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Topic: foobar2000 v2.0 bugs (Read 168422 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: foobar2000 v2.0 bugs

Reply #500

Latest foobar2000 v1.6.16 and foobar2000 v2.0 still can't output 32bit files properly. It playback ok, status bar shows that it is 32bit, but my DAC internal test shows that it is 24bit instead of 32bit. When i test the same files with JRiver Media Center, DAC screen shows it as 32bit.

I use ASIO Output 2.1.2 and my DAC is RME ADI-2 Pro FS. The testing files i use are special wav files for testing bit-perfect playback of RME  ADI-2 Pro FS

Can someone else check if it is possible to output 32bit files properly?

I can't answer your question, but some time ago I checked that Foobar still can't losslessly convert 32 bit file into 32 bit files. If it is still the same.....most probably it also can't play such files losslessly.

Re: foobar2000 v2.0 bugs

Reply #501
fb2k 1.x operates with 32-bit float internally, and so it cannot do 32-bit integer in a lossless manner.

Version 2 is still at beta stage, so I'd be patient. It can verify 32-bit integer FLAC files, but I have no idea what it can output.
(For DACing it doesn't matter, there is still nothing that can deliver the 25th bit, had it even been audible. There is a chip that boasts 140 dB dynamic range (in mono only!) - but in real measured environments it doesn't fully hit 20 bits: )

Re: foobar2000 v2.0 bugs

Reply #502
I'm on Beta 27 now and it seems like there is a regression - the popping and lingering audio from the previous track upon manually changing tracks is back even though I have "Fast DSP reset when cycling tracks manually" off.
Think millionaire, but with cannons.

Re: foobar2000 v2.0 bugs

Reply #503

Latest foobar2000 v1.6.16 and foobar2000 v2.0 still can't output 32bit files properly. It playback ok, status bar shows that it is 32bit, but my DAC internal test shows that it is 24bit instead of 32bit. When i test the same files with JRiver Media Center, DAC screen shows it as 32bit.

I use ASIO Output 2.1.2 and my DAC is RME ADI-2 Pro FS. The testing files i use are special wav files for testing bit-perfect playback of RME  ADI-2 Pro FS

Can someone else check if it is possible to output 32bit files properly?

I have to question why you sent a DM to me personally about this when really its not my concern. I find that exceptionally irritating.

Porcus has your answer, anyway.

Re: foobar2000 v2.0 bugs

Reply #504
Sorry for that. I asked you personally because you are professional developer and can diagnose this problem.
Porcus is incorrect. When volume in foobar is at max 0dB, foobar does not do internal processing and must output bits as they are in file. (if the intput of dac can accept it)

When  volume in foobar is at max 0dB and the file is 24bit it outputs bit-perfect as in file.
But if the file is 32bit integer foobar outputs it as 24bit simply by trunkating last 8bits. And the output is not bitperfect then.
So my question why it is so?

JRiver Media Center outputs 32bit integer as is at 32bit.

Re: foobar2000 v2.0 bugs

Reply #505
When I pause Fb2k b27 the working set RAM grows impressively over time.

Re: foobar2000 v2.0 bugs

Reply #506
Sorry for that. I asked you personally because you are professional developer and can diagnose this problem.
Porcus is incorrect. When volume in foobar is at max 0dB, foobar does not do internal processing and must output bits as they are in file. (if the intput of dac can accept it)

When  volume in foobar is at max 0dB and the file is 24bit it outputs bit-perfect as in file.
But if the file is 32bit integer foobar outputs it as 24bit simply by trunkating last 8bits. And the output is not bitperfect then.
So my question why it is so?

JRiver Media Center outputs 32bit integer as is at 32bit.

Porcus is correct, you're wrong.  foobar2000 converts everything to 32-bit floating point in 32-bit versions of the application where 64-bit versions (2.0 or newer) convert everything to 64-bit floating point.  foobar2000 does internal processing at all times regardless of the volume setting.  It's just at 0 dB that this processing is simply a lossless passthrough of sorts for most formats up to 24-bit integers (i.e. reversible) in 32-bit versions.  I know I'm repeating what has been said, but maybe you need to hear it from somebody else.

