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Topic: QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc. (Read 730186 times) previous topic - next topic
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QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc.

Reply #1000
Other thing, can you make qaac get "comment" tag read from a file (UTF8 Without BOM), so I can insert non english comment.

It is possible, but why don't you just use some tag editor?
Preparing a comment file for each encoding seems no easier.

QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc.

Reply #1001
Other thing, can you make qaac get "comment" tag read from a file (UTF8 Without BOM), so I can insert non english comment.

It is possible, but why don't you just use some tag editor?
Preparing a comment file for each encoding seems no easier.

I used kid3 and it mess up with some tag entry (cmid, i think).
I used mp3tag and this program never tell whether it was an id3tag or itune tag.
both program mess up with tag sorting in the file.

QAac sort tag from copyright sign (it looks neat to me), kid3 sort tag from com.itunes (i hate their Qt GUi) and mp3tag sort based on tag description (artist, album,...,year).

QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc.

Reply #1002
Is it possible to use "--native-resampler=bats,127" in qaac to convert a 24/96 file to a 16/44.1 ALAC?

QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc.

Reply #1003
Is it possible to use "--native-resampler=bats,127" in qaac to convert a 24/96 file to a 16/44.1 ALAC?

It's ok I figured it out

QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc.

Reply #1004
Hello, I am having a problem converting my songs using qaac 2.57 with foobar2000. I keep getting a code 2 error only when the songs I'm converting are mono.

I have included a Process Monitor Logfile with foobar2000 and its subtree.

QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc.

Reply #1005
Hello, I am having a problem converting my songs using qaac 2.57 with foobar2000. I keep getting a code 2 error only when the songs I'm converting are mono.

Same here and without encoding through foobar:
Code: [Select]
ERROR: Not supported channel layout

But it's working fine with version 2.55:
Code: [Select]
AAC-LC Encoder, TVBR q82, Quality 96
[100.0%] 0:24.681/0:24.681 (68.6x), ETA 0:00.000
1088433/1088433 samples processed in 0:00.360
Overall bitrate: 79.8316kbps

QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc.

Reply #1006
Other thing, can you make qaac get "comment" tag read from a file (UTF8 Without BOM), so I can insert non english comment.

It is possible, but why don't you just use some tag editor?
Preparing a comment file for each encoding seems no easier.

I used kid3 and it mess up with some tag entry (cmid, i think).
I used mp3tag and this program never tell whether it was an id3tag or itune tag.
both program mess up with tag sorting in the file.

QAac sort tag from copyright sign (it looks neat to me), kid3 sort tag from com.itunes (i hate their Qt GUi) and mp3tag sort based on tag description (artist, album,...,year).

Version 2.57... WOW... Thank you... and thank you. Great update, Tag and libsnd pre 6.

QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc.

Reply #1007
Hello, I am having a problem converting my songs using qaac 2.57 with foobar2000. I keep getting a code 2 error only when the songs I'm converting are mono.

I have included a Process Monitor Logfile with foobar2000 and its subtree.

Fixed on 2.58, thanks.

QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc.

Reply #1008
Hello, I am having a problem converting my songs using qaac 2.57 with foobar2000. I keep getting a code 2 error only when the songs I'm converting are mono.

I have included a Process Monitor Logfile with foobar2000 and its subtree.

Fixed on 2.58, thanks.

hi Nu774
thanks for the update
may i know which is the most update site to download quaac ?

Re: QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc.

Reply #1011
I saw on the qaac version history that qaac uses libsoxrate (modified version of libsox; dynamically linked).
Does this mean that qaac uses SOX to resample? In some threads I saw reference being made to qaac using speex.
Which is correct?

Re: QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc.

Reply #1012
SoX (Sound Exchange) is a "swiss army knife" software for audio filtering, libsoxrate will probably contain (more or less) only its resampler.

Speex is a low bandwidth voice-optimized audio codec, not primarily a resampler. I would be surprised if QAAC used any features from the Speex codec (which is rather a competitor to an AAC codec). But go on, surprise me. ;)

Re: QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc.

Reply #1013
I saw on the qaac version history that qaac uses libsoxrate (modified version of libsox; dynamically linked).
Does this mean that qaac uses SOX to resample? In some threads I saw reference being made to qaac using speex.
Which is correct?

If it does use SOX to resample, you can get an idea of performance by picking SOX 14.4 VHQ and cycling through the charts. It's basically perfect.

Re: QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc.

Reply #1017
Hi ! Does have sense as for better quality converting hi-res sources to any samplerate above 44.1kHz? I.e. 48k.
I thied to use several sources but the frequency cut-off is still put too low even for presets at bitrates near 320kbps. For better trade-off I'd welcome possibility to set the threshold higher, possibly up to 24kHz. Otherwise I don't see any advantage of using 48kHz. It seems to me that all predefined lowpass filters are hard set to targets with 44.1kHz.

Re: QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc.

Reply #1018
I thied to use several sources but the frequency cut-off is still put too low even for presets at bitrates near 320kbps.
Not confirmed: I cannot see any lowpass for 48kHz stereo file @320 kbps. CoreAudioToolbox

Re: QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc.

Reply #1019
lvqcl - I confirm. This is used for 2nd highest preset (at 282kbps)

At highest preset the frequencies go up to 24kHz but at the cost of too high bitrate (352kbps))

Re: QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc.

Reply #1020
You wrote "for presets at bitrates near 320kbps", so I tested CBR 320 and TVBR 127 (its average bitrate is close to 330 kbps for me). TVBR 118 has lowpass at 23 kHz.

Anyway: if you think that current encoding settings aren't optimal, you should ask Apple to change them.

Re: QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc.

Reply #1021
That sounds like the thresholds can't be changed (neither by hacking CoreAudioToolbox?)
If that's the situation, which is the lowest quality preset with which keeping 48kHz for output gives advantage over 44.1kHz ?

Re: QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc.

Reply #1022
If you cannot hear above 20 kHz then there's no advantage anyway.

Re: QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc.

Reply #1023
Hello nu774. What are the exact encoding parameters do you recommend for better sound:
1. CD 16 bit 44 kHz to M4A - 128, 160, 192, 224, 256 kbps
2. Vinyl 24-bit 96 kHz to M4A - 128, 160, 192, 224, 256 kbps?

Re: QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc.

Reply #1024
Is there any way to make QAAC split a M4A/M4B/AAC in two? I'm tagging some audiobooks using Audiobook Builder for Mac OS X and there is a issue with QuickTime in Mac OS X not allowing files longer than 18-hours to be tagged and most of my audiobooks are 20-40 hours so I would want to split them in half, do the tagging and then re-join them afterwards.