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Topic: CELT decoder component (Read 10114 times) previous topic - next topic
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CELT decoder component

Reply #1
this component does not work for me.  I used CELT 0.10.0 to encode, which played fine in rhythmbox.  in foobar2000, I was able to add a bunch of files to the playlist, but none of the CELT files played.  the response was something like "unsupported or corrupted file".

CELT decoder component

Reply #2
Your encoder version is too old, the component is for the latest bitstream version. To quote "Since CELT is still in development, most new releases (even minor ones) change the bit-stream, so compatibility is not preserved."

CELT decoder component

Reply #3
Does that mean that now (0.11.2) encoded celt audio, may not decode in next celt revision?

CELT decoder component

Reply #4
Celt developers are now preparing for a bit stream freeze. meaning if some bugs which may greatly improve codec quality or performance will show up compatibility with current revision might break. They would like to avoid this as I understand.