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3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_vis_vumeter
Last post by oops -
Now at the risk of being greedy, this would be nice too. Because this is the only thing that is keeping the Darkone theme from going 64 bit.
Unless I can write a script that will change the vu meter colors without the fb.RunMainMenuCommand method.
I do not know how to do it. All of my attempts have stalled and there is no straightforward documentation for this use case or example. When I load the panel through ActiveX, the object is empty and none of the functions dispatch. It loads successfully and I've checked so many ways to ensure the TLB file is in the right section and ID in the resources. Of all the other component DLLs I've dumped no one seems to export DllGetClassObject() or similar functions. I don't know if they're working with the registry or there is some back channel that I'm not aware of. So, it is a mystery at this point how it is supposed to work, and I'd rather put my energy into something with clearer line-of-sight. Sorry for venting.

If you write a script and you're targeting the original component, using RunMainMenuCommand() seems odd. The component has a LoadSkin() and similar functions to list out what it has that you could just call directly to do what you want.
MP3 - General / Re: Best Tool for Downloading EDM Tracks in 320kbps (Original Quality)?
Last post by Meowdori -
First off, your question is very vague.
What do you mean by free tracks? Ones that are actually free of charge to own a copy of? If so, there isn't a single centralised tool for that - it depends on how and where the specific artist distrubutes their work - be it BandCamp, Soundcloud, own website, torrents, or any other possible means.

In case you mean music that is normally paid - well, if you want it for free, then you'd have to resort to piracy which is something you're going to research on your own if you want to.
General - (fb2k) / Re: control by iphone in windows installation
Last post by Air KEN -
foobar2000 controller for iOS

iPhone / iPad mini: MonkeyMote for foobar2000
iPad: MonkeyMote for foobar2000 HD

Settings on foobar2000
Download MonkeyMote Plug-Ins > foobar2000 package > "foo_monkeymote.fb2k-component" install
Preferences > Tools > MonkeyMote > Server > Server enabled check and Password.
Preferences > Tools > MonkeyMote > Network adapters > IP Address.

iOS Device:
"MonkeyMote" TAP > Conenctions > Add new entry... click, Sever name or IP address and Password.
Support - (fb2k) / foobar2000_v2.24.exe, foobar2000-x64_v2.24.exe cannot be installed on Win 7
Last post by ironmine -
I have Windows 7 (64 bit version, with SP1 installed). I have Foobar 2.1.5 (32 bit version) and Foobar 2.1.6 (64 bit version) installed.
After downloading the latest versions (foobar2000_v2.24.exe and foobar2000-x64_v2.24.exe), I can install neither of them, because I keep getting an error message. In both cases, when I try installing them, the error message says that "the version of this file is not compatible with the Windows version you use".

What's wrong with my Windows or what's wrong with these installation files?
Other Lossy Codecs / Re: lossyWAV 1.4.2 Development (was 1.5.0)
Last post by lovecraft -
@lovecraft (nice nickname BTW  :) )
Last but not least: you can encode your high bitrate Opus, MPC, AAC, or LossyWAV to another high bitrate future zUHD-AACv8, Ogg-Spaceship, TRALALAC. Okay, there will be another layer of loss, but it won't be audible at all (and you'll probably be half-deaf by then, which won't help).

:) You are absolutely right on the money. Unless some miracle happens, i probably won't even be able to distinguish 128kbps mp3 in the very near future :) So I have decided to go with "opus" at 192. I cranked the complexity to 10 and disabled the stereo phase inversion thingy. The resulting files are much more smaller than lossywav and also my mp3 collection but they sound crisp. I guess to get that crisp on an mp3, i'd have to go with 320.

I accepted the fact that this is the cutting edge of audio compression. And it has been gaining support from all around, google phones now have "opus" as bluetooth codec if i am not mistaken. So yeah, this thing will probably bury me, so it is future proof enough :)
Other Lossy Codecs / Re: lossyWAV 1.4.2 Development (was 1.5.0)
Last post by Nick.C -
However I must say lossyWAV extreme could easily be used for music collection storage. I think this 100% transparent with some kind ~2x reduced bitrate.
Nick.C please correct if I am wrong in my assumption. Thank you for this codec, man!
It could probably be, at one of the higher quality setting.

Thanks should really go to @2Bdecided who posted here about an idea to make use of the wasted bits feature of the FLAC CODEC to allow dynamic reduction of bits-per-sample through rounding, adding some noise to the output (but the number of bits removed would be chosen so that the expected additional noise would not be noticeable). His proof-of-concept code was in Matlab which I rewrote (with the help of @halb27) in Delphi (Pascal).

@tycho kicked off the translation from Delphi to C++.

Later development included an adaptive noise shaping method proposed by @SebastianG

Thanks therefore should go to all of those involved in the project, not just me.
Other Lossy Codecs / Re: lossyWAV 1.4.2 Development (was 1.5.0)
Last post by includemeout -
FLAC is an "easy" CODEC to decode, incurring not very much device CPU load while listening. As an example of this decode efficiency here's a link to a rather old Rockbox anmalysis for a number of devices: .
I'm doubtful that the relative CPU load of different CODECs will have changed so much that FLAC will use significantly more battery than other CODECs.
We alluded to that old test back in '18, when I kinda raised the question in the Musepack forum as to whether decoding speeds still meant anything to modern processors.
Saratoga then even gave more details on how he'd carried out his testing.