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Topic: What aoTuV tunings were incorporated in Xiph's libvorbis? (Read 2107 times) previous topic - next topic
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What aoTuV tunings were incorporated in Xiph's libvorbis?

In the changelog here:

aoTuV is mentioned two times. First when tunings were incorporated in 2004 but then in 2010 it mentions backing out from a specific tuning introduced in 1.3.0 (released in 2010). But the 1.3.0 changelog doesn't mention aoTuV at all.

Is there any official info on what is currently included in Xiph's libvorbis and how much it's lacking from Ayoumi's work?

Re: What aoTuV tunings were incorporated in Xiph's libvorbis?

Reply #1
That was it - 2004 was the only one incorporated .

Re: What aoTuV tunings were incorporated in Xiph's libvorbis?

Reply #2
That was it - 2004 was the only one incorporated .
How can you explain the libvorbis 1.3.2 (2010-11-01) changelog, then?

Back out an [old] AoTuV HF weighting that was    first enabled in 1.3.0

Was it maybe something that was introduced with 2004 tunings but kept deactivated until 1.3.0, to then be deactivated once more in 1.3.2?

Re: What aoTuV tunings were incorporated in Xiph's libvorbis?

Reply #3
Not sure but it may have been a 'megamix' tuning rather than stock aotuv,
that makes sense since megamix was deprecated as aotuv was proven.