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Topic: Columns UI (Read 4723994 times) previous topic - next topic
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Columns UI

Reply #4375
Is it possible to have conditional grouping schemes? I have my first group that groups by artist and album, but then I want to have another sub-group for disc number. Is there any way to get that second group to only display when its relevant (see screen)?


Columns UI

Reply #4376
this has already been requested multiple times.. when MM has time he will evaluate it.. as I understand from when I last asked it was complicated based on the current implementation so it might need a rewrite...

it would be an awesome feature though...

Columns UI

Reply #4377
@musicmusic: nothing seriously  but in the "Notification area" tab is a spelling mistake

"Minimi>z<e to tray"  MiniMe get off that laser LOL

and a question at all, is it possible to customize the NG grouping thing like colors, remove the line etc...

cya later


Columns UI

Reply #4378
Some bugs, (I think it is..)

1. Using $time() function in status bar display, sometime it show ? instead of time string, It did work fine in playlist view though.

2. Active item frame sometime doesn't show when using mouse to selected item, using arrow key to to navigating playlist and it will show up again, minimized foobar and bring it back also seem to make the frame disappeared, even though it did show before you minimize.

3. In Filter Panel, there's a blank item that always show as the last result in each panel even that I don't check "Show item with empty labels", you can actually click on it and it will highlight up but doesn't have any item in it, it also count as 1 item and add to "All (##)" result, didn't occur in preview 7


Some request,

Can you made playlist tabs scrollable using mouse wheel?

Some way to show other tags or info in group header but not grouped by it?

There seem to be some padding around artwork column in NG playlist, wish it could be customize for how much padding or remove it.    It's not really a problem but it take valuable space when trying to make a compact layout.

I still don't understand how you accidentally resize something.

Good ol' mouse..  Accident happen, y'know.

As of now, I don't really need it anymore but nice to have anyway.

Columns UI

Reply #4379
1. Using $time() function in status bar display, sometime it show ? instead of time string, It did work fine in playlist view though.

2. Active item frame sometime doesn't show when using mouse to selected item, using arrow key to to navigating playlist and it will show up again, minimized foobar and bring it back also seem to make the frame disappeared, even though it did show before you minimize.

3. In Filter Panel, there's a blank item that always show as the last result in each panel even that I don't check "Show item with empty labels", you can actually click on it and it will highlight up but doesn't have any item in it, it also count as 1 item and add to "All (##)" result, didn't occur in preview 7

1. It seems to be erratic everywhere. Anyway, this is not my bug..
2. Intended. See Windows Explorer.
3. Fixed, thanks for the report.

Can you made playlist tabs scrollable using mouse wheel?
Yes, probably.

Good ol' mouse..  Accident happen, y'know.

As of now, I don't really need it anymore but nice to have anyway.
I will just make Escape work here.

Columns UI

Reply #4380
from your changelog:
fixed a issue with %is_playing% in playlist switcher panel and dead tracks

didn't fix the problem with dead playlist entries 
from my last post:
it happens when you play a playlist with invalid entries, foobar is trying to play one song after another, all invalid entries, then you switch to a playlist with valid entries. foobar will start playback in that playlist. voila now both playlists are marked as active. (i guess it will only work if playback follows cursor is selected.)

maybe that helps
fixed NG Playlist issue with global style string not being inherited into custom column style strings
thanks a lot!

and thanks for the continued work on artwork

Columns UI

Reply #4381
Fifoxtasy: Oh you're right there's something still wrong, I wasn't using playback follows cursor when I tested. I'll fix it...

Columns UI

Reply #4382
Still waiting to be able to move the album art column to the right (or even better - anywhere I want)... Good job otherwise!

Columns UI

Reply #4383
Hey, musicmusic. What is your status on these two issues?

1) In the Filter panel (with autosend disabled) there's no visual indication for middle-clicking. Maybe the clicked item should blink or become selected.

2) Scroll to the items added to the NG Playlist from the Filter on "Add to active playlist" action.
1. I guess it makes sense that it should be selected. I do wonder if anyone uses the middle click to avoid the selection being changed though. I made a note of it anyway I'll look into it a bit more.

2. Yes I think some behaviours there should be changed I'll fix that.
Scrolling to items added with drag-and-dropping from external programs would be nice too.

Columns UI

Reply #4384
quick question:

can the artwork viewer simply display whatever images are inside the folder of the track currently playing? and if there are multiple images, can it cycle through automatically?


Columns UI

Reply #4385
Awesome job on the new version. I really like the album art reflections, looks very cool.

