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Topic: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls (Read 467993 times) previous topic - next topic
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foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Hi everybody!
This is foobar2000 Deskband Controls plugin. You can see what it does from screenshot below.

Unfortunately, no further development on this is possible until the war is ended.
Please consider donating on United24 (, thank you.

Bugreports and suggestions are very welcome.

Supported operating systems are Windows 7, Windows 8 and 8.1, Windows 10.

For Windows 11 users - see this post.

The normal installation process should look like this:
1. Download component file from here:
2. Right click this file, select "Properties". In the properties window find "Unblock" checkbox and check it. Click "Ok".
3. Double-click component file. foobar2000 player should open and ask you "Do you want to continue?". Click "yes".
4. Component will appear in components list (unloaded). Click "Ok". foobar2000 will ask if you want to restart it. Click "Ok".
5. On foobar2000 restart a UAC window will open. Allow it to proceed (click "yes").
6. A console installer will run. There should be no errors in it. If it says "Types registered successfully. Installation completed." then you  are good. Close console window.
7. Now, right-click on taskbar and in "Toolbars" submenu there should be "Deskband Controls" item. You may have to wait a few seconds and right-click taskbar again as it may not appear instantly in the list.
8. After you clicked on "Deskband Controls" menu item start some music and you should see the deskband.

Also, feel free to share you setup profile with us! (Profiles are saved in %AppData%\DeskbandControls folder)

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #1
Can't seem to get it to work in Windows 7 x64.

Tried in the SysWOW64 folder too, no toolbar.
Windows 10 Pro x64 // foobar2000 1.3.10

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #3
No, what would that have anything do to with it? It doesn't appear under Toolbars.

I do have foo_vis_shpeck, which is the same thing.

It needs to be recompiled for us x64 users I think.
Windows 10 Pro x64 // foobar2000 1.3.10

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #4
I like it. Couple of improvements (if possible):

- Close automatically when closing foobar (quite essential)
- Seekbar
- Show/hide foobar button
- Volume controls

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #6
I would love to use such thing like this - Problem is I use another PC to serve music from foobar2000.

Any chance such app would work over IP?
Can't wait for a HD-AAC encoder :P

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #7
It would surprise me if it would be required for it to even show up.
What that component does is it creates a fake Winamp 1x window that other programs can gather the now playing-info from.

And as I wrote, foo_vis_shpeck works the same, so you don't need that specific one.

TS can verify it if it's required or not.

The problem here is that the control needs to be registered as 32 bit, and it doesn't seem to like the "trick" to use the regsvr32 in the SysWOW64 folder.
Windows 10 Pro x64 // foobar2000 1.3.10

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #8
running x64 here with foo_vis_shpeck and foo_winamp_spam, no toolbar but plugin was registered successfully

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #9
It needs to be recompiled for us x64 users I think.

Yes, you are right. I will try to make x64 version.

I would love to use such thing like this - Problem is I use another PC to serve music from foobar2000.
Any chance such app would work over IP?

In current implementation - no. But this is interesting idea, I'll think about it.

- Close automatically when closing foobar (quite essential)

You mean hide toolbar when user closes player? But than you will have to enable it again manually.
I think this must be an option.

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #10
Just a request for the next version: can you also make a side-by-side version (buttons on the left, track info on the right) for people who use small icons for the taskbar? That would be great!

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #11
very cool. working great for me in x86.

i have no idea what is possible with something like this, but a few features that would be nice (some already mentioned):

scrolling text
open/close with foobar
button to show foobar
[paused] notification
cover art

also might be nice also to have a buttons-only version.

looking forward to watching this develop!

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #12
Thanks. Can I limit it's width? A user defined tagz string would be nice.

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #13
can you also make a side-by-side version (buttons on the left, track info on the right) for people who use small icons for the taskbar?

scrolling text
open/close with foobar
button to show foobar
[paused] notification
cover art
also might be nice also to have a buttons-only version.
Technically all this is possible, but for some features (like cover art) there must be separate part as a foobar plugin. Maybe I will be able to remove foo_winamp_spam from dependencies in this case...

