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Topic: Tapatalk support? (Read 1536 times) previous topic - next topic
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Tapatalk support?

Hi! Does new forum supports Tapatalk? On mobile it is easier to browse forum using Tapatalk or mTalk (W10M).

Re: Tapatalk support?

Reply #1
It does not, mainly because Tapatalk does not provide a forum plug-in for this forum. As soon as the SMF plug-in is ported to ElkArte, I will subscribe to the minimum required account with Tapatalk so we can have users post without the stupid "Posted using Tapatalk" signatures added to every post.

Re: Tapatalk support?

Reply #2
Thanks kode54. Mobile version works just fine in Edge, better then previous version. Its just easier with TT and we can have notifications, that's why I asked.