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Topic: Discussion of "Default UI Gallery" (Read 409932 times) previous topic - next topic
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Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #50
Added Cover-arts to my UI and removed that Album-list when i figured it was totally useless...

I really love this customizable UI!

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #53
Here is my setup. I am using builtin titile format.

Custom buttons? How? And what is that spectrum thing?

As far as i know:

$if(%discnumber%,'(Disc '%discnumber%')',) =
$if($meta(discnumber),'(Disc '%discnumber%')',) =
['(Disc '%discnumber%')']

Would  $if2('(Disc '%discnumber%')',)  work the same way?

Btw: i got used to put all plain text in quotes because i think it's more strict. Or do i only have to put qoutes around brackets so they won't be confused with string brackets?

I got that disc thing already solved. Or was that about that...? Now I just want to get rid of these numbers.

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #54
The custom buttons ara made with columns ui and dockable panels (i think). Look at the border around the button segment. It is not really included in the default ui layout.

I got that disc thing already solved. Or was that about that...? Now I just want to get rid of these numbers.

With the first 4 lines i just wanted to show you that there are different ways to show the same result. You said you don't know how to make these things from scratch. Maybe that could help you to understand how it works.

The "$if2"-thing and the question about where to put the quotes was something i wanted to know. Nothing to do with you.
But if someone wants to know: it does the same thing as the other three lines.

How to get rid of the discnumbers in tracknumber columns:
Did you try creating a custom column "Track" = [%tracknumber%]?

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #55
Sorry for a question asked already somewhere, but anyway: How can you take playback controls and such from the toolbar to the layout itself?

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #56
Btw: i got used to put all plain text in quotes because i think it's more strict. Or do i only have to put qoutes around brackets so they won't be confused with string brackets?

Apostrophs are only required around characters with a special meaning in the titleformat syntax:

%, $, (, ), [, ], commas inside of functions, and the apostroph itself - use '' to display one.

How can you take playback controls and such from the toolbar to the layout itself?

You can add a toolbar above or below any UI element.

Enable the layout editing mode, right-click on an element, choose "Replace", and select "Toolbar Header".

Now right-click on the new toolbar to customize it.

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #57
Thanks! Now I got it (:

Moderation: Removed the fullquote.

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #58
is there any way to get some sort of scale for the spectrum tool? Or is there some other way to get a basic idea what the current lowpass is?
--alt-presets are there for a reason! These other switches DO NOT work better than it, trust me on this.
LAME + Joint Stereo doesn't destroy 'Stereo'

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #60
For people that have problems displaying the rating stars. You can use the free to use Deja Vu font. I like the font myself and it has the star symbol.

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #61
It is explained in the following topic:

For the correct font be sure to ready my post on the 3rd page.

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #62

Download theme file here.

how can I get the spectrum monitor look like this? What are the color codes?

--alt-presets are there for a reason! These other switches DO NOT work better than it, trust me on this.
LAME + Joint Stereo doesn't destroy 'Stereo'

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #63
Found this to be the most useful setup for me.

I really like this new UI. It's what Columns UI should have been all along. Damn that tree-view based editing. UI elements is easy to use.

Moderation: Replaced full image by a thumbnail.

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #64
small screen

wide with lyrics panel showing

Looks awesome. Would you please post your config for me ? I would love to use it on my  foodbar, thank you!

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #65
Is it posible to customize the grouping headers font?
I can only change the lists and playlists from what I can see, and the grouping font is chosen by foobar automatically (increasing the point size).
Am I missing something or is it just like that?

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #66
pretty much one of the defaults

Hi smok3, can you please give the font and special $char codes you've used for the top of your foobar window ? (between 3:14 and fb2k). In fact a copy/paste of the code would be best. Thanks.

Another question for everybody : here's my current config (work in progress, so don't pay much attention to it). Notice the 20 small filled / empty dots in the status bar (lower part of the window, between "1:37" and "-2:32". I don't understand why they aren't vertically aligned with the rest of the line (they are too low, I'd want them to be centered). Can you guys help me out ?

Thanks !

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #67
I don't understand why they aren't vertically aligned with the rest of the line (they are too low, I'd want them to be centered). Can you guys help me out ?

That's most likely how those characters are positioned within the font itself. The solution would be to pick new hollow/filled characters or pick a new font.

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #68
Yes, that's what I thought, but when I look at the Windows character table (Start > Programs > Accessories > System utilities), these circles (hex codes 25CC and 25CF from Arial Unicode) are perfectly centered vertically. Same thing if I copy/paste them into Wordpad. So there must be a problem somewhere within foobar.

I have seen screens from people @ HA Forums with the same circles correctly positioned. So I guess there must be a solution (either there are other working $char codes, or something else). Thanks in advance for your help.

EDIT : I've found it - it's just a matter of which font you select under foobar for the status bar. Some fonts display the circles centered, others display the circles down. That's all.

EDIT2 : I've even managed to create a small piece of code that displays a progress bar, but unlike other progress bars,
this one gives the impression to progress on a pixel-by-pixel basis. Try it out and let me know what you think (it's one of my first attempts, but I'm pretty happy with it  ).

Simply copy/paste this into Prefs > Default UI > Status Bar (in only ONE LINE, without carriage returns) :
Code: [Select]
%codec%' ('%bitrate% kbps')'   -   %samplerate% Hz %channels%'   ¤   '%playback_time%'   '$puts(a,20)$repeat($char(9608)' ',$put(b,$div($mul(%playback_time_seconds%,$get(a)),%length_seconds%)))$ifgreater(%length_seconds%,%playback_time_seconds%,$char($sub(9615,$div($mul($sub( $div($mul(%playback_time_seconds%,$mul($get(a),10)),%length_seconds%),$mul($get(b),10)),8),10)))' ',)$repeat($char(9480)' ',$sub($sub($get(a),1),$get(b)))'  '-%playback_time_remaining%

You can replace the "20" in "$puts(a,20)" with the total number of characters you want in the progress bar (34 is the limit for me).
Of course it requires an Unicode font like Arial Unicode for instance : Prefs > Default UI > Colors and Fonts > Status Bar.

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #69
The progress bar code is great. Thanks for sharing!

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #70
My current foobar2000 beta 6 setup using the facet plugin. Which is a nice and simple setup with everything i just need.

Hi, I really love this setup!! Is there any way you could post the theme file or whatever it is? I have no idea how to change things and would really like something along these lines. Thanks!!

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #71

My current foobar2000 beta 6 setup using the facet plugin. Which is a nice and simple setup with everything i just need.

Hi, I really love this setup!! Is there any way you could post the theme file or whatever it is? I have no idea how to change things and would really like something along these lines. Thanks!!

I made a copy of my foobar config file and theme import file aswell to try out.

Also you will need a the Facet Plugin and foobar2000 0.9.5 beta.


VBR display is set to 0.
Status bar and Windows Title bar is a complete re-written custom format code which displays usefull info.
Mouse wheel focus is switched on.
ID3 Tag compat mode is switched on.
Foobar my ask to remove some settings for missing plugins but can click keep or remove but that should not be a major problem but make sure the Facet plugin is installed.
"I never thought I'd see this much candy in one mission!"

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #72

You will be able to create any theme you like - just go to main menu -> view and look there for calling the scratchbox: then just play around and create what you like. It is not necessary anymore sharing themes when using the DefaultUI.

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #73
I'm not familiar yet with the scratchbox. Is there some topic about it or something ?