Thanks. Can I limit it's width? A user defined tagz string would be nice.
Minimum width is hardcoded to 200px. It will be configurable in next versions.
What do you mean by "tagz"? Is this foobar title formatting tags, like %artist%?
Anyway, you can chage string format in foo_winamp_spam settings.

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #14
Your component looks promising.

I support all the Keesface requests and the pause notification.

- Close automatically when closing foobar (quite essential)

You mean hide toolbar when user closes player? But than you will have to enable it again manually.
I think this must be an option.

I think it's possible to hide the controls of the toolbar without closing it, like windows media player toolbar, it would be the more convenient.

Other requests:
- Any possibilities to choose which control is showed would be welcome.
- Removing the winamp_spam dependencies would be welcome too. From what I've understand, it's no more really maintained... A dependencies-less component would be the better but otherwise I think it's better to rely on foo_vis_check

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #15
any updates to this plug-in? hope you haven't given up!

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #16
any updates to this plug-in? hope you haven't given up!

Of course not! I am working on it and soon there will be a new version with many improvements. I just don't want to spend ALL my free time in Visual Studio

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #17
If you don't mind, can you also make a version that fits a minimum-sized vertical Windows 7 taskbar? I'm not sure how it's going to look - two lines of buttons plus another line or two for song info should be pretty ugly. But really - play/pause (preferably combined), rewind, fast forward is enough for me and most people and it fits in one line.

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #18
Hi, I`m new in this forum 

I have two simple questions:

1) how can I display only the buttons? I don't want test, title, artist or play status, [stopped], etc.
2) how can I display only buttons and play status? [play], [stopped], [suspended], etc

I hope it's possible!


foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #19
If you don't mind, can you also make a version that fits a minimum-sized vertical Windows 7 taskbar? I'm not sure how it's going to look - two lines of buttons plus another line or two for song info should be pretty ugly. But really - play/pause (preferably combined), rewind, fast forward is enough for me and most people and it fits in one line.

ok, accepted.

1) how can I display only the buttons? I don't want test, title, artist or play status, [stopped], etc.
2) how can I display only buttons and play status? [play], [stopped], [suspended], etc

It's not possible in this version, but will be possible in next one.

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #20
Great! I'll wait the new version!

PS. For the new version remind the possibilities to:

- don't display the duration of the song (I tried, but I think that now is not possible)
- put the buttons strictly near the notification icons (as near as possible to the clock, now is not possible, the buttons stay a little bit far from the notification icons)

Does it work without Winamp installed too? I haven't installed Winamp and it seems to work correctly.

Sorry if I wrote bad, I'm italian...

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #21
New build is available. Download it here.
- works on windows xp;
- does not need foo_winamp_spam any more;
- combined play/pause button;
- seekbar;
- "[stopped]" and "[paused]" notifications and track length info;
- any part of interface can be showed or hidden and moved to any X/Y position (so it can be placed in vertical taskbar);

Please uninstall previous version before installing this one. More details in readme.txt file.

Known restrictions:
- does not work on 64 bit systems yet.

P.S. Can I edit my first post here?

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #22
Nice, thanks. I managed to install it in one go and it works fine, but would it be possible to put this in an installer instead of having to do it manually? I guess that would improve usability.

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #23
Great! Keep up the good work.

With an autohide when foobar is not loaded (only show one button to launch foobar) I would definitively use it.

I have experienced two explorer crash when I have removed it from the taskbar to test different ini settings (win7). If I could help you with some dump files or test, just ask...

And some, less important/cosmetic suggestions:
- Replace the ini file by a foobar preference section. (At least make the ini file readable in the directory of Foobar2000DeskbandControls.dll for portable install)
- Autoscroll text
- Title formatting support
- Customizable icons

Note: your readme doesn't say that regsvr32 need a command prompt runned as administrator

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #24
I have found that explorer crashes if you change the .ini file then remove the toolbar from the taskbar. You have to remove it first then change the .ini. This is on XP.

Another thing is, it doesn't seem to load the .ini file from foobar's configuration folder, it has to be %appdata%/foobar2000/configuration, whereas my config is stored in Program Files/foobar2000/configuration. (I'm not on portable mode.)

Something I would really like is a stop after current indicator, would that be possible?