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Topic: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer (Read 71475 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #25
Beta feedback:

If you add it in a Panel Stack Splitter , the visualization is not visible, only the Options Menu entry is available.
Thanks for your feedback! It's not designed/tested for Panel Stack Splitter. But I'll take a look at it.
The new version ( now supports Panel Stack Splitter:,116014.msg957490.html#msg957490

Thank you.

Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #26
Be playing with this today and love it so far. Is there a way to set the panel boarder from sunken to none?  Also is it possible to change the colors on the dB peak ball?
I am root

Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #27
Be playing with this today and love it so far. Is there a way to set the panel boarder from sunken to none?  Also is it possible to change the colors on the dB peak ball?
Thanks for your feedback! Currently there is no way to configure the border style. But it will be part of the next release.
Since the peak ball is a static bitmap, cause i'm lazy  :D ,there is no easy way to implement different colors for it. But still, there are several ways to do this. I will look into it.

Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #28
Thank you Crossover for developing and maintaining this fantastic plugin, it's been a part of my layout since the initial release.
While it looks great in dark mode, I think light mode could use some tweaks. My request is for custom color overrides for text (x & y axis) and grid-lines.

Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #29
Thank you Crossover for developing and maintaining this fantastic plugin, it's been a part of my layout since the initial release.
While it looks great in dark mode, I think light mode could use some tweaks. My request is for custom color overrides for text (x & y axis) and grid-lines.
Thanks for your comment and suggestion! Yes, you are right. The contrast in light mode is to low. I will implement some color options for text and grid lines next release.

Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #30
Great component, with truly scientific/engineering focus. Can't wait to see color presets import/export to be implemented, as I like to play with these colors :)

Edit: import/export makes sense even now, as full screen mode uses separate settings (as all foobar's UI elements). Thus to get the same effect on full screen it takes some time to copy all custom colors by hand. Import/Export would be very handy for this.

Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #31
Great component, with truly scientific/engineering focus. Can't wait to see color presets import/export to be implemented, as I like to play with these colors :)

Edit: import/export makes sense even now, as full screen mode uses separate settings (as all foobar's UI elements). Thus to get the same effect on full screen it takes some time to copy all custom colors by hand. Import/Export would be very handy for this.
Thank you EpicForever for the suggestion and comment. I also often play with the color settings. But its a struggle to implement an export and import function for the presets that accepts setting of different versions of the component. But i think i can initially implement a simple feature that only accepts presets of the installed version.

Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #32
I really like your component. Is it possible to remove the white frame around the panel?

Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #34
Thank you for the amazing plugin!

Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #36
Any further development being done with this amazing plugin?
I am root

Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #38
Hey, are you still working on it?
Is it possible to automatically switch to the closest matching FFT size of the current song's Frequency/Hz ?

E.g if song is 96KHz use 16k FFT
If 44.1 use 8k.. etc


Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #39
I have no suggestions for now :-) it works smooth and looks great. Thank you, Crossover.

Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #40
I have a question:

When setting the output device to, say, "Primary Sounddriver", or "Realtek Digital Output", or to "WASAPI", the componet shows oscillations and I can "see" the music 8-)

If I set the output device to an UPnP device, nothing is shown. The display only shows an "empty" grid.

What could be the reason for that?

Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #41
Ok, the "nothing" in my above post is better described as "the oscillation hangs".

When I start a new track, nothing is shown, and when I change the output device within a playing song, the oscillation freeze.
Changing the output device back to, say "Primary Sounddriver", oscillation continues to dance :-)

Am I asking something obvious?
Or maybe nobody uses this nice component with an UPnP device?
Maybe someone can reproduce this?

Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #42
The visualisations are intentionally disabled with UPnP playback.
There is no good way to synchronize visualisations with UPnP playback, detailed-enough timing info is just not presented by most UPnP devices. I'll take a note to re-evaluate this, I seem to recall some devices giving playback time with milliseconds which would be enough, but most commonly it's rounded to seconds, making it impossible to render visualisations correctly.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #43
Thanks for explaining!
In my small world, I just imagined, all the data that goes through f2k is able to render, regardless of the device which is rendering the data to noise.
I had the naive impression: Its playing the data, so it should be rendered too.

So the component is not rendereing the data of a music file only, it is rendering the data coming from the rendering device....aaah, I'll stick with tagging/renaming my files and listening music ;-)

Thank you.

Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #44
No. It's rendering a music file. But visualizations require fairly accurate latency information to time the display correctly. UPnP obviously adds latency, but how much? If the device doesn't report latency back to foobar2000, there's no way of knowing what timing to display the visualizations at.

Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #45
This is really great plugin! Perfect for checking the audio hires source quality. If original source is 44kHz then there is clean cut in the right end after 20 kHz. When analog or hires recording you can see some more.
But please is it possible to make the range wider/configurable? At least 30kHz. We are now in hires times so it would be very nice to see more.

Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #46
Not always the case, especially for older stuff recorded to tape. Case in point, 192kHz digital re-issue of Joni Mitchell's 'Blue' album, from original master tapes, very little information above 15kHz. Or Tangerine Dream's 'Zeit' album, very little info above 12kHz, no matter which version you have. You'll only see the "clean cut" at 22.5kHz for material that had stuff above that frequency originally. And even then, who's to say the recording, mix, or mastering engineer didn't low pass filter a load of stuff?

I just want to make the point that if you see the "clean cut", it doesn't necessarily means it's "lo-fi", and if you don't see it, it doesn't necessarily mean it's "hi-def". There are many other things that will affect the perceived sound quality far more.

Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #47
Of course, you are true, but still it would be nice to see a bit "behind the corner". There is a lot of recordings even in DXD or DSD128-256 and some go far beyond 20kHz.

Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #48
Yes, for sure. My 96kHz recordings with my Neumann KM84s show content all the way up to Nyquist in the RX7 Advanced spectrogram.

Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #49
Also my Panasonic capsules which I used for 96kHz binaural field recordings :-)