Re: foobar2000 v2.0 bugs

Reply #511
Sorry for that. I asked you personally because you are professional developer and can diagnose this problem.
Porcus is incorrect. When volume in foobar is at max 0dB, foobar does not do internal processing and must output bits as they are in file. (if the intput of dac can accept it)

When  volume in foobar is at max 0dB and the file is 24bit it outputs bit-perfect as in file.
But if the file is 32bit integer foobar outputs it as 24bit simply by trunkating last 8bits. And the output is not bitperfect then.
So my question why it is so?

JRiver Media Center outputs 32bit integer as is at 32bit.

Porcus is correct, you're wrong.  foobar2000 converts everything to 32-bit floating point in 32-bit versions of the application where 64-bit versions (2.0 or newer) convert everything to 64-bit floating point.  foobar2000 does internal processing at all times regardless of the volume setting.  It's just at 0 dB that this processing is simply a lossless passthrough of sorts for most formats up to 24-bit integers (i.e. reversible) in 32-bit versions.  I know I'm repeating what has been said, but maybe you need to hear it from somebody else.

32 bit foobar operates in 32 float so can't losslessly convert or play 32 integers - understandable. But why 64 bit foobar (which operates in 64 float) can't losslesly play or convert 32 integers?

Re: foobar2000 v2.0 bugs

Reply #513
Hi. I've just joined as I have a problem and I'm not sure if it's a bug?

I tried FOO about 7 months ago and I'm now running V 1.6.16. I'm running it on my laptop.
Originally I had it look for folders in 2 locations. One was on my C Drive and the other an external drive that I would switch on before running it and it found data from both sources.
Recently I decided to put all the music on the External Drive and moved the stuff off my C Drive as I wanted to free a bit of space.

It works fine but it's still looking for files from my C Drive. "Unable to open item for playback (Object not found):"

I only have the one set of folders configured and all the music is stored in Sub Folders and again that all works fine as I like random mode a lot and just listen whilst I work.

Why is it still looking for the C Drive as well though. That's what I can figure out. It just skips them when it's randomly looking around, but still looking at C. Can this be fixed, or is it a bug?


Re: foobar2000 v2.0 bugs

Reply #515

Re: foobar2000 v2.0 bugs

Reply #516
Hi. I've just joined as I have a problem and I'm not sure if it's a bug?

I tried FOO about 7 months ago and I'm now running V 1.6.16. I'm running it on my laptop.
Originally I had it look for folders in 2 locations. One was on my C Drive and the other an external drive that I would switch on before running it and it found data from both sources.
Recently I decided to put all the music on the External Drive and moved the stuff off my C Drive as I wanted to free a bit of space.

It works fine but it's still looking for files from my C Drive. "Unable to open item for playback (Object not found):"

I only have the one set of folders configured and all the music is stored in Sub Folders and again that all works fine as I like random mode a lot and just listen whilst I work.

Why is it still looking for the C Drive as well though. That's what I can figure out. It just skips them when it's randomly looking around, but still looking at C. Can this be fixed, or is it a bug?


To me this sounds like you are talking about playlists and not media library. If you had configured an autoplaylist, it would update the playlist with only active files, but most apparently you have just put all your music from your media library as a regular playlist. Go to Edit->Remove dead items.

To have all your library in an autoplaylist go to Library->Album List and right click on your "All Music" and click "Create Autoplaylist" that way your playlist has all your songs from your library and it will update when your library updates.
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe

Re: foobar2000 v2.0 bugs

Reply #517
Ah. thanks for that. The Dead Items seems to have worked. If not I'll let you know.
I already that playlist set up as you said.

