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Topic: [fb2k v2] Playlist Attributes (foo_playlist_attributes) (Read 201656 times) previous topic - next topic
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[fb2k v2] Playlist Attributes (foo_playlist_attributes)

This component lets you assign various attributes to a playlist. The component also reimplements two options which are already provided by foo_removeplayed, to make them useable on a per playlist basis.

Upgrade Note: If you're upgrading from an older version than 1.0.0, it is highly recommended to backup your current configuration before.

  • foobar 2000 2.0+

Version history

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #2
Hmm can't edit my post?

obviously remove played and skipped tracks don't work with autoplaylists.

What is the difference between remove played and skipped tracks with the checkbox, and the same option that can be set for a playlist?

very nice to see that the playback order in toolbar changes with the setting made with this component.

great work.

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #3
Brilliant component!
One small question/request - would it be possible to (option?) change playback order on playlist change rather than on playback?

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #4
obviously remove played and skipped tracks don't work with autoplaylists.
It's by design. You can't edit an autoplaylist manually either.

What is the difference between remove played and skipped tracks with the checkbox, and the same option that can be set for a playlist?
The checkboxes are for the global settings for all playlists.

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #5
One small question/request - would it be possible to (option?) change playback order on playlist change rather than on playback?
That doesn't make any sense to me. The playback order is related to the current playing playlist. Why should it be changed, when you switch to another playlist?

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #6
That doesn't make any sense to me. The playback order is related to the current playing playlist. Why should it be changed, when you switch to another playlist?

Good point... i've just thought of it like i do usually - switch to playlist, choose playback order, play something. My suggestion was more of informative type - you switch to a playlist and you can imediatelly see the playback order for the selected playlist, but that would be hard / impossible to implement because it would collide with the real playing order. Ergo - never mind (;

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #7
you switch to a playlist and you can imediatelly see the playback order for the selected playlist
For playlists with specific settings you will need a few mouse clicks, but you can see it in the main menu: Playback -> Playlist playback attributes -> Playback order

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #8
Great component - thanks. And now the usual 'but it would be better if...'!

Would it be possible to;
1) Implement a context menu for each playlist so that only it's attributes could be changed/viewed from the menu system rather than via settings
2) I use a naming convention for my playlists eg. "s_blahblah". The s_ denotes a singles ie. non-album related playlist. Could you please implement a wildcard naming convention (a la SQL) to allow one playlist settings to be applied to any playlist matching the criteria.

Thanks for your time in developing the foobar components - they are much appreciated.

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #9

I have tested your new plugin but I have some difficulties to understand how it works. I hope my questions are not to foolish:

On starting a playback session, the attributes, which are specific to a playlist, are set. They will be reset on stopping a playback session. ... Changing the attributes for the playing playlist will take affect on the following playback session.

I assume that a "playback session" and a "foobar session" are two different things.

So when exactly begins / stops a "playback session"? With the choosing of an playlist (and playing an arbitrary track in it)?


What do you think about an option to send the removed tracks to a special playlist to delete the files later from this playlist? This would be very usefully for me for my podcasts.

Thank you for foo_playlist_playback_attributes.

This is HA. Not the Jerry Springer Show.

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #10
Very nice component, thanks for this.
Only one very minor issue. For some reason foo_whatsnew keeps showing the "new" features of this plugin every time i start foobar (instead of only showing them once).

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #11
2) I use a naming convention for my playlists eg. "s_blahblah". The s_ denotes a singles ie. non-album related playlist. Could you please implement a wildcard naming convention (a la SQL) to allow one playlist settings to be applied to any playlist matching the criteria.


Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #12
1) Implement a context menu for each playlist so that only it's attributes could be changed/viewed from the menu system rather than via settings
You may have noted it already, but you can change the attributes for the active playlist via the main menu. See the post above yours.

2) I use a naming convention for my playlists eg. "s_blahblah". The s_ denotes a singles ie. non-album related playlist. Could you please implement a wildcard naming convention (a la SQL) to allow one playlist settings to be applied to any playlist matching the criteria.
I have not decided, if I will do it, yet. It is obviously useful when using many playlist, but it would add an additional level of complexity. Further such a feature has currently no use for me, so I'm not very eager to implement it.

So when exactly begins / stops a "playback session"? With the choosing of an playlist (and playing an arbitrary track in it)?
It's discussed in a more technical way here. Simplified said, a playback session starts, when you press play and ends when you press stop.

What do you think about an option to send the removed tracks to a special playlist to delete the files later from this playlist? This would be very usefully for me for my podcasts.
For removing played tracks, you can achieve the same with foo_navigator. But I like the idea and think that I will implement it.

Very nice component, thanks for this.
Only one very minor issue. For some reason foo_whatsnew keeps showing the "new" features of this plugin every time i start foobar (instead of only showing them once).
I can't reproduce it here, although I'm alway using foo_whatsnew, even in my test environment. But I recognized a similar issue, not related to foo_playlist_playback_attribute, when I used foo_menu_addons. Are you using this component?

