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Topic: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg) (Read 254317 times) previous topic - next topic
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foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #25
foo_plorg is supposed to mimic the standard colors behaviour (just like other components) unless there is a bug.

controls (nodes) doesn't follow system (vista/7) style

NEMO7538, a few people have mentioned the component does not use the new TreeView from Vista/7. I'm guessing based on your quote and that it is not on your to-do list, the style of TreeView is intentional and not going to change. Yes/no?

Anyway, I like this component and look forward to it maturing. An idea I'll throw into the mix is being able to access the Control context menu when right-clicking a folder.

foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #26
a few people have mentioned the component does not use the new TreeView from Vista/7. I'm guessing based on your quote and that it is not on your to-do list, the style of TreeView is intentional and not going to change. Yes/no?
I will have a look but will need support for testing as I don't have Vista/7 myself.
An idea I'll throw into the mix is being able to access the Control context menu when right-clicking a folder.
That should already be the case ... can you elaborate?

foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #27
the treeview of album list in foobar2000 is also not like the win7 treeview, so i think this depenting on foobar?!

foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #28
nope. album list just needs updating as well. open file>preferences to see the difference.

foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #29
An idea I'll throw into the mix is being able to access the Control context menu when right-clicking a folder.
That should already be the case ... can you elaborate?

He does not mean "when right-clicking a playlist" (where it is already the case) but "when right-clicking a FOLDER".
I guess accessing the control-context-menu on folders will not make sense before "Generate superset of contained playlists when activating a folder" from the ToDi-List is implemented.

Sorry for coming up with this again:
Is the keybord-shortcut-behaviour intended?
Renaming a playlist with modifiers (like shift or alt) does not work if the combination of modifier+key is set as a keyboard-shortcut (works in the original playlist manager where keyboard-shortcuts only operate in normal mode (non-renaming) ).

foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #30
Whenever I right-click somewhere in the Playlist Organizer area, then click somewhere else in Foobar (Left or right clicking doesn't matter), I get a CUI context menu:

Has anyone else experienced this?

foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #31
An idea I'll throw into the mix is being able to access the Control context menu when right-clicking a folder.
That should already be the case ... can you elaborate?

Specifically right-clicking a folder node rather than a playlist, such as the highlighted selection in this screenshot.

foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #32
Whenever I right-click somewhere in the Playlist Organizer area, then click somewhere else in Foobar (Left or right clicking doesn't matter), I get a CUI context menu:
Has anyone else experienced this?

Yeah, it happens to me too.

foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #33
Can it be developed to have the same functionality as playlist_tree_mod?
Probably not ... what kind of functionalities are you thinking of that are not provided by autoplaylists?
Renaming a playlist with modifiers (like shift or alt) does not work if the combination of modifier+key is set as a shortcut (works in the original playlist manager)
I'm not sure I understand  the point. Why do you need modifiers to rename a playlist? Can you explain?
Whenever I right-click somewhere in the Playlist Organizer area, then click somewhere else in Foobar (Left or right clicking doesn't matter), I get a CUI context menu
I cannot reproduce this one ...

BTW, I Have posted a new version with some bugfixes and new features that you can check in the change log.
The new version includes a tentative Vista/Seven style tree, an option to activate on single click, to play on double click (See preferences page) and another option to hide the item count.

foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #34
You can see the problem in action here:

When adding a Playlist Organizer panel to my tab stack, the problem doesn't seem to occur, though.
My layout in CUI is like this:

Horizontal splitter
---Vertical splitter
------Horizontal splitter
---------Playlist switcher
---------Playlist Organizer
------Artwork view
---Tab stack with playlists etc.

foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #35
Renaming a playlist with modifiers (like shift or alt) does not work if the combination of modifier+key is set as a shortcut (works in the original playlist manager)
I'm not sure I understand  the point. Why do you need modifiers to rename a playlist? Can you explain?

Well, i need [SHIFT] to write in capital letters

Renaming to "playlist" works, while renaming to "Playlist" won't work if [SHIFT]+[P] is set as a keyboard-shortcut in the foobar preferences.

