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Topic: foo_upnp (Read 1715767 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: foo_upnp

Reply #2075
It looks like this kind of issues that requires analyzing what's happening on the interfaces and (most important) having somebody committed to solve your issues. I doubt you are going to find such a commitment foo_upnp authors. You shoudl try with Primo product owner.

From the above post, it is not clear to me whether Primo shows album arts during DLNA directory displaying or only when you play related songs. As suggestion: have a look at Foobar album art (in advanced preferences). Default looks Prefer external. Try with embedded. It may have some impact on server rendering.

Re: foo_upnp

Reply #2076
 > . . . . it is not clear to me whether Primo shows album arts during DLNA directory displaying or only when you play related songs.

The Primo shows art only when a song is playing. There is no room on its 3.5" screen for multiple images. And (I assume) until a song is selected and loaded it has no art to display.

Foobar is set to display embedded art only, not external art. When running locally it displays no art for files without embedded art. The UPnP server appears to observe that restriction, since the Fire HDX only displays art from foobar when it is embedded in the file. Unlike the Primo, the Fire will display external art if the server sends it.

Re: foo_upnp

Reply #2077
I agree it is quite bizarre. Anyhow for a Primo product owner it should not be an issue to debug this case.
From my side I can tell that none of my clients (PC based Audionet RCP and Raumfeld Connector) have such an issue.

Re: foo_upnp

Reply #2078
I have foobar2000v1.3.10 and foo_upnp 0.99.49. I stream audio from a FritzBox DLNA server and play it locally in foobar2000. For some odd reason, the seekbar does not work with mp3 files, it's just grayed out. Windows media player does not have that problem. With aac files, however, the seekbar does work even in foobar2000. Please let me know your comments.

Re: foo_upnp

Reply #2079
Seeking in MP3 should work, it should just be (relatively) slow - foobar has to decode all of the samples up to the point where you're trying to seek to (IIRC to actually build the entire seektable, or just build it far enough to seek to that position).

Re: foo_upnp

Reply #2080
Well, seeking works just fine if I copy the same mp3 file onto my local hard disk. Only if I play it from the DLNA server, the seekbar is grayed out. Other apps (e. g. BubbleUPNP on my mobile phone) and players (e. g. Windows Media Player or Linux Rhythmbox) seek fine with the same files via DLNA.

Streaming profiles /User-agent

Reply #2081
I use foobar to stream to several renderers. Most of them can handle only low-rez files (up to 48/24). One can handle hi-rez files. I've tried to create a new profile for that device, but no matter what I put in the User-agent field, foo_upnp uses the default profile.

I've checked the device with UPnP Inspector, and there is no user-agent field or string in the device description it returned. It shows a Model name, Friendly Name, UDN, and several other descriptive strings. I've tried putting all of those field names and their values in my new UPnP streaming profile, but foobar persists in using the default profile.

I've also found lists of user-agent strings on the web, but they're mostly for web browsers and not for hardware. I've also checked the foobar console, but foobar reports no information about the renderer requesting the file. It only logs info about the file.

If my device (a Grace Digital internet radio) has a user-agent string, how do I find it? If it doesn't, what other identifying tag and value should go in those fields?

Does the field name have to be entered in XML format (i.e. <FriendlyName>) or in some other special format?



Re: foo_upnp

Reply #2082
What are the requirements for the [All Tracks] item to be generated for the media library nodes on the upnp server?

I tried editing the spec types within foo_upnp_ml_tree.xml hoping if all of them are defined as an object.container.album.musicAlbum (or similar) I could force it to show up on all levels. That did not work. Perhaps it's a combination of items on that level not having any more expendable child items + the parent node's type (as I noticed it does not always show up even on the last level)?

If it's not easily editable like that, can we get a checkbox in preferences that says 'generate [All Tracks] item on every level'?

Re: foo_upnp

Reply #2083
I have foobar2000v1.3.10 and foo_upnp 0.99.49. I stream audio from a FritzBox DLNA server and play it locally in foobar2000. For some odd reason, the seekbar does not work with mp3 files, it's just grayed out. Windows media player does not have that problem. With aac files, however, the seekbar does work even in foobar2000. Please let me know your comments.
I understand that seeking (other DLNA) is a client feature requiring support in the server. Looking to the other comments it looks like this feature is not implemented in this plugins. From my side I have tried with Raumfeld Connector server, and seeking does not work for both flac and mp3 file.

Re: foo_upnp

Reply #2084
I have a strange problem. I'm using a Foobar2000 as a server at home (Windows 10 box) and a Foobar2000 as a client at work (Macbook via Wineskin). I recently upgraded my Macbook to El Capitan and decided to completely delete and recreate my Foobar2000 app. It works fine, except that tracks never end. The track time just continues on and the song repeats endlessly until I stop or advance to the next track manually.

