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Topic: Columns UI (Read 4662874 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Columns UI

Reply #7925
Any chance for the following improvements? Image attached. Thanks in advance.

I just wanted to ask the same, but I think that padding space on the right of artwork is not needed too (in my design). I think you could add artwork align (right, center, left) and space in px. Currently that space is affected by chosen font type/size. I have monospace font and that space is large. Should not be affected by font at all.

Maybe you can also add frame for that small artwork, because white on white will have no seen edge.
Listen to WMRI...

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7926
Noticed an itty-bitty discrepancy with Dark Mode, unsure if it has been noted yet or not, but the Tab Stack panel still has Light Mode tab navigation buttons. It's possible that this asset appears in other situations too, but that's the only one I've noticed for now. Screenshot attached.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7927
It's been known about and fixed quite recently. People with github accounts can download the latest build from the actions section here...

Click the latest run and scroll to the bottom. Download inks will not be active for those who are browsing without being signed in.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7928
Message for music music:

I have installed columns ui beta 2. I have not seen a listing of the new features.

I have only detected the following concerning the dark mode:

- Image1
- Image2
- Image3 Still in light mode 

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7929
  • That one is actually handled by the core (foobar2000 itself), hopefully it'll get resolved there now you've highlighted it.
  • I'm not sure if you're highlighting this because it's changed or there's a problem. If there's a problem, please provide more detail.
  • Okay, evidently there are some dialogue boxes that haven't been darkened so thanks for the reminder. They'll be fixed for the final version of Columns UI 2.0.0 where possible.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7930
On Windows 11 22624.1465, Menu is always in light color mode

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7932
On Windows 11 22624.1465, Menu is always in light color mode

Try with this:
I tried, but the right-click menu is still light colored,

Under DUI, those menus can displayed in dark colored

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7933
There is a minimum version check for enabling dark mode menus and also a max version check.

edit: I've submitted a pull request to fix this.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7934
Hello! Thank you so much for ColumnsUI. I've been using it for over a decade.

I have a very minor request - please add the option to always show the scrollbar in the playlist contents. I need the scrollbar to be there for the columns to have the same position as in the Queue Contents Editor (list) I have just below it. I also need to leave auto-resize on for when I change the window size, so just setting static sizes for all of the columns won't work for me.

Thank you for reading.
Think millionaire, but with cannons.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7936
Could someone please help me find a height and top coordinate for the area that is shown in this photo? (Marked in light blue)

A rough estimate is fine.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7938
I get 2139, 1156px

I'm just wondering how I would apply that to a "$sub..." (for example) style string.


Re: Columns UI

Reply #7939
I guess I only have myself to blame for answering a non Columns UI question in the Columns UI thread.

But now you really should bog off and post in whatever thread you think might be vaguely related to whatever it is you're trying to do. Native Columns UI is not it.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7940
There's no need to be snotty, Marc. If this isn't the thread to answer a Columns UI question then where pray tell do you think I should post it to?

Edit...Ok, so I probably should have seeked out a more specific thread like Panel Splitter, but there are better ways to direct me there than to use a PISS OFF euphemism.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7941
Is there any way to have two playlist views in Columns UI - so you can view two different playlists at once - and lock one of them to a specific playlist?
Think millionaire, but with cannons.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7943
Awesome! Thank you for the lead. I will look into those.
I just realized you said they are third-party playlists. That actually won't work for me.
Thanks anyway, though.
Think millionaire, but with cannons.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7944
Noticed an itty-bitty discrepancy with Dark Mode, unsure if it has been noted yet or not, but the Tab Stack panel still has Light Mode tab navigation buttons. It's possible that this asset appears in other situations too, but that's the only one I've noticed for now. Screenshot attached.

Found another more obscure instance of Light Mode navigation buttons persisting in Dark Mode: in the show/hide columns menu for the Playlist View. You'd of course need a lot of custom columns before these arrows would appear... >_>

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7945
Hmm, good spot. Unfortunately, hacking the menu to fix that is going to be very difficult (if at all possible).

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7946
I posted this in the v2.0 beta bugs thread, but it looks like the issue is with ColumnsUI. Highlights and scrollbars in dropdown menus in the main toolbar at the top appear as light mode even when using dark mode. Screenshot included. Issue persists in beta 35.
Think millionaire, but with cannons.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7947
Issue persists in beta 35.

Fixes in fb2k itself don't apply here.  :P
Columns UI code is hand written by musicmusic and there is no dependency on fb2k for its appearance. Remember it supports dark mode on fb2k 1.6 and the first implementation pre-dated fb2k 2.0 by many months.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7948
I'll check next week what can be done about that, thanks.

FWIW foobar2000/Default UI dark mode is a bit older than Columns UI dark mode (it just wasn't public at the time).

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7949
Why is dark mode available in the default theme of foobar2000 on Windows ver. 1909, but not in Column UI?
Please address this issue if possible. Thank you in advance.