Thanks to all for the help. :))

Re: foobar2000 v2.0 bugs

Reply #518
Sorry for that. I asked you personally because you are professional developer and can diagnose this problem.
Porcus is incorrect. When volume in foobar is at max 0dB, foobar does not do internal processing and must output bits as they are in file. (if the intput of dac can accept it)

When  volume in foobar is at max 0dB and the file is 24bit it outputs bit-perfect as in file.
But if the file is 32bit integer foobar outputs it as 24bit simply by trunkating last 8bits. And the output is not bitperfect then.
So my question why it is so?

JRiver Media Center outputs 32bit integer as is at 32bit.

Porcus is correct, you're wrong.  foobar2000 converts everything to 32-bit floating point in 32-bit versions of the application where 64-bit versions (2.0 or newer) convert everything to 64-bit floating point.  foobar2000 does internal processing at all times regardless of the volume setting.  It's just at 0 dB that this processing is simply a lossless passthrough of sorts for most formats up to 24-bit integers (i.e. reversible) in 32-bit versions.  I know I'm repeating what has been said, but maybe you need to hear it from somebody else.

I understand that internal processing is 32-bit floating point or 64-bit floating point. But the input of my DAC is 32bit. So after processing foobar have to convert the data from 32-bit floating point to 32bit integer. Or to 24bit integer for DAC with 24bit inputs. There is even an option "Output data format" 16/24/32bit to choose.

So i have 3 questions:

1. Why foobar outputs data in 24bit, even if i choose Output data format as 32bit? (My DAC internal test indicates that it is 24bit)
2. If the volume is changed and not 0dB, foobar will process and convert the data from 32-bit floating point to 32bit integer or to 24bit integer?
3. How can i play in foobar 32bit files on a 32bit DAC bit-perfect? Other programs can do this a long ago.

Re: foobar2000 v2.0 bugs

Reply #519
I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but all custom album list views are gone, after update from 1.6.16 to beta 27.

Edit: I have to say, I have not updated directly. I installed beta 27 as portable version in a new folder and imported my saved default ui theme. Are the album list views part of themes at all?

Re: foobar2000 v2.0 bugs

Reply #521
Monkey's Audio Decoder (foo_input_monkey) v10.07 2023-03-23
foobar2000 v2.0 beta 27 32bit 64bit

Failed to load DLL: foo_input_monkey.dll
Reason: Obsolete component; please remove.
SHURE SRH1840, SENNHEISER HD660S2, SENNHEISER HD620S, SENNHEISER HD 490 Pro Plus, beyerdynamic DT 1990 PRO, HiFiMAN Edition XS, Bowers & Wilkins P7, FiiO FT5, 水月雨 (MOONDROP) 空鳴 - VOID, Nakamichi Elite FIVE ANC, SONY WH1000XM5 (made a Upgrade/Balanced Cable by myself)

Re: foobar2000 v2.0 bugs

Reply #523

Latest foobar2000 v1.6.16 and foobar2000 v2.0 still can't output 32bit files properly. It playback ok, status bar shows that it is 32bit, but my DAC internal test shows that it is 24bit instead of 32bit. When i test the same files with JRiver Media Center, DAC screen shows it as 32bit.

I use ASIO Output 2.1.2 and my DAC is RME ADI-2 Pro FS. The testing files i use are special wav files for testing bit-perfect playback of RME  ADI-2 Pro FS

Can someone else check if it is possible to output 32bit files properly?
It's been mentioned a few times but I'll say it again:

You need 64-bit foobar2000 v2.0 to do what you ask for.

You haven't explicitly said so but from your post I conclude that you're running the 32bit version, because that's the only way you can possibly use ASIO Output v2.1.2, rather than v2.2 with 64bit support.
The reason for this is that ALL components must be rebuilt to operate on 64bit floatingpoint data, I can't just add it without breaking all components, so I decided to introduce it along with another change that requires new builds of all components.
If you're running 64-bit foobar2000 with latest ASIO output and still getting bad behavior, please say so and I'll investigate.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: foobar2000 v2.0 bugs

Reply #524
OK, so 64-bit beta now does 64-bit signal path - "no matter what" output? (Presuming that you don't pass it to a Windows 32-bit audio mixer.)