This problem only happens when attempting to play UPnP content from my Foobar2000 server at home. When I try to play local MP3 files on my Macbook, track advance works fine.

Re: foo_upnp

Reply #2085
I have a strange problem. I'm using a Foobar2000 as a server at home (Windows 10 box) and a Foobar2000 as a client at work (Macbook via Wineskin). I recently upgraded my Macbook to El Capitan and decided to completely delete and recreate my Foobar2000 app. It works fine, except that tracks never end. The track time just continues on and the song repeats endlessly until I stop or advance to the next track manually.

This problem only happens when attempting to play UPnP content from my Foobar2000 server at home. When I try to play local MP3 files on my Macbook, track advance works fine.
Where is the Control Point (i.e. are you pushing content from Windows on pulling from Mac/Windows)?

Re: foo_upnp

Reply #2086
I have a strange problem. I'm using a Foobar2000 as a server at home (Windows 10 box) and a Foobar2000 as a client at work (Macbook via Wineskin). I recently upgraded my Macbook to El Capitan and decided to completely delete and recreate my Foobar2000 app. It works fine, except that tracks never end. The track time just continues on and the song repeats endlessly until I stop or advance to the next track manually.

This problem only happens when attempting to play UPnP content from my Foobar2000 server at home. When I try to play local MP3 files on my Macbook, track advance works fine.
Where is the Control Point (i.e. are you pushing content from Windows on pulling from Mac/Windows)?
I am pulling content from my Mac instance. I added my home Windows Foobar2000 instance as a remote Internet UPnP server to the list of UPnP Servers available to the Mac instance.

Re: foo_upnp

Reply #2087
I have a strange problem. I'm using a Foobar2000 as a server at home (Windows 10 box) and a Foobar2000 as a client at work (Macbook via Wineskin). I recently upgraded my Macbook to El Capitan and decided to completely delete and recreate my Foobar2000 app. It works fine, except that tracks never end. The track time just continues on and the song repeats endlessly until I stop or advance to the next track manually.

This problem only happens when attempting to play UPnP content from my Foobar2000 server at home. When I try to play local MP3 files on my Macbook, track advance works fine.
Where is the Control Point (i.e. are you pushing content from Windows on pulling from Mac/Windows)?
I am pulling content from my Mac instance. I added my home Windows Foobar2000 instance as a remote Internet UPnP server to the list of UPnP Servers available to the Mac instance.
I can tell I can use Foobar as UPnP client of another external Media Server (Raumfeld Media Server) without such an issue. The only related issues is that it is 'pure streaming', i.e. no seeking, but i goes to the next track. This of course on a Windows system.
With another windows system you may exclude unlikely interworking issues between Foobar server and client.

PS: as a shortcut, if you can refer your music directories as network file on the top of Wineskin, you can run 'pure' Foobar, that by the way is much more convenient to use (i.e. library scanning always active)

Re: foo_upnp

Reply #2088
I have a strange problem. I'm using a Foobar2000 as a server at home (Windows 10 box) and a Foobar2000 as a client at work (Macbook via Wineskin). I recently upgraded my Macbook to El Capitan and decided to completely delete and recreate my Foobar2000 app. It works fine, except that tracks never end. The track time just continues on and the song repeats endlessly until I stop or advance to the next track manually.

This problem only happens when attempting to play UPnP content from my Foobar2000 server at home. When I try to play local MP3 files on my Macbook, track advance works fine.
Where is the Control Point (i.e. are you pushing content from Windows on pulling from Mac/Windows)?
I am pulling content from my Mac instance. I added my home Windows Foobar2000 instance as a remote Internet UPnP server to the list of UPnP Servers available to the Mac instance.
I can tell I can use Foobar as UPnP client of another external Media Server (Raumfeld Media Server) without such an issue. The only related issues is that it is 'pure streaming', i.e. no seeking, but i goes to the next track. This of course on a Windows system.
With another windows system you may exclude unlikely interworking issues between Foobar server and client.

PS: as a shortcut, if you can refer your music directories as network file on the top of Wineskin, you can run 'pure' Foobar, that by the way is much more convenient to use (i.e. library scanning always active)
I didn't have this problem before I upgraded to El Capitan and recreated my Wineskin. Everything worked perfectly before, so I'm thinking there must be some kind of bug in Wine with this OS.

As far as your suggestion, is there an easy was to do that across the Internet between a Windows box and a Mac? That would be one way to fix the problem, but it would also take up a bunch of bandwidth because my FLAC files wouldn't be transcoded to MP3s.

