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Topic: I heart foo_dsp_delta! (Read 199639 times) previous topic - next topic
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I heart foo_dsp_delta!

Reply #51
^ Same here. I'd really like to try it, is it available somewhere else?

I heart foo_dsp_delta!

Reply #53
Thanks for the link ChaosBladE!! 

The Noise Sharpering is magnifique. in what porcentage you use it normally?

I heart foo_dsp_delta!

Reply #54
thanks a lot ChaosBladE

50% is good for me

I heart foo_dsp_delta!

Reply #55
I use it at about 60% or otherwise it is too noisy for live recordings and such.
Sure thing about the link, Happy to help, Enjoy it and big thanks to ssamadhi97

I heart foo_dsp_delta!

Reply #56
There can i find settings of this plugin ?

I heart foo_dsp_delta!

Reply #57
When you add it in the DSP manager, You have a small "configure" button above the list. Just select this DSP and click it.

I heart foo_dsp_delta!

Reply #58
Ha, you can do this with an SPS preset in WA

I heart foo_dsp_delta!

Reply #59
Oh noes, He used the forbidden word

I heart foo_dsp_delta!

Reply #60

I heart foo_dsp_delta!

Reply #61
Can we get a non-rapidshare link.

NTL users cannot get rapidshare

I heart foo_dsp_delta!

Reply #63
hey guys, thanks for this awesome DSP plugin, at first I didn't know what to expect... i've been using Foobar since 0.7 and if it wasn't for this noise sharpening filter I would have switched by now... it just makes music sound Magnificent... no other progarm can even touch Foobar with this config.

I don't use the Equalizer in foobar, just this plugin, with my Z4 Logitech 2.1 speakers at stock Bass middle knob setting delivers absolutely perfect crisp music.

Oh and I use this at 126% Might be lil excessive for some, but with rich bass I believe equally rich treble is needed, its not the type to peirce your ears either, thats the great thing about this plugin. :thumbsup:

I heart foo_dsp_delta!

Reply #65
Should resampling be done before or after the sharpening?

I heart foo_dsp_delta!

Reply #66
If you do the resampling first, the results of the sharpening will be more consistent.

I heart foo_dsp_delta!

Reply #67
I just tried this plugin and it is very useful with files that have a muffled sound or lack clarity.
That's probably why people find it enhance the sound.

It's less useful with already crystal clear sounding music as it would make it more metallic.
In fact the settings of the plugin should be different for each album for the better sound possible.

I can achieve pretty much the same effect by adjusting the high equalizer fader of my behringer console and adding som extra stereo field with the surround button.

I heart foo_dsp_delta!

Reply #69
look a few posts above

I heart foo_dsp_delta!

Reply #70
Just an idea, what about an updated foo_dsp_delta(or a new plugin that works with it) that reads the bitrate and type(mp3,vorbis,etc) of a track and adjusts the effect strength!
This way you wouldn't have to adjust the effect all the time, 0% for lossless codecs, 100% for 128kbps mp3s!
Think about it.

PS:Thanks for the plugin, i'm anxious to test it tomorrow that my new speakers arrive..

I heart foo_dsp_delta!

Reply #71
Hi guys and gals,

I think that the noise sharpening DSP is awesome. 

The other day I noticed something odd when I listened to this 20 to 20 sine sweep.  The sound became drastically altered near the end of the sweep.  Multiple tones and a sweeping, swooshing sound (it seemed).  Reminded me of Sci-Fi effects.  Well I cleared out my component list and put them back one-by-one.  The noise sharpening DSP is the only component that I could tell that caused those odd noises.  So I experimented with the settings.  50% seemed to be the highest I could go without making those sounds.

Does anyone know about this?  Is it my soundcard (ESS, cheap-o) or the DSP? 

The file I listened to is here: (Be ready to turn down the volume!)

I heart foo_dsp_delta!

Reply #72
I don't set it higher than 60% myself, The sound seem to get somewhat awkward after that. I'm on an even cheaper SoundBlaster Audigy Value! card.

I heart foo_dsp_delta!

Reply #73
Hi ssamadhi97:

Thank you for the "noise sharpening" DSP.  It's Excellent!!!  ...  Very crispy and clear!

I like it so much I wish I could use it when playing a DVD concert video without having to rip the dvd and play through foobar2000.

I wish the noise sharpening dsp could be compiled to be a plug-in with any dvd player of your choice. 
For example, like WinDVD, PowerDVD, VLC media player, or Media Player Classic...

Or, maybe there's a way to make it a codec filter or something that fits in there some how. 

Or, do I dare say, make foobar2000 able to play DVD's?  lol 

Just something on my wish list!  Thanks for listening...

XP pro sp2;
LynxTwo-B sound card analog out to Denon AVR-3805 to 5.1 Aperion speakers.  etc, etc...

I heart foo_dsp_delta!

Reply #74
60% eh?