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Topic: foo_dsp_xgeq (Read 281333 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #50
Hey Xnor!

Thanks for this great equalizer!

One thing for your to-do-list: What I'm really missing is that there's no way to see the values I actual set for each band. Would it be possible to make them visible? (Just like the value for the master gain slider.)


Reply #51
Does anyone actually need the full range of +-18 dB? Cause I'd like to reduce the steps from .5 to .1 dB which would result in 360 slider positions.
"I hear it when I see it."


Reply #52
Under wine it seems impossible to use this component: If I try to adjust any slider, it pops on top (+18dB) and can't be dragged or anything.
It looks like implemented 'draw on sliders' feature may be the cause.


Reply #53
Interesting. Does pressing tab to focus sliders and up/down arrow keys or page up/down work?
"I hear it when I see it."


Reply #54
Yes, keyboard seems to handle sliders fine


Reply #55
I'm not using the full range of +/-18dB. My Sliders are all between +/-6dB. Therefore you could cut the range to, let's see, +/-12dB, which would result in 240+1 (+/-0dB  ) slider positions.

But I'm curious to know, what you're thinking about making the values visible. (As I've requested in a previous post.) If you're changing the steps to 0.1 dB, then it would be also helpful to make it possible to set the values via Keyboard. Some kind of input box, for example, would do that.


Reply #56
Yeah I think an edit box with the selected band's gain should do.
"I hear it when I see it."


Reply #57
Are you making any progress on implementing saved presets? I really would like to used this EQ, but

1. It resets to zero on a cold start of my computer.

2. When I change speakers, I have to start from zero.

I see that you are putting a lot of effort on your crossfeed plug-in. Perhaps you could spend a little time here?



Reply #58
You're right, I spent most of the time on the crossfeed but there's definitely progress going on with the EQ. Just need to put it into a releasable state.

Regarding presets, do the DSP chain presets (DSP Manager configuration page) also get lost? That'd be strange.
"I hear it when I see it."


Reply #59
You're right, I spent most of the time on the crossfeed but there's definitely progress going on with the EQ. Just need to put it into a releasable state.

Regarding presets, do the DSP chain presets (DSP Manager configuration page) also get lost? That'd be strange.

xnor, are you doing a crossfeed plugin? Could you link it, please?


Reply #61
Regarding presets, do the DSP chain presets (DSP Manager configuration page) also get lost? That'd be strange.

The DSP manager configuration remains intact. xgeg reappears in the chain at system restart, but the graph is zero'd out. If I simply close and reopen f2k, the graph remains as last set.

BTW, in my installation, f2k forgets where my presets are for the default equalizer.



Reply #63
The DSP manager configuration remains intact. xgeg reappears in the chain at system restart, but the graph is zero'd out. If I simply close and reopen f2k, the graph remains as last set.

BTW, in my installation, f2k forgets where my presets are for the default equalizer.

This is weird and should not happen.

Anyway, I've added a simple import/export feature now. Version 0.2.0 released.
"I hear it when I see it."


Reply #64
xnor- grus dich

i am using some modded drivers for my old soundcard that improve the sound quality, but i notice that the overall volume is a bit lower than with the manufacturer's drivers- can i use this equalizer to boost the volume a bit by increasing the master gain +1 db? i don't know much about this stuff 

great plugin by the way!


Reply #65
chrome_waves, I don't know why the modded drivers have lower output volume so it's difficult to give advice.
Modern recordings touch 0 dBFS regularly so even a 1 dB volume boost will most likely degrade sound quality. So all I can suggest is to double check the Windows Mixer, playback device properties and soundcard control panel for anything that could attenuate the signal.
"I hear it when I see it."


Reply #66
Can you extend the frequency range of the dsp to 10HZ - 30KHz? 
So i can use it to equalize perfectly my headphone using headroom frequency response graph like this.


Reply #67
touccer, I don't really see the point. The frequency response of the EQ extends beyond the first and also last band, to be precise down to 0 Hz and up to sampling rate / 2 (e.g. 22.05 kHz for 44.1 kHz audio).
"I hear it when I see it."


Reply #68
chrome_waves, I don't know why the modded drivers have lower output volume so it's difficult to give advice.
Modern recordings touch 0 dBFS regularly so even a 1 dB volume boost will most likely degrade sound quality. So all I can suggest is to double check the Windows Mixer, playback device properties and soundcard control panel for anything that could attenuate the signal.

i'm using the pax drivers for the old soundblaster live! /audigy cards


Reply #69
Hey Xnor!

Thanks for making the band values visible. Although I had it's realization a bit different in mind. But it works and this is all I need.


Reply #70
touccer, I don't really see the point. The frequency response of the EQ extends beyond the first and also last band, to be precise down to 0 Hz and up to sampling rate / 2 (e.g. 22.05 kHz for 44.1 kHz audio).

How can i apply a gain to the 10 Hz band for example? 


Reply #71
How can i apply a gain to the 10 Hz band for example? 

It has the same gain as the 20 Hz band.

Roll-off at the frequency extremes is normal, don't fight it. 
"I hear it when I see it."


Reply #72
The DSP manager configuration remains intact. xgeg reappears in the chain at system restart, but the graph is zero'd out. If I simply close and reopen f2k, the graph remains as last set.

BTW, in my installation, f2k forgets where my presets are for the default equalizer.

This is weird and should not happen.

Anyway, I've added a simple import/export feature now. Version 0.2.0 released.

Just installed it yesterday, and it works fine! 

And, in contrast to the default EQ, even gapless playback works fine with FLAC, mp3, so far tested.

Is it possible to ad graphic equalizer into the "View" menu in order to open it faster?



Reply #73
I think so, but the fb sdk is imo not documented properly so I'll have to bother some of the other devs about it.
"I hear it when I see it."


Reply #74
I think so, but the fb sdk is imo not documented properly so I'll have to bother some of the other devs about it.

Hopefully someone can help you. 

Would be great for quick dis-/enabling graphic equalizer.
