Firebug and the redirect responses just flickered for a moment before disappearing (Firebug clears the NET panel when you change domain). With IE I was able to check in a more reliable way and everything was OK! Just a mistake from me, sorry.

The latest Firefox has a Developer->Network thing that may be useful.

Do you plan to redirect again to later on? That would be cool, IMHO... I always found the "www" totally useless and I tend to get rid of it in my domains...

I'm not planning to change this part of the setup. There's also wiki., which is actually on a seperate server now, so the distinction makes some me.

The DNS is now updated so the stuff leads directly to the new server.

There's still a whole bunch of links *inside* the forum, like posts, that will break if the old server disappears (and the .org DNS stops working). Can't do much about those :-/