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Topic: [Not my release] Biography view (Read 537968 times) previous topic - next topic
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[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #25
For me it works with foo_dockable_panels.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #26
For me it works with foo_dockable_panels.

you're able to scroll text with foo_dockable_panels?
strange, it's not working for me...

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #28
Feature request: since sometimes biographies for certain artists are not present in my language, a fallback to english would be useful

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #29
Something is different with font size in this plug-in. For instance, Tahoma with a font size of 8 does not match the size of Tahoma-8 throughout the rest of foobar. The font size is output a bit smaller in this plug-in.

Top portion is Tahoma-8 output by the biography plugin. Bottom portion is Tahoma-8 output by foo_uie_lylrics, which is consistent with the rest of foobar.

Edit: Ability to enable/disable custom border around artist/album image would be cool.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #30
Thanks for yet another quality component! I added this to a tab stack under PSS and it is working well under wine. Scroll is working fine for me, just put the mouse over the panel and use the scroll wheel.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #32
I didn't tried it with Default UI first, but even with Default UI it is working. I used the same versions as you, both Dockable Panels and fb2k.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #34
Or check your options regarding trackball. It has been many years, but memory says you can define a button action / ball movement to mimic scroll.


[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #35
I didn't tried it with Default UI first, but even with Default UI it is working. I used the same versions as you, both Dockable Panels and fb2k.

are you also using XP sp3?
i have no ideia why scrolling doesn't work for me.
i'll guess i have to get used to resize the dockable panel when the text is too long...

btw the bug that caused the last sentence to be cut-off by a few words seems to have been fixed!


[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #37
Nice Component. One problem: when using it in album mode, it sometimes gets the album info and sometimes doesn't (on the same album, which does have info on Also there is no option for album info text caching (only image) in preferences like there is for artist info.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #38
I realise it's still young but I would like to see;
1) Scroll bars
2) A list of album and a list of artist sources. Selection would be from top to bottom. If no match then move to next source etc.
3) If used as an album art only - could we have the usual scaling\fit options


Great plugin. Takes foobar one step closer to perfection 

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #39
Feature request:
A function to change the edge style (None, sunken, grey) of the panel would be very useful.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #40
I love this plugin! I've used it to get some album art (folder.jpg), which it is really great at, and it's already replaced my album art viewer! I've noticed how it doesn't handle album names if they have illegal characters (For instance "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" - 0kB file truncated as "The Chronicles of Narnia"). Otherwise - thanks, I love it!

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #41
if they have illegal characters (For instance "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" - 0kB file truncated as "The Chronicles of Narnia"). Otherwise - thanks, I love it!

illegal characters may fix use

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #42
 Something amusing: for songs that lack tags (hence "?" is sent), the panel reads  "Mysterious lo-fi punk from Hungary. They use toy instruments and substandard guitars of the communist era. The name of the band is pronounced in Hungarian as ‘Kérdőjel’ which means question mark in English. "  with a funny image of a guy with a sock on his head. My music is tagged properly of course, so this only happens with new pre-library songs 

Great component by the way, thanks to the dev!

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #43
Something amusing: for songs that lack tags (hence "?" is sent), the panel reads  "Mysterious lo-fi punk from Hungary. They use toy instruments and substandard guitars of the communist era. The name of the band is pronounced in Hungarian as ‘Kérd?jel’ which means question mark in English. "  with a funny image of a guy with a sock on his head. My music is tagged properly of course, so this only happens with new pre-library songs 

Great component by the way, thanks to the dev!

instead of %artist% into the artist field in server settings

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #44
Biography View v2.2 out

Fixed memory leaks are. (v0.2.2)

(translated with google) 

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #45
Full changelog:

* Added the scroll function.
* Fixed some bugs.Text saved as a cache to worth out of character; the one time, thrown away.
* opacity to save settings and forget was fixed.(v0.2.1)
* Fixed memory leaks.(v0.2.2)

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #46
Full changelog:

* Added the scroll function.
* Fixed some bugs.Text saved as a cache to worth out of character; the one time, thrown away.
* opacity to save settings and forget was fixed.(v0.2.1)
* Fixed memory leaks.(v0.2.2)

How does one scroll with trackball where middle-click is not available ? :I

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #47
That's a good point. I wonder if it would be possible to have clicking and dragging on the text as another way to scroll? I think I'd like that, even though I have a scroll wheel. I guess we have to hope the dev sees this and adds it.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #48
if they have illegal characters (For instance "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" - 0kB file truncated as "The Chronicles of Narnia"). Otherwise - thanks, I love it!

illegal characters may fix use

I know, but if I'd like to see a workaround implemented. $replace(%tag%,'/','-','\','-',':','-','*','-','?','-','"','-','<','-','>','-','|','-') is cumbersome.