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Topic: Confusing issue with mainmenu_manager::generate_menu_win32 (Read 1324 times) previous topic - next topic
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Confusing issue with mainmenu_manager::generate_menu_win32

Member from my header...
Code: [Select]
mainmenu_manager::ptr m_mm;

My source...
Code: [Select]
MainMenuManager::MainMenuManager(const GUID& guid)
m_mm = mainmenu_manager::get();

STDMETHODIMP MainMenuManager::BuildMenu(IMenuObj* obj, UINT32 base_id)
RETURN_HR_IF(E_POINTER, m_mm.is_empty());

HMENU menu;

m_mm->generate_menu_win32(menu, base_id, UINT_MAX, mainmenu_manager::flag_show_shortcuts);
return S_OK;

STDMETHODIMP MainMenuManager::ExecuteByID(UINT32 id, VARIANT_BOOL* out)
RETURN_HR_IF(E_POINTER, m_mm.is_empty());

*out = to_variant_bool(m_mm->execute_command(id));
return S_OK;

This code has seemingly worked for years and I'm using increments of 1000 for each base_id given I create 6 instances of this class for File, Edit, View etc. I've seen other code use UINT_MAX for the count.

But now I'm getting reports of totally wrong menu items from windows like this..

and WinRAR showing up here?

I can't reproduce myself but I have 2 different people reporting it.

I'm very confused.  :))

edit: it seems incrementing the base_id by 10000 might fix it but when I posted a bit of code that walks every available menu item (including dynamic ones). I was getting numbers in the hundreds for all combined. Still confused. :P