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Topic: Foobar Platforms (Read 8042 times) previous topic - next topic
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Foobar Platforms

foobar2000 has been written specifically for the Windows platform, and there are no plans to port it to any others. However, although not officially supported, it is known to run on Linux and Mac OS X through Wine and WineBottler, respectively. Also there is an Arch Linux native package maintained by a community member.

foobar2000 was originally written specifically for the Windows platform, there are now ports to both Android and MacOS. However, although not officially supported, it is known to run on [ Linux] through Wine. Also there is an [ Arch Linux native package] maintained by a community member.

I also cannot edit the wiki when logged in.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?  ;~)

Re: Foobar Platforms

Reply #2
So far as I know, that Snap is not official, and is just a Wine bundle anyway.

Re: Foobar Platforms

Reply #3
Peter still will not port it to Linux?  I know he was against that fifteen years ago but as Linux overtakes MS I would hope he could reconsider his position.
Nov schmoz kapop.

Re: Foobar Platforms

Reply #5
That link for stats seems incorrect, because it shows Android even behind iOS, but if you then click on "All platforms", then you actually have Android First of all, above Windows even.

That's more in line of what one would expect with the "gazillion" smartphones out there ;)

Re: Foobar Platforms

Reply #6
Indeed Android is very popular and is based on Linux kernel, but fb2k is already ported to Android.
What's the point?
If he says fb2k is not ported to Linux then it's apparent that he doesn't count android in, and actually means "Linux Desktop".
Ignoring the existence of Android port but counting Android's share as Linux's share is not fair.

Re: Foobar Platforms

Reply #7
That link for stats seems incorrect, because it shows Android even behind iOS, but if you then click on "All platforms", then you actually have Android First of all, above Windows even.

That's more in line of what one would expect with the "gazillion" smartphones out there ;)

That first graph quite clearly says "Desktop, Tablet & Console Operating System Market Share Worldwide"
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe

Re: Foobar Platforms

Reply #8
Let's also add something to that graph. A large portion of what was formerly iOS will now be counting towards macOS, since iPadOS's default browser user agent string and browser identity spoofs a Mac desktop machine, to avoid the former issue of tablets being treated like weird aspect ratio mobile phones.