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Topic: Optimfrog Dualstream - Android support? (Read 4976 times) previous topic - next topic
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Optimfrog Dualstream - Android support?

Is there any audio player for android that support Optimfrog/Dualstream?
I can't find any information.

Re: Optimfrog Dualstream - Android support?

Reply #1
foobar mobile

Re: Optimfrog Dualstream - Android support?

Reply #2

Re: Optimfrog Dualstream - Android support?

Reply #3
well, no how...

Re: Optimfrog Dualstream - Android support?

Reply #4
If you can point to an open source implementation of a decoder, that would be required to support it on either iOS or Android, seeing as the Windows version already needs a proprietary decoder to support it.

Re: Optimfrog Dualstream - Android support?

Reply #5
There are rules with app stores that prohibit plug-ins, and so Foobar2000 mobile doesn't have plug-in support.

Android OS isn't too restricted that a plug-in version of the app could be distributed outside the Play Store... but the decoder is proprietary such that only official OptimFROG builds/libraries comply with licensing. It may be a while before they make an ARM-based library that could be used for mobile. (And it may happen anyway if Mac OS X is going to ARM.)

It would be easier to just convert the files to FLAC or WavPack.

Re: Optimfrog Dualstream - Android support?

Reply #6
Thanks for your answers. ;) I'll stick with wavpack for now until mr. Ghido develop android library (I hope he will).

Re: Optimfrog Dualstream - Android support?

Reply #7
What is the deal here ? android won't  /can't  support 3rd party plugin ? hard to believe.. These things were working in win 95/98 on  many players. I read recently Deadbeef or audacious would have a Optimfrog plugin - why cant android?

Re: Optimfrog Dualstream - Android support?

Reply #9
I read recently Deadbeef or audacious would have a Optimfrog plugin - why cant android?
Because there is OptimFrog library for Linux, but there is no OptimFrog library for android.

if ape can (without sources), maybe ofr too ...
APE is open source, but with very restrictive license. And there is APE decoder in ffmpeg. For example, mobile foobar2000 uses ffmpeg for APE decoding.