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Topic: SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist) (Read 271020 times) previous topic - next topic
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SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #25
It seems that SimPlaylist is not selecting the "now playing track" when I doubleclick the Foobar-statusbar. Instead that doubleclick opens the "original" playlistview that I have in another tab and selects the track there. Bug or intentional?

Great component Frank! And the new Facets idem dito!

SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #26
It seems that SimPlaylist is not selecting the "now playing track" when I doubleclick the Foobar-statusbar. Instead that doubleclick opens the "original" playlistview that I have in another tab and selects the track there. Bug or intentional?

Great component Frank! And the new Facets idem dito!

Same here, but it works if you remove the old playlist element... No need for it now anyway

I notice some glitches with subgroups-text being crumbled or disappearing completely, most often when i scroll through large playlists... Then it reappears if I click on the area the text should be. I use beta 3.

SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #27
in ESplaylist, my group header has the album and date, but groups are build with the help of %album%. so if an album has got different dates or artists, it still stays in one group.

But which date should it display in the group header if they all differ?

I think you have two options:

1) Use a different metadata field for track dates. Otherwise you will run into similar problems with any other function that groups tracks by dates (replaygain scanner, album shuffle, file operations, album list, and so on).

2) Alternatively, you can display the first or last date using %first_release% or %last_release% (group statistics).

It seems that SimPlaylist is not selecting the "now playing track" when I doubleclick the Foobar-statusbar. Instead that doubleclick opens the "original" playlistview that I have in another tab and selects the track there. Bug or intentional?

Fixed for the next beta, thank you.

SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #28
in ESplaylist, my group header has the album and date, but groups are build with the help of %album%. so if an album has got different dates or artists, it still stays in one group.

But which date should it display in the group header if they all differ?

in ESplaylist the date of the first item is used to display. i don't know if this is meant by %first release%.

SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #29
For tracks from 2004, 2011, 2008, 1996, 2001:

%first_release% = 1996
%last_release% = 2011

SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #30
Okay I found the problem. I got an .ogg file with no embedded cover between the mp3 files. If I remove the file the album cover appears. But when I add the whole folder (which contains the ogg) the cover disappears.


SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #33
Indeed, the rating database support is a welcome addition!

However, I'm wondering why the rating is not updated to database too when using the "Rating" (NOT "database") column.

SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #34
However, I'm wondering why the rating is not updated to database too when using the "Rating" (NOT "database") column.

I guess that is self-explainable

Is there a way to use Rating column info without foo_playcount? Like to use it as a value for foo_skip?

SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #35
Thanks for this great playlist viewer, really nice work.

Is there a chance for making the clickable rating feature customizable in future versions? Customizable as in being able to change the source field for the rating (other than %rating%) and allow different systems with ratings higher (or lower) values than 5.

It's a personal opinion thing but the 1-6 rating system just works best for me, therefore the clickable rating with a max of 5 is useless for me unfortunately. The reason for storing the rating in a different field is because rating, when stored as %rating% in the tags, used to interfere with the one in the database with some older version of the playback statistics component. I suppose it's fixed by now, but i'd rather try to avoid such possible conflicts.
Also making this feature customizable would allow it to be used for other means like for foo_skip as the previous poster asked.

SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #36
this is a wonderful plugin, but i'm a little confused about altering the column width.

say i have 4 columns: A | B | C | D

in the default playlist viewer, if i click on the line separating B and C and then move my mouse to the right, column B will expand to the right, columns C and D will move rightward while retaining their original widths, and column A will be unaffected. in simplaylist, if i click on the line separating B and C and then move my mouse to the right, column B will expand to the left, column A will shrink and columns C and D will be unaffected. this new behavior doesn't make any sense to me and i very much prefer the behavior of the default playlist viewer. do you have any plans to restore normal behavior in future updates?

SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #37
I think there's a bug with resizing the playlist vertically when it's in a splitter. When it gets big enough that the scroll bar disappears, it glitches and sometimes everything disappears. It only seems to happen when there's some kind of grouping.

SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #38
hey frank, thank you for the incredibly awesome components you've released recently. Simplaylist as well as the new facets catapult foobar2000 into a new dimension of music management for me.

i am experiencing problems with keyboard shortcuts however. I had many functions assigned to keys without the use of modifiers (ctrl/shift/alt). these do not work anymore while being in the facets or simplaylist view. only the ones that use a modifier still do their job.
is this an intended behaviour?

thanks again.

SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #39
A question: Is the option to have ignore leading "The" when sorting (like in faces)?

SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #40
?? Not sure what you are asking.
Testing it might be faster than waiting on an answer

SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #41
Open issues:

    No album art found in parent folder from multiple disc subfolders. foobar2000 core issue.

It's easy

SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #42
Maybe a bug? there's an unused space when using a group without images...

Thank you.

SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #43
I like this new plug-in. Best thing since Facets ;-).


There seems to be an issue with the grouped view. I often lose all columns with a restart. Haven't found a way to get them back yet, other then redefining the whole thing. Columns definitions are still there though.


SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #44
Can you add playlist filters/association (Columns UI calls it filters; EsPlaylist calls it association) for group presets? An example is here.

SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #45
I like that: it gives a better overview for me at least

IMO that feature makes for me no sense as it is able to show a senseless grouping after sorting the playlist by a special pattern. What is the benefit of grouping by album just because the playlistname contains "album" f.e. when you can sort the same playlist by rating? Furthermore it would require to take care of naming more than it should be necessary: the automatic naming of playlists seems to work good in foobar2000. When the beta cycle finishes i will make a request to make grouping dependent of sorting. But so far i want to support your request in one point: grouping and columns on a per-playlist basis would be amazing, yes!

better comprehendibility

SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #46

I do not understand the first few sentences of your post. Are you perhaps conflating Columns UI Filter with Columns UI Groups (NG Playlist) playlist filters?

I'll give you an example of how I use this feature. If I have a track that charted on an annual Billboard Top 100, I create a metadata tag called %billboardtop100% containing a value in the format YEAR-RANK (E.g. 2010-001). I created an autoplaylist named "Billboard Top 100" that queries NOT billboardtop100 MISSING, and is sorted by %billboardtop100%. Finally a playlist grouping $cut(%billboardtop100%,4) with a filter that is set to display only on the playlist named Billboard Top 100. This groups the aforementioned playlist by year, and sorts it by Billboard Top 100 year, and then Billboard Top 100 rank. Basically, it displays an autoplaylist containing all the annual Billboard Top 100 charts in chronological order. Another example is a grouping specifically for my DAR playlist, and another specifically for recently added tracks that groups and sorts by date.

Anyway, you clarified my feature request more cogently than I did in your final sentence: grouping and columns on a per-playlist basis.

SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #47
I understand what you mean, but if your autoplaylist is a sortable one und you sort them by - let's say - rating then the grouping is cluttered: in that case it would be better to group by rating. Even in your example you have choosen a grouping that matches best the sorting although you had to make a detour over the naming. I just wish a better solution could be found than in Cui.

SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #48
pattern: <<<%tagA%>>> %tagB%
e.g.: textA1(textA2) textB

textA1(textA2) is dimmed properly
textB is highlighted while it shouldn't

please give an option to disable auto highlight

SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #49
So far everytime i restart foobar2000 the playlist view shows me just the first group title: No more! I have to place the ui-element again in layout editing mode to have complete view. After clicking around in that incomplete view i produced a crash (report sended). It was my foobar2000 version for testing (means: some shitty components) that crashed. I will look if i can reproduce the crash!