3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_vis_vumeter
Last post by oops -Now at the risk of being greedy, this would be nice too. Because this is the only thing that is keeping the Darkone theme from going 64 bit.I do not know how to do it. All of my attempts have stalled and there is no straightforward documentation for this use case or example. When I load the panel through ActiveX, the object is empty and none of the functions dispatch. It loads successfully and I've checked so many ways to ensure the TLB file is in the right section and ID in the resources. Of all the other component DLLs I've dumped no one seems to export DllGetClassObject() or similar functions. I don't know if they're working with the registry or there is some back channel that I'm not aware of. So, it is a mystery at this point how it is supposed to work, and I'd rather put my energy into something with clearer line-of-sight. Sorry for venting.
Unless I can write a script that will change the vu meter colors without the fb.RunMainMenuCommand method.
If you write a script and you're targeting the original component, using RunMainMenuCommand() seems odd. The component has a LoadSkin() and similar functions to list out what it has that you could just call directly to do what you want.