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Topic: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls (Read 462197 times) previous topic - next topic
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foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #50
When I try to register the library, this error pops up:

My system is Windows 7 Ultimate x64

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #52
I must be tired.
A wonderful plugin.

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #53
Hey guys! Here is x64 version (link is the same as before). Sorry that it take so long.. Really had no free time last month. But now it seems that my rush is over and I will be able to work on this plugin. So, stay tuned

Greate! Greate! and Greate!
.:: Evchenic.S+udio ::.

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #54
Hi eldarien,
First of all, great work on the x64 version, seems to work with no problems on Windows 7 x64.
2 suggestions, though.
The most crucial one would be to automatically select the toolbar on foobar launch and automatically deselect it on foobar close.
The second would be an option to customize what is shown in the toolbar.
Thanks again, Adam.

The component works flawlessly with Hebrew text, which is nice.

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #55
The second would be an option to customize what is shown in the toolbar.

Something already can be modified by changing the .ini file (show/hide buttons, seekbar, title, time)

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #56
Ok people, i spent a little time making a installer for the latest version of this plugin. If you wish you can download it from here. It will detect your O.S. version (x64 or x86), copy and register the proper DLL to your foobar2000 folder, and as a plus, will also move your config file to your foobar2000 folder and create a symbolic link inside the %AppData% so that you can use the plugin with portable installations (as i do) without having to mess with AppData folders.
Please note that due to the fact that only Vista and Seven have the symlink tool built-in, the installer propably will work only on these two O.S's. If there's enough interest and the plugin developer decide to not implement a way to load the .ini from another folder beside the AppData one, i might add XP support too.

If you test it, your feedbak is very welcome.

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #57
Great plugin -- this really makes foobar usable for me which it wasn't before!

Used installer above on x64 -- like a charm!

  • make controls full-height so title is to right of controls. (would need to scale width too)
  • clicking on a spot on the scrollbar goes to that exact position as in fb2k main window (currently it scrolls by a minimum % of the song it seems)
  • dragging the scrollbar does not change the playback until you release the mouse button, (as in fb2k main window) -- you could also update the song title text with the seek-to time.
  • title text scrolls when it doesn't fit in the toolbar (and -- if previous bullet is implemented would scroll to show the time and be stationary while seeking)
  • the text in the toolbar follows the configurable main title options in fb2k prefs
  • scrollbar scales with the width of toolbar dynamically
  • when hovering on the toolbar, mouse scroll changes volume (not sure if this is feasible?)

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #58
Ok people, i spent a little time making a installer for the latest version of this plugin. If you wish you can download it from here. It will detect your O.S. version (x64 or x86), copy and register the proper DLL to your foobar2000 folder, and as a plus, will also move your config file to your foobar2000 folder and create a symbolic link inside the %AppData% so that you can use the plugin with portable installations (as i do) without having to mess with AppData folders.
Please note that due to the fact that only Vista and Seven have the symlink tool built-in, the installer propably will work only on these two O.S's. If there's enough interest and the plugin developer decide to not implement a way to load the .ini from another folder beside the AppData one, i might add XP support too.

If you test it, your feedbak is very welcome.

Works as advertised in Windows 7 x64 
Great work,  BrutuZ

Perhaps you should take a different approach and allow using an external ZIP with the component (either manually or by downloading), so the installer becomes more generic and you won't have to update it with every version.

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #59
Can the toolbar be set to open and close along with foobar?  Also any updates on the new installer?

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #60
Perhaps you should take a different approach and allow using an external ZIP with the component (either manually or by downloading), so the installer becomes more generic and you won't have to update it with every version.

I guess i could do that, but honestly, i fail to see the point here. If you have the zip already you're half-way to the complement installation/update. The plug-in doesn't seem to be updated that often, but i'll see what i can do anyway.

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #61
Ok, i added the .zip thingy, now if you have a file named sitting in the installer folder, the installer will detect it and ask if you want to use it instead of the built-in files. If this features breaks in future releases it's not my fault, it will probably be because the author changed the current zip structure (.dll files inside 64bit and 32bit folders), in that case blame the author  . I wont mess with the presets though. Btw, download it on the same link as before.

Off: I do hate this time limit to edit posts 

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #62
great plugin BrutuZ! I really like it! 

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #63
definitely should add a seekbar

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #65
Is it possible to configure what buttons show up?  I'd like to get rid of the Play/Stop button if possible.

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #68
Would really love some updates on this as well, lots of potential here.  Really do appreciate all the work done so far, though! =)

1) More customization: layout, buttons shown, button icons, formatting
2) The ability to store configuration info within the portable foobar folder rather than in %appdata%
3) Toolbar opens and closes with foobar
4) Easy installation/uninstallation

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #70
1) More customization: layout, buttons shown, button icons, formatting

If you want to change the button icons, you can do so with a tool like Greenfish Icon Editor. It is able to edit the embedded icons in the .dll file.

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #71
Sorry, I forgot to mention I'm using XP which doesn't support symbolic link.

2) The ability to store configuration info within the portable foobar folder rather than in %appdata%
4) Easy installation/uninstallation

Both have already been adressed with [a href='index.php?act=findpost&pid=693261']my installer[/a].

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #72
I understand that, just saying it would be nice if it could be done via a nice setup menu or something.

1) More customization: layout, buttons shown, button icons, formatting

If you want to change the button icons, you can do so with a tool like Greenfish Icon Editor. It is able to edit the embedded icons in the .dll file.

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #73
Perhaps code from foo_title could be reused to make this component more flexible.