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Topic: Help with plugins not installing (Read 1569 times) previous topic - next topic
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Help with plugins not installing

I recently re-installed my OS and I'm in the process of setting up foobar2000 again. I have a list of all the plugins I need, but I'm finding that they suddenly don't work. Before, I had Album list panel, Columns UI, EsPlaylist, Facets, Library Tree, Playlist Organizer, and Queue Contents Editor. Now, however, only the first two of these work. When I attempt to install the others, I get:
"Could not load component "foo_queuecontents.fb2k-component": This component was built for a different processor architecture."

Apparently this has something to do with 32-bit vs 64-bit, but I haven't found any way to fix it. Anyone know what I can do?
Thanks in advance, and have a spectacular day!


Re: Help with plugins not installing

Reply #1
foobar2000 v2.x x86 needs 32-bit components & foobar2000 v2.x x64 needs 64-bit components.

If there is a lot of components that you use that is not compatible with the new 64-bit version of foobar2000, then use the 32-bit version of it. Problem solved