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Topic: How to differentiate a query-based autoplaylist and the others (Read 3131 times) previous topic - next topic
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How to differentiate a query-based autoplaylist and the others

To not pollute the other topic:,62218.msg1046990.html#msg1046990

I want to check if a playlist is an Autoplaylist and also if it has a query associated or not.

This always returns 'Autoplaylist' in both cases.
Code: [Select]
playlist_manager::get()->playlist_lock_query_name(idx, component)

And this always return true.
Code: [Select]

As you can see on the images, both are identified as autoplaylist but have different features available. How to do it in SDK?

Re: How to differentiate a query-based autoplaylist and the others

Reply #1
The implementer of the autoplaylist client... now you... needs to set the name.

In that component source facets_autoplaylist_client.h, it derives from autoplaylist_client

Code: [Select]
class foo_autoplaylist_client : public autoplaylist_client

If you update that to autoplaylist_client_v2, you have to implement these 3 extra methods, one of them doing what you want...

Re: How to differentiate a query-based autoplaylist and the others

Reply #2
So I just checked and the autoplaylist client in httpcontrol does not survive a fb2k restart so that is something that needs to be addressed first.

Re: How to differentiate a query-based autoplaylist and the others

Reply #3
Yep, also noticed it.

The playlist in such case is reused by matching the name, since it is not locked anymore.