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Topic: Columns UI (Read 4751695 times) previous topic - next topic
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Columns UI

Reply #25
It looks very good already but it needs some work, e.g. trying to add a new column crashes it... The status bar font also should be separately configurable.

Where did you foobar .7.7c?  I didn't even know that version existed 

Columns UI

Reply #26
It looks very good already but it needs some work, e.g. trying to add a new column crashes it... The status bar font also should be separately configurable.

Where did you foobar .7.7c?  I didn't even know that version existed 

It's ready but ca5e is away just now so no installer can be made.  That's what I understand anyway.

Columns UI

Reply #27
Win98SE bug here.

It seems that I cannot manually (though by database search it works) add files with "national" characters:

Björk - I've Seen It All
Brücken, Claudia - Kiss Like Ether [Earth Mood Magic]
Jørgensen, C. V. - Ude Af Sync

Being prime examples.

Columns UI

Reply #28
QUOTE (juglesh @ Jan 24 2004, 08:59 PM)
when i resize the columns, the pl goes back to the top and the scroll handle sticks where it was until it click it, then it goes to the top. same if i sort the columns.

Seems OK for me, can you explain more? When you sort, the playlist core will scroll to the item with focus. I fixed one bug with scrollbar which would occur when sorting, please tell me if its ok with current version.

its ok with current vers. with older vers, the pl would scroll up to the top of the list, but the scroll handle would 'stick' wherever it was until you would click it to drag it, then it would jump up to the top of the scroll column. anyway, fixed now, thanks.

i also dont know what's up with your menu, i can probably fix it anyway.

same in current vers.  not a problem, though.

current vers has glitchy vis. vis is ok when playing but freezes on stop(actually kinda cool) and sometimes when stopped is all kinda garbled.  again, not a big deal.
QUOTE (juglesh @ Jan 24 2004, 08:59 PM)
will it be possible to sort by artist, then album?

Whilst unintendedly, you already can (click album column, then artist columns). Not to mention you can set custom strings for sorting already.

well, clicking the two columns didnt work for me, but i figured out the custom sorting, and it works great, thanks.
QUOTE (juglesh @ Jan 24 2004, 08:59 PM)
umm...where's the play buttons?

I think you're confused, those are in the standard ui. If you meant are you going to add buttons, yes, someday.

well, yeah i was a bit confused that a media player didnt have a PLAY button!!    doesnt really matter, i have buttons on my keyboard and kb shortcuts.

thanks alot, this ui may be replacing my std ui!!  thanks for all the work you do on your pluggins, i use 'em alot.

Columns UI

Reply #29
Some thoughts and suggestions:

-Setting custom string under Artist to "%artist%|%album%|$num(%tracknumber%,2)" lets me keep my tracknumbers for each album in order, which I like. However, is there a way to sort ascending if I click on the column twice? Sometimes it's nice to have

-Selecting works ok, but dragging up doesn't deselect as it should.

-Scrolling with a wheel mouse doesn't work.

-Could you add the normal menus and the play buttons back? I miss them.

-Make it more like WinXP's details view, with the selected column a different color and a little arrow indicating the direction it's being sorted. Also, I know you set this in the prefs, but I'd be kinda nice to be able to drag the columns around in the main GUI like Windows can.

-Very minor issue, but the Playback order toolbar should have a minimum size that corresponds to the longest item, like the default UI.

Columns UI

Reply #30
Where did you foobar .7.7c?  I didn't even know that version existed 

I found it here.
Always defragment your MP3s to avoid subtle lack in harmonics.

Columns UI

Reply #31
apparently taskbar balloon tip on song change is not working with foo_ui_columns...

Columns UI

Reply #32
apparently taskbar balloon tip on song change is not working with foo_ui_columns...

Because this feature is part of the default GUI.

Columns UI

Reply #33

thanks, fixed

Win98SE bug here.

It seems that I cannot manually (though by database search it works) add files with "national" characters:

Björk - I've Seen It All
Brücken, Claudia - Kiss Like Ether [Earth Mood Magic]
Jørgensen, C. V. - Ude Af Sync

Being prime examples.

thanks, not related to win 98 but fixed

current vers has glitchy vis. vis is ok when playing but freezes on stop(actually kinda cool) and sometimes when stopped is all kinda garbled.  again, not a big deal.

