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Topic: Multiple actions in Keyboad Shortcuts (Read 5546 times) previous topic - next topic
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Multiple actions in Keyboad Shortcuts


Does anyone know a plugin that allow to run multiple actions from hotkeys?


ctrl+alt + F1:
Stop; Remove from playlist; Play next song.

It would be great if foobar had this powerful feature/plugin.


Multiple actions in Keyboad Shortcuts

Reply #1
That is not possible. As far as i remember it should be possible to create a batch file with commandfile expressions. This file then could be invoked by foo_run. I never tried that so i can't tell you if that would work.

To achieve what you gave as example i anyway would give you the advice to use foo_playlistattributes: you can set that played/skipped files will be removed from playlist - so you only have to bind "next" to a hotkey.

Multiple actions in Keyboad Shortcuts

Reply #2

Does anyone know a plugin that allow to run multiple actions from hotkeys?


ctrl+alt + F1:
Stop; Remove from playlist; Play next song.

It would be great if foobar had this powerful feature/plugin.


I'd like to see this available as well.


Multiple actions in Keyboad Shortcuts

Reply #3
You can indeed do it with foo_run, as q-stankovic said. (Though you don't need an external batch file, you can just run the commands right from foo_run.) And foo_run's services are able to be bound to keyboard shortcuts.

preferences > tools > run services

[1] click "Add" button

[2] Label:
Rename the label from "New Service" to whatever you wish.

[3] Path:
cmd /c start "1" "C:\Program Files\foobar2000\foobar2000.exe" "/command:stop" & ping -n 1>nul & start "2" "C:\Program Files\foobar2000\foobar2000.exe" "/command:remove" & ping -n 1>nul & start "3" "C:\Program Files\foobar2000\foobar2000.exe" "/command:next"

(that path string is all one line). Adjust the foobar2000 program path as necessary.

"ping -n 1>nul", which just pings the localhost, is there to add a slight delay to allow commands to complete before the next is sent to foobar. If you still have an issue where all 3 commands do not execute, try increasing the number of pings by adjusting "-n 1" to a higher number (-n is the number of pings sent)