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #13
I can't reproduce it here, although I'm alway using foo_whatsnew, even in my test environment. But I recognized a similar issue, not related to foo_playlist_playback_attribute, when I used foo_menu_addons. Are you using this component?

I have to apologize, it wasnt foo_playlist_playback_attribute which was causing the problem appearently. The problem was that foobar was unable to update the features.dat (access denied), after removing the hidden attribute from the file everything worked again.
Again thanks for this useful component. =)

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #14
hello fbuser,

i have no feature requests but two minor suggestions - if you like call them pedantic.

1. Could you use the new case sentence style for the name of the commands?

2. Wouldn't main menu -> edit be the better place for assigning playback attributes as this submenu is related to current/active playlist?

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #16
Ooooh have we been missing this component forever? I think we have!! Brilliant - THANKS!!!!!

I only have one request for change to it: Instead of choosing specific playlists, it would be great if you could assign attributes with wildcards, just like in columnsui options. I believe this could be done with a combo-box, in style with the "Send to" playlist selection, so it wouldn't affect people that want it the way it is today.

My request: Adding integration of "stop after current" behavior for individual playlists.

Can't wait for a HD-AAC encoder :P

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #17
Another thing I thought of; would it be possible to make defaults? Say, any playlist not specified should follow these attributes?
Can't wait for a HD-AAC encoder :P

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #18
My request: Adding integration of "stop after current" behavior for individual playlists.

Great idea!

And a dream would be if Stop on current could be integrated as well, but I assume there is not much chance because it is an additional plugin which isn't available on all systems.
This is HA. Not the Jerry Springer Show.

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #19
1. Could you use the new case sentence style for the name of the commands?
No. Althought I don't no what you exactly mean with "new case sentence style", it doesn't matter in this case. The problem is that the commands are available via the menu and via a dropdown box in the preferences. According to an older style guide menu commands should use book title style and dropdown box entries should use sentence style. According to a new style guide (the actual?) even menu commands should use sentence style, which is currently inconsistent with the menus in foobar2000. But consistency within the component is more important for me, so I use sentence style for all entries. It also fits better to the replaygain processing modes, which are also written in sentence style.

2. Wouldn't main menu -> edit be the better place for assigning playback attributes as this submenu is related to current/active playlist?
No, although assigning attributes to a playlist is technically a kind of editing the playlist, all attributes are related to playback in the first place.

My request: Adding integration of "stop after current" behavior for individual playlists.
It ist not very useful IMHO. It will only produce playlists which will stop after each track. What can be done with this?

Another thing I thought of; would it be possible to make defaults? Say, any playlist not specified should follow these attributes?
It's already there. If you choose the global value for an attribute, it uses the fb2k standard settings.

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #20
Another thing I thought of; would it be possible to make defaults? Say, any playlist not specified should follow these attributes?
It's already there. If you choose the global value for an attribute, it uses the fb2k standard settings.

Who said fb2k's standard settings are my preffered settings?  I suppose the default fb2k setting is "Default" i.e. non-shuffled?
Can't wait for a HD-AAC encoder :P

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #21
Another thing I thought of; would it be possible to make defaults? Say, any playlist not specified should follow these attributes?
It's already there. If you choose the global value for an attribute, it uses the fb2k standard settings.

Who said fb2k's standard settings are my preffered settings?  I suppose the default fb2k setting is "Default" i.e. non-shuffled?
Maybe we misunderstand each other, but if you choose for example from the main menu "Playback -> Order -> Repeat (playlist)" as your standard setting, it will be used for all playlists, which have the global option assigned for playback order. Actually it means there is no attribute assigned to these playlists, so in this case the component will do nothing for the specific attribute.

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #22
Yes that makes more sense. I would probably refer to it as it "reverts to previous state" or "reverts to last manually set state"
Can't wait for a HD-AAC encoder :P

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #23
My request: Adding integration of "stop after current" behavior for individual playlists.
It ist not very useful IMHO. It will only produce playlists which will stop after each track. What can be done with this?

Well, I am a radio DJ at my college and I use foobar to play tracks... Typically I like to have "stop after current" activated and have my tracks for the night all lined up. I normally don't use this feature while listening to music regularly, so having a specific "radio" playlist would be nice to have default play order and stop after current.

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #24
Very nice component!

Besides the request for "stop after current" behavior for individual playlists, I would like to see "Monitor Playing Tracks" for individual playlists. Sometimes I do not want Foobar to monitor the playing tracks. It would be nice when I play those songs in a specific playlist, "Monitor Playing Tracks" would automatically turn off (and of course would turn on when playing other playlists). It does occur from time to time, that I forget to put "Monitor Playing Tracks" on or off and this can be fixed with your component.

One other thing. When switching the playback order via "Playback -> Playlist playback attributes -> Playback order", the playback order will only change after the playlist is manually started. One would think that when changing the playback order via the menu, the playback order will change immediately especially when the playlist is playing.