Is ok here (except wrong colour when foobar first starts), but i will look into improving it.

Some thoughts and suggestions:

-Setting custom string under Artist to "%artist%|%album%|$num(%tracknumber%,2)" lets me keep my tracknumbers for each album in order, which I like. However, is there a way to sort ascending if I click on the column twice? Sometimes it's nice to have

-Selecting works ok, but dragging up doesn't deselect as it should.

-Scrolling with a wheel mouse doesn't work.

-Could you add the normal menus and the play buttons back? I miss them.

-Make it more like WinXP's details view, with the selected column a different color and a little arrow indicating the direction it's being sorted. Also, I know you set this in the prefs, but I'd be kinda nice to be able to drag the columns around in the main GUI like Windows can.

-Very minor issue, but the Playback order toolbar should have a minimum size that corresponds to the longest item, like the default UI.

1. Done in alpha 5 in right click menu

2. I copied behaviours from default ui, but was slightly broken in. in alpha 5 press space to deselect the current item then when you goback it will deselect them

3. Currently only support is probably from mouse drivers itself (?) I dunno, it works here w/ intelli point 4.1 or something, i may add built in support later (?)

4. Drag/drop columns - maybe. Arrows - maybe, but it would have to be cleared when items are added to playlist/removed/moved because sort order would be diff. Selected column - there isnt one.

5. Fixed in alpha 5.

apparently taskbar balloon tip on song change is not working with foo_ui_columns...

Because this feature is part of the default GUI.

Yes, will be added later.

alpha 5

- fixed files added via drag & drop sent in ansi encoding not utf8
- minimised flickering of tabs playlist switcher, status bar when resizing
- double clicking columns divider now takes account of any colour codes in your formatting strings
- changed way columns are sorted when clicking on them
- added context menu for header with descending sort option
- added optional middle clicking for tabs
- fixed item height setting set to 0 when entering prefs
- fixed some mouse selection behaviours
- playback order dropdown minimun width set to width of widest name
- some improvements to rebar


Does anyone have any requests for columns. I plan to add the following
- Left/centre/rigth align,emt
- Playlist filters (Hide column on playlists named.., Show columns only on playlists named...)

These will break config compatibillity so if anyone has any suggestions please share them.

Columns UI

Reply #34
Very cool, works with w2k + sp4 now
anyway, i did notice a few things, colors in scripts don't seem to work, i know there a little box there for adding colors, but it's not very flexible, i use different colors for bitrate and such....
like this:
//bitrate stuff

Also, i'm not quite sure of the $pad_right(), $pad() and such features, are they working like they do in the normal iu ?

But my my scrollwheel on the mouse ain't working!

And what is the "use custom title spec for sorting by column" ? give an example on it plz

EDIT: oh, and the sorting is kinda nuts on the lenght  (i guess we need natural sorting or something like that)

EDIT2: Also, the the dropdown thingy (playmode, default,shuffle, whatever...) does not show, it does not drop down....

Also, a save config thingy like foo_syfm would be awsome

Columns UI

Reply #35
With alpha 5, the right-click menu doesn't work anymore
Always defragment your MP3s to avoid subtle lack in harmonics.

Columns UI

Reply #36
Right click context menu items now not working in main playlist & "enable middle clicking for tabs" won't stay checked (even though it keeps working).


[span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%']Tri beat me to the first one![/span]

Columns UI

Reply #37
Does anyone have any requests for columns.

I think this UI is great. This is a minor thing, but since you asked, how difficult would it be to truncate with an ellipsis character ("…") when the text is too big to fit in the column?  A nice extra on top of this would be a tooltip that pops up showing you the full text when you mouse over it.

Columns UI

Reply #38
Very cool, works with w2k + sp4 now
anyway, i did notice a few things, colors in scripts don't seem to work, i know there a little box there for adding colors, but it's not very flexible, i use different colors for bitrate and such....
like this:

//bitrate stuff

Also, i'm not quite sure of the $pad_right(), $pad() and such features, are they working like they do in the normal iu ?

But my my scrollwheel on the mouse ain't working!

And what is the "use custom title spec for sorting by column" ? give an example on it plz

EDIT: oh, and the sorting is kinda nuts on the lenght  (i guess we need natural sorting or something like that)

EDIT2: Also, the the dropdown thingy (playmode, default,shuffle, whatever...) does not show, it does not drop down....

