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Yes, I write or perform music however it has not been recorded.
[ 91 ] (22.9%)
Yes, I write or perform music and it has been recorded.
[ 82 ] (20.6%)
No, I do not write music.
[ 225 ] (56.5%)

Total Members Voted: 464

Topic: Do you write or create music? (Read 75911 times) previous topic - next topic
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Do you write or create music?

Obviously if you're here, you care about the quality of audio and music you are listening to - therefore you have a passion for it.

I was just interested in finding out who here actually writes or performs their own music? It'd be interesting to find out if we have any musicians or vocalists among us.

Ruairi - nothing going on

Do you write or create music?

Reply #1
hm...actually I lied....
I remember now. I actually have been recorded.....playing some drums and a gongon in a piano concert.

Anyway, I play the piano and I can/have been writting arrangements for orchestra.
I don't much anymore though and I'm not really good at it but can set up something.

Do you write or create music?

Reply #2
I've been known to mess around with Modplug now and then... I can upload a few tracks if anyone's interested (they include: weird clown music, Peter Gunn theme attempt, some other whack stuff I made in 10 minutes... ).

Do you write or create music?

Reply #3
I am one of those who make music. :-)

Do you write or create music?

Reply #4
I've been writing music and using my computer as a multitrack recorder since 1995.  It's really what's been keeping me sane all these years.  Some need zolof I need music.


Do you write or create music?

Reply #5
I'm into rock & metal, I play the electric guitar and I record music I make with the help of a sound editor & drum software

Do you write or create music?

Reply #6
I used to go to this boarding school (i belive it's called - danish:efterskole) some years ago, and I started playing drums and guitars there. It really caught my interest. I still practice guitar, but my current situation have prevented my from doing any serious drumming/guitar playing. I will be doing some playing in the future though, once I get the oppertunity, because I love music and love playing it too.

I'd like to be a 1337 jazz drummer .

Do you write or create music?

Reply #7

Although I'm not sure if the "music" label will fit. Also be warned that this is about three years old, and that audiophiles will shun the recording method and quality (and probably the music ) I'm moving back to Norway in a month though, so I'll definitely hook up with the other half of the band again to make some new tracks...

Do you write or create music?

Reply #8
Drummer; started taking lessons when i was 6. Professionally recorded about 7 or 8 times (in a band setup, not solo).

P.S. Playing drums in a Big Band since 7 years now.

Do you write or create music?

Reply #9
I do. 

I play the piano and the drums. However, my main musical activity is writing, not performing.

/ Uosdwis


Do you write or create music?

Reply #10
I started doing music with ProTracker on my Amiga500 about 7-8 years ago (good old times =)

Today I'm using Buzz and other various soft-synths (I've actually used Coagula to create some weird stuff)

Most of my music can be found here (beware it's all 128 kbps cbr)

Do you write or create music?

Reply #11
I play the classical piano and tuba. And I had written very few songs.

Do you write or create music?

Reply #12
Yes, I play guitar, drums and recently started playing around with Propellerheads Reason. Mostly scandinavian metal. I played guitar in a band before we got split up, few recordings worth. I've written quite a few songs, metal and others.

BTW, there's quite nothing like standing in front of double 4x12" speaker cabinets while playing something gruesomely heavy. My liver & other organs just love it .

Do you write or create music?

Reply #13
im play and record guitar too.


only one song because no time to switch for an other host with more webspace. maybe anyday my site will be complete

stay tuned!

Do you write or create music?

Reply #14
Drums mostly here. I was surprised to see many drummers above (that is a good thing!) I also play a lot of guitar and still deal with my starting instrument, piano.

Recording started with SB Pro, Casio SK-1 and MODEdit, mostly bad songs and crappy quality. Nowadays I record a lot of songs and they're all good. :-) I'm active with other musicians but still privately write lyrics and record each instrument myself. On that note, I'm looking at another solo project with composing and recording video game scores.
"Something bothering you, Mister Spock?"

Do you write or create music?

Reply #15
No real drums here.  I play mainly saxophone, although I get asked by a lot of local bands to help get a certian effect digitally... or write rhythms...  I've even made a few nifty ones that were used. =)  To be as modest as possible though, I really tear it up on the sax.


Do you write or create music?

Reply #16
To be as modest as possible though, I really tear it up on the sax. probably pale in comparison to my kazoo genius!

drums/guitar/bass here ...

mostly jazz/blues/rock/punk...

although i have been known to whip out the occasional nsync cover... "ooohh baby, baby!"


Do you write or create music?

Reply #19
I used to play bass, keyboards, and a little bit of singing in an amateur pop group a few years ago. We recorded several of our songs with a cheap 4-track cassette recorder, but they sounded quite well, I think. I passed them to cd a couple of years ago.

Do you write or create music?

Reply #20
I think I started playing music when I was 8 with a one channel Casio keyboard, which was awful, doing weird bizarre harmonies and stuff along with other music. When I was 11, I started learning drums, but couldnt afford the lessons after grade 1. From then on I did most playing without tuition.

My main bulk of music was done with Fast Tracker 2 (XM/MOD files), doing mainly dance + hardcore tracks.. now I use Fruity Loops but I've been told by a professional musician that it takes an incredible amount of effort to post produce tracker music, so soon when I get a nice MIDI keyboard I'll move onto CuBase or Logic.

Ruairi - nothing going on

Do you write or create music?

Reply #21
rc55: consider CakeWalk too. The newest is called Sonar I think.

Do you write or create music?

Reply #22
Ah yes, Cakewalk. I used that once for a terrible white label I produced using Paul van Dyk and Beastie Boys.

That was a long time ago!

R - nothing going on

Do you write or create music?

Reply #23
Logic RoxXor5!!!!

Started out with Fast Tracker for Atari 1040STE =)
Tried playing some with Steinberg audio tools then also.

Today, me and some friends make music through:
Carvin mx2488,
yamaha: an1x, a3000, rm1x, fs1r,
roland: juno-6, jv-1010,
novation: nova,
m-audio: delta 1010,
line6: pod v2
emagic: unitor8,
tc: m-one
alesis: 3630 (suxX0r5),
akg: k240m,
kef: coda7 (next ina da line to be replaceed)
+ Silly amount of cables....

Looking for some phat active speakers now
BM15A  looking at me d(O_o)b

Ofcourse.. we use Logic

Do you write or create music?

Reply #24
I thought logic was mainly midi?
that's what I used it for anyway.