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Topic: easy (automated?) way to copy tags (Read 2040 times) previous topic - next topic
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easy (automated?) way to copy tags

I have my library in mp3 format with BPM tags for each track.

I have the same library in FLAC (diff. box/no BPM tags) and would like to be able to copy the BPM tags over.

Currently the tags are written to the files, but (if possible) I would like to be able to write them in a db file.

Similarly I have play_count tags (stored in a db) on both boxes and would like to be able to COMBINE them.

Any help would be appreciated.



easy (automated?) way to copy tags

Reply #1
I have my library in mp3 format with BPM tags for each track.

I have the same library in FLAC (diff. box/no BPM tags) and would like to be able to copy the BPM tags over.

Make a playlist containing the mp3 files in your other computer. Now add flac files to the playlist. Make sure they're in the EXACT order as the mp3 files (e.g. the order should be something like:

Black Sabbath- Paranoid
Led Zeppelin- II
Deep Purple Machine Head
Black Sabbath- Paranoid
Led Zeppelin- II
Deep Purple Machine Head

Now select all files, right click them, select Tagging -> Copy Info Between Files. Check the list to make sure the Files are in correct order, then uncheck all tags except BPM. Click Run.

Currently the tags are written to the files, but (if possible) I would like to be able to write them in a db file.

To write to a db, you need foo_custominfo which has a bunch of limitations. Make sure you know what you're getting into.

Similarly I have play_count tags (stored in a db) on both boxes and would like to be able to COMBINE them.

I can think of a semi automated way of doing it. Create auto playlists with various Playcounts (play count = 1, 2, 3...). Save all of them as m3u. Open the m3u in notepad, replacing the ".mp3" with ".flac" (i'm assuming that your directory structure is the same in the two computers, if not adjust that too). Repeat for other playlists. Copy all playlists to the second computer. Open the playlist whose files have play count = 1, select all files, open properties, change play_count to 1. Repeat

Hopefully someone will come up with a more simplified way of doing it.