Re: foo_upnp

Reply #2089
I have a foobar2000 upnp server and also using foobar2000 as upnp browser on another windows computer.
Versions of foobar2000 is 1.3.10, vesrion of UPnP renderer is 0.99.49

The problem is that I am trying to open a massive playlist of  47056 tracks. When it is finally open I only have just 35000 tracks in my upnp foobar2000 browser. The rest tracks are not there. Has anyone faced anything like that?

Re: foo_upnp

Reply #2090
I have a foobar2000 upnp server and also using foobar2000 as upnp browser on another windows computer.
Versions of foobar2000 is 1.3.10, vesrion of UPnP renderer is 0.99.49

The problem is that I am trying to open a massive playlist of  47056 tracks. When it is finally open I only have just 35000 tracks in my upnp foobar2000 browser. The rest tracks are not there. Has anyone faced anything like that?
I have tried using a different Control Point (Radionet-RCP) and up to 72000 playlist items it worked. So it looks like a limit in Foobar client. Going beyond is critical. Being this a Control Point you have then to push items to a renderer (it might be your foobar client). Typically it sends tracks one by one, and even if they don't appear in the renderer windows, the renderer continues playing them.

Re: foo_upnp

Reply #2091
Crash report

Problem caused by: foo_upnp.dll : UPnP/DLNA Renderer, Server, Control Point
Known buggy component
Download the latest version...

See also: Help: foobar2000 has crashed.
Have the 0.99.49 but on the first page I have seen another one; maybe that the problem?
Yes, the avatar it is the cover of «The City» by Vangelis.

Re: foo_upnp

Reply #2093
Hello, I am new to this Forum.

So far, I had no problems in using foo_upnp (UPnP/DLNA Renderer, Server, Control Point, Version .99.49, released on 2015-01-13) in order to run the foobar media server and to stream from my Windows PC to my Onkyo-AV (TX-Nr1007) and / or stream hi-rez or multi-channel recordings to my Notebook (which is hooked to the same Onkyo-AV via HDMI).

A few days ago and all of a sudden this became impossible. Via many trial and error attempts (re-installing foobar, it's plugins and also the Windows media Player) I could partially recover from that disaster:

Using foo_upnp Version 0.99.45 rather than the latest one, I am now at least able to use on my PC and the Notebook the UPnP Browser again, where I can connect to my Windows Media Servers (both, the PC and the Notebook ones) and to my Bose Soundtouch Media Servers, However, I cannot see any foobar media Server(s) under the UPnP Server node, Also, my Onkyo-AV does not see the foobar Media server anymore.

Windows-Firewall and Ports (via Fritz-Router) seem to be OK.

Any idea, what I could do else or whom I could ask  for further advise?

In advance, thanks a lot for any help.        

Re: foo_upnp

Reply #2094
Not for appearing trivial, but I assume you start the the Foobar UpNP media server-
Another thing I would try would have tried (if desperate - not happened yet) is a reset all (in preferences) - Everything shoudl be back to default.
I have had the same problems when browsing Foobar Media server (I was browsing a huge playlist => no more media server could be detected by my various media clients). It was on the same PC and the one way to get back was restarting the PC (even log out/log in did not work)

Re: foo_upnp

Reply #2095
Thank you for your fast response and your suggestions!  :)

Yes, I had started (stopped and started again) the UpnP-Media Server and I also followed your suggestion to reset everything in foobar. Unfortunately, no improvement at all   :o

Would it make sense to post here the log from my foobar console? 


Re: foo_upnp

Reply #2096
Would it make sense to post here the log from my foobar console? 
You can try. I can compare with what happens when I start my foobar server.

PS: I would do a trial with last version of the plugin. I understand the reason you rolled back, but who knows, maybe now it works at least as the previous version.

Re: foo_upnp

Reply #2097
Dear developer
I am using Foo_upnp without any problem for long time.
Just recently, I try the new function on that
It is download the decoded MP3 from my computer (original FLAC files with tags) (act as media server) to my phone.
The issue is the tags on downloaded (using wifi) files have only title while the artist etc field is "unknown"
This cause big problem when listening music on my phone and sync to as the artist field is "unknown"

Do I miss something on the "download on the fly" function??

Re: foo_upnp

Reply #2098
it is noted that I browse the UPNP server by artist/album etc without any problem
It means my tags are OK
Maybe something related to the setting in
Format track artist using: %artist%
I have try different thing like %albumartist%; %album artist%;
but no success. Still the downloaded tracks are with correct titles only, and the artist field is still "unknown"

Re: foo_upnp

Reply #2099
Does it work if you don't transcode to mp3 (i.e. using native flac)?
Is Artist populated in your tags? I would also make a test setting %artist% with same value of %album artist% ....