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Topic: Tags not saving (Read 1098 times) previous topic - next topic
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Tags not saving

Hello, I modified the tags/properties of an album on FB2k 32 bits but I'm not seeing the changes on the other version (portable or 64bits) and vice versa, any changes seems like they are not saved on other Fb2k versions.

Once I reinstalled FB2k out of scratches and I've lost most if not all (not sure) of the changes I did.

I'm using foo_external_tags
I have selected to use "only folder tags" in hope to save the tags into a folder so I would not lose them

What can I do please?
To make sure the tags will be saved for years to come
See the pictures if you need to see my tags options in advanced/properties
Best regards

Re: Tags not saving

Reply #1
FB2K caches the tag info.  If you edit tags within one instance of FB2K, it updates the file and the cache, but there is nothing to tell another instance of FB2K that the file has been altered externally (the same thing would apply however you edited the tags).

You can force foobar2000 to reload tag information after external edits. There are multiple ways to do this, one is to hold Shift, right click the tracks and use context menu command 'Tagging' -> 'Reload info from file(s)'.

However, if you are using external tags, then your edits don't get saved into the track files at all and instead to a database or ghost files.  They won't get seen by another FB2K instance unless specifically configured to share the database/ghosts, and I'm not sure whether that's possible.
It's your privilege to disagree, but that doesn't make you right and me wrong.

Re: Tags not saving

Reply #2
if you are using external tags, then your edits don't get saved into the track files at all and instead to a database or ghost files.  They won't get seen by another FB2K instance
No. "Folder tags" are saved as "folder.tags" files into folder where audio files are. And will be seen by another fb2k instance if it has component installed.