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Topic: Can't "Update file tags" after ReplayGain Scan of more than around 40-60 files (Read 2067 times) previous topic - next topic
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Can't "Update file tags" after ReplayGain Scan of more than around 40-60 files

Only thing the console says is "Automatic resampling: using Resampler (PPHS)" for every file I scanned. I don't have this enabled on my DSP settings so idk what's going on there or if that's even related, but that's all the console says during all this.

Backstory being I got a new Ryzen 3800x and I figured I could use it to scan a few thousand songs pretty quickly. It did it very quickly (25 minutes for nearly 15k songs), but like 8% into writing Foobar2000 1.5.1 just froze completely. Task Manager said it was "suspended" and I had to force shut it down after I waited 10 minutes. I reproduced this over and over. It always works fine with 20-30 files but works only sometimes if I do any more than that. After an hour I finally managed to scan write 100 files without it crashing. I haven't done a replaygain scan of this scale in years so I honestly don't know "When" the  problem may have started but doing 15,000 files 20-30 at a time would be pretty awful

Code: [Select]
Core (2019-12-31 11:36:40 UTC)
    foobar2000 core 1.5.1
foo_abx.dll (2019-02-18 18:03:34 UTC)
    ABX Comparator 2.0.6c
foo_albumlist.dll (2019-12-31 11:35:58 UTC)
    Album List 4.7
foo_audioscrobbler.dll (2012-08-20 20:49:44 UTC)
    Audioscrobbler 2.3.1
foo_cad.dll (2013-06-04 02:54:44 UTC)
    CD Art Display 1.0.2
foo_cdda.dll (2019-12-31 11:35:56 UTC)
    CD Audio Decoder 3.0
foo_converter.dll (2019-12-31 11:36:04 UTC)
    Converter 1.5.4
foo_customdb.dll (2013-04-19 02:58:12 UTC)
    Custom Database 0.1.0_beta1
foo_discord_rich.dll (2019-05-23 20:19:30 UTC)
    Discord Rich Presense 1.1.0
foo_dop.dll (2008-09-29 01:01:00 UTC)
    iPod manager
foo_dsp_effect.dll (2019-02-18 18:03:34 UTC)
    Effect DSP 0.35
foo_dsp_eq.dll (2019-12-31 11:35:54 UTC)
    Equalizer 1.2.1
foo_dsp_std.dll (2019-12-31 11:35:54 UTC)
    Standard DSP Array 1.5.1
foo_facets.dll (2011-08-19 06:06:16 UTC)
    Facets 1.0
foo_httpcontrol.dll (2013-04-26 21:12:30 UTC)
    HTTP Control 0.97.14-fb2kc
foo_input_std.dll (2019-12-31 11:36:20 UTC)
    FFmpeg Decoders 3.4.6-0ac9001
    Standard Input Array 1.5.1
foo_input_tta.dll (2009-10-08 08:58:36 UTC)
    TTA Audio Decoder (unofficial) 2.4.2
foo_jesus.dll (2010-10-12 23:58:16 UTC)
    Autosave & Autobackup 10
foo_jscript_panel.dll (2016-03-14 21:44:19 UTC)
    JScript Panel 1.1.3
foo_keep_queue.dll (2014-02-09 09:12:20 UTC)
    Keep Queue 0.3.5
foo_lastfm_playcount_sync.dll (2019-12-02 22:47:04 UTC) Playcount Sync 1.0.1
foo_lyricsgrabber2.dll (2011-04-27 20:09:26 UTC)
    Lyrics Grabber 2 beta
foo_osd.dll (2018-04-08 03:40:30 UTC)
    On-Screen Display 1.74
foo_playcount.dll (2019-12-07 08:25:08 UTC)
    Playback Statistics 3.0.3
foo_playlisthistory.dll (2011-06-06 19:50:22 UTC)
    Playlist History 0.1.6
foo_queuecontents.dll (2012-04-04 00:40:40 UTC)
    Queue Contents Editor 0.5.1
foo_rgscan.dll (2019-12-31 11:36:04 UTC)
    ReplayGain Scanner 2.3
foo_skype.dll (2011-05-22 04:33:24 UTC)
    Skype playing notifications 0.2
foo_softplaylists.dll (2014-02-10 08:51:40 UTC)
    Soft Playlists 2012-10-10
foo_stop_after_queue.dll (2019-02-18 18:03:34 UTC)
    Stop After Queue 1.1.1
foo_textdisplay.dll (2012-08-06 10:12:04 UTC)
    Text Display UI Element 1.1 beta 1
foo_texttools.dll (2011-05-05 22:21:06 UTC)
    Text Tools 1.0.5
foo_ui_columns.dll (2019-02-18 18:03:52 UTC)
    Columns UI 1.0.0
foo_ui_std.dll (2019-12-31 11:36:08 UTC)
    Default User Interface 1.5.1
foo_uie_biography.dll (2016-05-30 09:52:50 UTC)
    Biography View
foo_uie_lyrics3.dll (2016-05-05 18:13:36 UTC)
    Lyric Show Panel 3 0.5
foo_uie_wsh_panel_mod.dll (2013-04-19 01:58:00 UTC)
    WSH Panel Mod 1.5.6
foo_unpack.dll (2019-12-31 11:35:56 UTC)
    ZIP/GZIP/RAR Reader 1.8
foo_wave_seekbar.dll (2016-05-20 23:10:30 UTC)
    Waveform seekbar