Also, a save config thingy like foo_syfm would be awsome

rectangle & tri: thanks, both fixed (redownload, still marked alpha 5)

1. You can use colour codes in the string, its working fine here. You can also use tab char's the same way you would with standard ui.

2. pad stuff, If you use a fixed width font probably

3. custom sort spec is the spec to use for sorting when clicking on the columns, the box underneath is where you put the spec  so you could put $num() there and avoid natural sorting

4. working here but was giving me wierd problems before, will look into it

5. I will add import/export tools when things are a bit for finalised

Columns UI

Reply #39
My post got cut off somehow 

Tri & rectangle: both fixed, redownload (still marked alpha 5)

edit: oh i typed in the wrong place, nevermind

Columns UI

Reply #40
Also, ONE color property for all fields would be usefull (as an option)
and perhaps a singe place where i could paste thing like color definitions so i don't have to do that in every single window

like this:


Columns UI

Reply #41
Does anyone have any requests for columns. I plan to add the following
- Left/centre/rigth align,emt

yes, please.  be great to have right align. any columns you have right aligned should stick to the right no matter the window size. 

also, what would be great is if you could specify that a column would be 'unsqueezeable', that is, if you resize other columns, unsqueezable columns would not change size.  could make colums unexpandable, too. ie, if you squeeze other column, this column will not expand.

you could also specify certain columns to be the first (2nd, 3rd, etc) one squeezed.  maybe specify that a column would be the first to squeez, but only squeeze down to x characters or pixels.  and make columns last(2nd, 3rd, etc) to squeez.

specify column to be the first(2nd, 3rd, etc) one expanded when others are squeezed.  set max and min pixels and/or % for column width.

truncate with an ellipsis character ("…") when the text is too big to fit in the column? A nice extra on top of this would be a tooltip

i like this, too.  what about individual horizontal scroll bars for all (or specified) columns.  if x characters are truncated, show horizontal scroll bar.

thanks for your time,

--oh, could you please post the url for your site? (musicmusic) maybe list it in your profile. thx

Columns UI

Reply #42
getting better and better .. good job.

you changed from the right pane of playlists to tabs .. can you make it an option to use either?

Columns UI

Reply #43
This is small feature, but is it possible statusbar to update instantly when moving the playing "slider".

hope you understand...

Columns UI

Reply #44
And another request: could you make the playlist 3D instead of flat look?

Columns UI

Reply #45
Looking good

Columns UI

Reply #46
I like it, I like it!!!

-Have a separate font setting for the playlist and the column names
-Adopt the seekbar from the default UI, or at least make "instant seeking" an option

Keep up the good work! As soon as someone thinks out how to use upNorth's formatting string, or something like that for foo_columns, I'm in'
Life is Real...
(But not in audio :) )

Columns UI

Reply #47
what about individual horizontal scroll bars for all (or specified) columns.  if x characters are truncated, show horizontal scroll bar.

There must be a reason why I haven't seen this before. Just imagine how awful it would look...

Columns UI

Reply #48
what do you mean foosion?

Since this dll is still in it's alpha stage, it still has some problems when it comes to resizing. The columns aren't smart enough (yet) to adjust their width automatically. A horizontal scroll bar is a good idea for interim releases.. but once all the bugs are ironed out, it won't be neccessary.

[edit:// question about avatar]

I absolutely love those avatars that feature nes/snes characters. Can you suggest a site that provides guides on how to create one?

Columns UI

Reply #49
Since this dll is still in it's alpha stage, it still has some problems when it comes to resizing. The columns aren't smart enough (yet) to adjust their width automatically. A horizontal scroll bar is a good idea for interim releases.. but once all the bugs are ironed out, it won't be neccessary.

I don't think horizontal scroll bars for individual columns are good (not even as interim solution) since they a) are non-standard, b) look IMHO ugly (especially when there is an additional scroll bar because the window is too narrow to show all columns), and c) aren't any easier to code than auto-resizing columns.

I absolutely love those avatars that feature nes/snes characters. Can you suggest a site that provides guides on how to create one?

Sorry, I don't know any sites for this. Just make a screenshot in an emulator and use an image editing tool to remove the background, etc. MS Paint should do, but it isn't all that great.