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Topic: Keep VST plugin interface visible (Read 1091 times) previous topic - next topic
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Keep VST plugin interface visible

I couldn't find anything via search, but is there a way to keep the VST GUI visible after loading?  There are some fantastic audio meters/analysis VST plugins, and I would like to use them without the plugin interface closing.  Does anyone have any ideas?

Re: Keep VST plugin interface visible

Reply #1
@Treelady, perhaps your question relates to foo_dsp_vst3 plugin? But even in this case, I admit, I do not fully understand the question. View->Visualizations->Visualize with VST… then I select the required VST meter. It remains on the screen until its window or the player itself is closed. Alas, the VST window overlaps the player and there is no minimize button, but it is quite possible that @Peter will add them if we ask.
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Re: Keep VST plugin interface visible

Reply #2
I have a similar query - is there any way to display a VST metering plugin in an actual embedded panel during playback? Rather than a floating panel. Would be great as Treelady said, there are many fantastic VST metering plugins!

Re: Keep VST plugin interface visible

Reply #3
    Yes, View - View with VST is great;

    Image 1  (The HTML is not adding the image... so the link is here too)
however, I wanted to know if the VST I chose as a meter could be docked as an element in the Foobar interface.  Right now, it floats and, by extension, covers other elements. 

I want it to be an element just like a playlist, lyrics, album art, or any of the things we can play with in a sandbox, save, and customize our layouts.  For example:
  • Containers
  • DSP
  • Meida Library Info
  • Playback Information
  • Playback Visualization
  • Playlist Renders
  • Selection Information
  • Utility

However, View with VST is not included in what can be used in a layout.
Image 2 (The HTML is not adding the image... so the link is here too)
I want a way to choose a VST3 plug in, give it it's own real estate/container and it becomes part of my interface.  Right now, there is nowhere I can select it and give it a permanent slot on my gui.

If I'm still not clear, please let me know. Thanks