edit: I spoke too soon. It just crashed when trying to Write tags to a mere 6 files. Froze at 86% which was about a millisecond or two into the process. This wasn't an issue even a few weeks ago. Could it be some conflict with my new hardware?

Re: Can't "Update file tags" after ReplayGain Scan of more than around 40-60 files

Reply #1
Try without third party components. Perhaps one of them has multithreading issues that get triggered easier now that you have a fast machine with plenty of cores.

Re: Can't "Update file tags" after ReplayGain Scan of more than around 40-60 files

Reply #2
After spending another 2 hours searching the web, I found this post:

This guy seemed to have a similar issue and concluded it had something to do with "mp4"/"aac" files. So I decided to test that. The 6 files that it crashed on at 83% last night, I tried again. They always crash exactly at 83%. Those files are m4a/aac. So then I selected 700 mp3 files....It worked flawlessly. I did this several times. No issues.  Tested FLAC....same issue as m4a/AAC. Basically it's only really working with mp3 now. After another like 20 tests it seems I can do like 3 or so m4a at a time but that's it.

With foobar in safe mode scanning for replaygain isn't even an option - it only lets me copy track and album gain to SoundCheck

edit: I also tried changing Foobar's affinity to just a single core and it's still "suspending" at exactly 83%

Re: Can't "Update file tags" after ReplayGain Scan of more than around 40-60 files

Reply #3
What do you mean by "foobar in safe mode"? Temporary move your custom components away and try again. Another option is to create a memory dump when foobar2000 freezes (note freezing is not a crash). If you share the memory dump with Peter he can most likely tell you what causes the problem.

Re: Can't "Update file tags" after ReplayGain Scan of more than around 40-60 files

Reply #4
By Safe Mode I meant the the built-in Safe Mode feature - when you force-close Foobar2000, or if it does an actual crash, it will let you go into "Safe Mode" when you next launch it. I thought that's what you meant since it disables components while in safe mode. Problem there was that it seemed to also disable the ReplayGain Scanner lol. I did what you said about moving the custom components away. that way let me still scan but unfortunately the issue persisted. Still went into suspension at 83%.

I have created a dmp file. it's 262 MB. How should I share it?

Re: Can't "Update file tags" after ReplayGain Scan of more than around 40-60 files

Reply #6
Sorry for so many posts in a row, no edit after time period obviously.

Anyway, I might've figured out the culprit. Originally I tried disabling every program I could see and  it didn't help. But then I noticed a bunch of services and background apps that were still up even after closing every program I could see normally. One was a new ASUS thing that I don't remember installing with my new CPU/motherboard. Armoury Crate. I uninstalled that but then I also noticed Acconis (which I used the other day to clone my SSD to a larger one) was doing some stuff. Apparently Acronis had enabled their real-time protection service by default.

After uninstalling Armoury Crate and disabling Acronis's real-time protection, I'm able to do my scan on m4a, flac, ect ect again. No idea which one was the problem (I'd put money on Acronis tho). I hope this is the end of this issue.

Unrelated but during the cloning process apparently exactly one song was corrupted. Thank god I used robocopy to make a manual backup of my music prior to cloning

Re: Can't "Update file tags" after ReplayGain Scan of more than around 40-60 files

Reply #7
You appear to have "Preserve file creation/access/modification time when retagging" option enabled.
According to the minidump, something causes file time manipulation to get stuck. Most likely, as you said, it's your antivirus software interfering with the operation.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: Can't "Update file tags" after ReplayGain Scan of more than around 40-60 files

Reply #8
In my case it was Acronis TrueImage services interfere with foobar.
After I removed Acronis TrueImage, foobar could update file tags after replayGain with no app freeze