Feature request.
* True locked panels, that don't show resize cursors and aren't possible to resize. I often click in the wrong place and resize my locked panels.

Columns UI

Reply #4386
I am using: Version 0.3 beta 2 preview 7, Date May 22 2008
I have aquestion about your Artwork viewer. Where is the no cover stored? It would be cool to have the opportunity to set a customized No Cover art.

Columns UI

Reply #4389
musicmusic I have a couple of requests
1) vertical padding for filter items
2) alternating row colors for filter items
3) sunken frame for album art
4) aspect ratio toggle for album art
5) ability to rename filter playlists
Thanks a lot...the new version rocks!

Columns UI

Reply #4390
One minor feature request (which obviously does not need to be a high priority):

An ability to specify custom mouseover text for buttons would be really nice.

Columns UI

Reply #4391
0.3 beta 2 preview 10 released. This adds a query box to the Filter Panel, using the common foobar2000 query syntax.

Fifoxtasy: I made the %is_playing% in playlist switcher work better now (it won't show two playlists as playing). It won't update properly though if you switch from one playlist of dead tracks to another of dead tracks with playback follows cursor enabled: it's not possible to fix that case, but I don't think it really matters anyway.

Columns UI

Reply #4392
Fifoxtasy: I made the %is_playing% in playlist switcher work better now (it won't show two playlists as playing). It won't update properly though if you switch from one playlist of dead tracks to another of dead tracks with playback follows cursor enabled: it's not possible to fix that case, but I don't think it really matters anyway.

thanks! you're absolutely right!

Columns UI

Reply #4393
1. I'm having trouble figuring out how to use the new filter search bar. I right-click inside the panel, select Search, and a bar pops up, but nothing changes when I type stuff (either solely text-based or using the query syntax) into the search bar. I'm trying this on a very basic "artists" filter, without any fancy titleformatting.

2. Is there a purpose for the "Use global variables for display" and "Make date info available" checkboxes in the Globals tab as opposed to just having them permanently set to on? Performance benefits?

Columns UI

Reply #4394
1. I'm having trouble figuring out how to use the new filter search bar. I right-click inside the panel, select Search, and a bar pops up, but nothing changes when I type stuff (either solely text-based or using the query syntax) into the search bar. I'm trying this on a very basic "artists" filter, without any fancy titleformatting.
My bad, it doesn't work if you activate it from the context menu. I'll fix that shortly.. If you focus the filter panel and press CTRL-F or F3 it will work. [edit] Fixed.

2. Is there a purpose for the four checkboxes in the Globals tab as opposed to just having them permanently set to on? Performance benefits?
Use global variables for display: It can be useful being able to turn them off without having to erase the entire global string
Make date info available / Use global variables for sorting: Performance reasons
Enable legacy support: It's disabled by default since I don't want people unintentionally using the old syntax. It's mainly there so that very old .fcs files work (it's enabled automatically for those).

Columns UI

Reply #4395
How would I go about adding an additional playlist in the playlist filters for columns? Would I use titleformatting or another method?

Columns UI

Reply #4396
I know it's only a preview, but when I try to sort columns in NG playlist, it's not really sorting the way I want... Is it a bug or me that doesn't really get the new grouping options?
Can't wait for a HD-AAC encoder :P

Columns UI

Reply #4397
How would I go about adding an additional playlist in the playlist filters for columns? Would I use titleformatting or another method?
Just separate them by semi-colons. You can use wildcards.

I know it's only a preview, but when I try to sort columns in NG playlist, it's not really sorting the way I want... Is it a bug or me that doesn't really get the new grouping options?
Grouping and sorting are independent.. I just click through the columns to get what I want (e.g. tracknumber then album then artist) and also you have custom sort strings. But anyway if that doesn't help maybe you could explain what you are exactly having problems with.

Columns UI

Reply #4398

I know it's only a preview, but when I try to sort columns in NG playlist, it's not really sorting the way I want... Is it a bug or me that doesn't really get the new grouping options?
Grouping and sorting are independent.. I just click through the columns to get what I want (e.g. tracknumber then album then artist) and also you have custom sort strings. But anyway if that doesn't help maybe you could explain what you are exactly having problems with.

I just figured: When I'm using a custom sort string, it doesn't seem to sort - It can reverse the list, but no sorting is done. It works well, when it's disabled.
Can't wait for a HD-AAC encoder :P

Columns UI

Reply #4399
It seems OK here.. but there's many things it could be related to (global variables, date fields, ...). Can you paste your custom sort string here?