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Topic: Installed QuickTime Pro, Whats next? - Tutorial? (Read 4103 times) previous topic - next topic
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Installed QuickTime Pro, Whats next? - Tutorial?

I've installed QuickTime Pro and would like to rip and encode it in mpeg4 encoding.  What the best way to do it?  I am looking for a tutorial, list of proggie, and etcs to use.  Searching google now however Im coming up empty.

Thanks you time
- Mike

Installed QuickTime Pro, Whats next? - Tutorial?

Reply #1
Quicktime's encoding quality sucks. Reading the DivX/XviD guide of Doom9 will give you a nice start. According to the latest tests, Xvid should give you the best (currently) possible quality.

Installed QuickTime Pro, Whats next? - Tutorial?

Reply #2
Yeah QT is really bad, its years behind everyone else in terms of features and quality, so I would use Xvid/Divx/3ivx/RV/WMV instead.

Edit:  Hmm I don't have blind tests to back that up, so take it as my personal experience and not fact.  However it is fact that lots of the ASP features are not in QT and are in virtually every other mpeg4 codec, so even if QT was a brilliant SP implimentation, it would probably still not do too well against everything else, so my comments are sort of justified

Installed QuickTime Pro, Whats next? - Tutorial?

Reply #3
You can use 3ivx D4 4.5's encoder from inside QuickTime, just encode a .mov with 3ivx

The final video track will be decodable by QuickTime's MPEG-4 decoder (as long as you don't use any ASP features).

And you can then even use the MP4 passthrough functionality.

Or, you can encode into AVI (not using QuickTime) and then use the 3ivx MP4 filters to create an MP4 which will decode fine with QT's Native MPEG-4 decoder (as long as you don't use ASP features)

Installed QuickTime Pro, Whats next? - Tutorial?

Reply #4
hm qt itself cant directly encode video into .mp4?
I know, that I know nothing (Socrates)


Installed QuickTime Pro, Whats next? - Tutorial?

Reply #5
hm qt itself cant directly encode video into .mp4?

Well... sure it can... but then you're stuck using Apple's MPEG-4 codec for encoding... which isn't very good