*edit*: if you have set [P] as a keyboard-shortcut, renaming to "playlist" won't work either as the shortcut is executed...

In cases like this i help myself with [Caps-Lock], but i was wondering if this is intended behavior in the rename-mode.
Foobars playlist manager and every other part of foobar disables keyboard-shortcuts in renaming-mode, so the problem didn't occur before.

BTW: thanx for 0.4 , "Activate on single click" is much more intuitive from my point of view

foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #36
BTW: thanx for 0.4 , "Activate on single click" is much more intuitive from my point of view

From me also a big thanks! Wasn't expecting this feature to be added so quickly!

foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #37
Foobars playlist manager and every other part of foobar disables keyboard-shortcuts in renaming-mode, so the problem didn't occur before.

Also NEMO7538's other component, foo_quicksearch, does (when typing search patterns), but not Playlist Organizer.

What I meant above whether this would be intended:

This is HA. Not the Jerry Springer Show.

foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #38
You can see the problem in action here:
Thanks for the video. I didn't notice myself since I was within a tab. This bug is now fixed in Version 0.5

Renaming to "playlist" works, while renaming to "Playlist" won't work if [SHIFT]+[P] is set as a keyboard-shortcut in the foobar preferences.
This is now fixed as well in V0.5

What I meant above whether this would be intended  ....
Well .... if you place the panel on toolbar, that's what happens.

foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #39
Well .... if you place the panel on toolbar, that's what happens.

My CUI layout the screenshots are taken from contains the Columns Playlist only, nothing else. Right-clicking the toolbar does not offer to add any of my panels (Album list, Artwork view, Bookmarks, Console, Explorer Tree, Filter, History, Item details, Item properties and Playlist switcher), only Playlist Organizer. My point was it shouldn't be offered in the toolbar's context menu in my opinion.

Thank you for v0.5, keyboard shortcuts are blocked now and it works very well.
This is HA. Not the Jerry Springer Show.

foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #40
And the Win7/Vista tree view does not have a dotted line with it
The foobar2000 preferences implementation is not 100% accurate as well

Play on double click is bugged as well instead of playing the song in the playlist it starts the previously playing song again

foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #41
This bug is now fixed in Version 0.5
This is now fixed as well in V0.5
You are unbelievable fast. Rarely seen a plugin mature this quick! (and coming up matured already in 0.1) Great job
Play on double click is bugged as well instead of playing the song in the playlist it starts the previously playing song again
+ single-clicking an empty area of the organizer activates the first playlist in the list (if "activate on single-click" is set)

foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #42
Play on double click is bugged as well instead of playing the song in the playlist it starts the previously playing song again
+ single-clicking an empty area of the organizer activates the first playlist in the list (if "activate on single-click" is set)
Those two bugs are fixed in the new version[/b].

foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #43

i have CUI element colours set to custom, but the line selection in the component is showing up half custom, half themed.

foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #44
Those two bugs are fixed in the new version[/b].
partly confirmed ;-)
- single-click an empty area is now fixed
- double click on another playlist (Y) now plays the next song after the last played song (in the last played playlist (X)), but it should activate and play the first(?) song of the clicked playlist (Y)
(for double-clicking the same playlist (X) the next-song-behavior is actually a nice gimmick though)

foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #45
I see ... it will be fixed in the next version.

foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #46
And the Win7/Vista tree view does not have a dotted line with it
This should be fixed now in the new version, which also brings some other bugfixes and improvements (in particular visual indication of playing playlist).

Please confirm the behavior on Vista/Seven. Thanks.

foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #47
Another rendering bug

Also when you double click the status bar to show now playing it should highlight/selec the playlist of the now playing item

The themed mode under Win 7 doesn't seem to work as well


PS: the tree view seems ok under Windows 7

foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #48
This should be fixed now in the new version. Please confirm (also for the theme) as I don't have Vista nor Seven. Thanks.
I have also added an option (disabled by default) to make the playing playlist visible upon activation. Please also confirm that it works as expected.