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General Audio / Re: listening fatigue?
Last post by DVDdoug -
I had the opposite effect many years ago.    I was trying to repair a car stereo with distortion and after awhile working on it and listening to it my ears adapted and it started sounding normal.    I had to listen to something else that wasn't broken to refresh my ears.

I think my ears began imagining those kinds of annoying artifacts all the time even when I know fairly sure they cannot be there.
For me, if it sounds good it sounds good and if it sounds bad it sounds bad.   I don't TRY to hear defects.  I just want to enjoy the music and I've avoided trying to train myself to hear compression artifacts.    In fact, I have MP3s that I listen to in my car and every time I thought I was hearing a compression artifact, the same "defect" was on the original CD.   

foobar2000 mobile / Bug/Feature request - album artist is not case insensitive for album grouping
Last post by hormidor -
On desktop, when viewing the library by `genre/artist`, `album artist` is not a case sensitive, meaning that albums are correctly grouped under one artist entry (and it seems that the capitalised form takes display priority), even if there are minute errors/differences in casing.

On mobile, `album artist` is case sensitive. This leads to a lot of tagging and re-tagging headache to get things grouped correctly.

Please consider either a permanent fix to this behavior (set `album artist` to case-insensitive) or a setting to toggle case sensitivity for the `album artist` (potentially also `artist`) field.
General Audio / listening fatigue?
Last post by magicgoose -
After listening to a particular song, which apparently had busted audio quality (distortion typical of bitrate-starved mp3/aac) and I didn't turn it off soon enough,
I think my ears began imagining those kinds of annoying artifacts all the time even when I know fairly sure they cannot be there.
Well, except that this happens with loudspeakers which work via Bluetooth (SBC) but afaik SBC does not really cause the same type of distortion so that would be still unexpected (and they sounded okay to me until then anyway).
Is this even possible? And if so, any chance it could get back to normal eventually?
foobar2000 for Mac / Re: Fresh install, tracks not playing
Last post by DeafIdiotGod -
Aha, I see dragging into the playlist pane makes it work. This is clearly a case of an unfamiliar interface, my apologies and thanks for pointing it out. I'll put a bit more effort into seeing how to shape it to my preferences before complaining on the forum.

I'm using my old Dell mouse so I actually do have standard right click behaviour :)
General - (fb2k) / Re: Is FFmpeg wrapper still needed for having ver. 6.0 functionality?
Last post by Defender -

Just checked.

I need to enable ffmpeg decoder wrapper to play the following extensions (and/or codecs):

TTA or TrueHD in general
MPG with MP2 inside
MOV with AAC inside
AVI with ADPCM inside
AVI with PCM inside
DIVX with MP3 inside
FLV with MP3 inside
VOB with AC3 inside

When I disable ffmpeg wrapper, Foobar cannot play those files.

What am I doing wrong?